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Betty couldn't find any words to describe the feel of his lips on hers. The moment had been so unexpected, but her lips didn't hesitate to kiss him back with the same passion. Her arms reflectively enveloping themselves around his undraped torso holding him tight, space between them didn't exist as their bodies draped in each other. Pulling away to get oxygen in her lungs, Betty panted against his chest. The things this man made her feel were unexplainable and unimaginable.

How could one touch make her feel weak in the knees remained a mystery to her.
Leo: I feel like I'm going crazy.
She felt like she was going crazy as well. She knew that the physical attraction between them was major. She just hoped it didn't extend to something more than that. Falling in love with the man was not on her healing list of things.

Betty: Excuse me.
She pulled away from him, like she had been stung by a bee. Her limps hurriedly shoved her to the walk in closet, shutting the door after that. She leaned against the door. Clucthing her rapidly beating heart.
Betty: Jesus why is my heart beating so fast.
She hastily blinked, trying to gain composure of herself. It was probably rude and might have hurt his feelings to walk away from him like that. Especially after he had sorta expressed his feelings to her.

But this was Leo, he hardly got hurt. The man was a steel. Or at least that's what she tried to convince herself with. Deep down she knew, no matter who a person was like on the outside and probably on the inside too, they had emotions. Their feelings also got hurt at some point. It was what she believed her entire life. She had so much trust in people. Trusted that there was good in everyone. The kind of person she was didn't make her weak but it's what everyone around her had her believe

It was such a miracle for her to still have hope, and trust values, considering the kind of people she grew up with. Her parents, her sister and her ex boyfriend/ fiance. Then how did she not bring herself to hope that Leo could love her, take care of her like she deserves to. Why can't she trust that he will be good to her, against the odds of how they got to be. She wouldn't dwell much on this, right now wasn't the time to think too much about Leo. Getting dressed and preparing for dinner.


Lisa: I think you should invite Mbali over for dinner tonight.
She started, putting a lid over the pot of rice she was cooking. She turned and sat in front of him on the kitchen island. She knew this topic was a little more sensitive on his side. But he couldn't delay this any longer. It wasn't about him alone, Mbali was part of this sick fate as well. And they needed to build a solid relationship between them.
Snakes: Yeah, I just don't know how to approach this.
He pursed his lips, taking a glance at Ronnie who was playing a game with his phone on his lap.

Lisa took ahold of his free hand. Watching them closely with a small smile.
Lisa: Just give her a call, I'm sure she'd appreciate it.
He unconsciously played with her fingers that stayed intertwined with his. His eyes on hers, she felt a smile creep on her face as he nodded.
Snakes: Tonight?
Lisa: Yes, Mndeni tonight.
He mouthed okay, his eyes leaving hers and finding Ronnie. Oblivious to her parents the little girl focused solely on not being caught by the police officer chasing the boy Subway surf.

Snakes: Borrow me that will you princess?
Ronnie shook her head, not even looking at him. Lisa watched with amusement as a thought came to mind. The two of them were so alike in more ways than one. His habits were showing off on Ronnie. She loved how he looked perplexed every time he encountered a new habit of his on Ronnie. It was fun to see him at loss with words. Now it was his time to tolerate that annoying part of him on someone else.
Snakes: Give it Veronica, Daddy needs to make a call.
Ronnie: Use mommy's phone.
Snakes: Child! I want to use my phone, give it.

Ronnie: You gonna make me yose, use her phone.
She threw back at him, leaving him gaping, a fish would make a run for its money against him. Snakes shook his head, lost at words. Ronnie didn't even pay him any mind, continuing with her game.
Lisa: Here, use mine.
She sneekered, her hands going to her back pocket and taking out the phone. He gladly took it, sending her a playful glare.


Mbali: Lungile give me that, how many times do I have to tell you that no phones are allowed during dinner!
She scolded, but it wasn't in a hush tone. But judging from how quickly Lungi shoved the phone under the table, her words were firm.
Snakes: How do you do that?
Mbali: Do what?
They were now seated in the big table. Various foods displayed for everyone to choose from. Clearly Lisa had gone all the way out when Mbali had agreed to come for dinner with her family as well.

Snakes: How do you make him listen to you? Ronnie's so stuck on that thing, I can't even use it anymore.
Mbali: Explains why you called me from your wife's phone.
The clacking of utensils fainter against the voices that conversed in lightly on the table.
Sanele: Buy her her own. At least that's what I did.
Snakes found himself feeling a little dumb now. How he didn't think of buying her her own cellphone was stupid of him.

Keeping his emotions to himself. He wasn't about to look more foolish by showing how stupid he was in the first place. Sanele's stares said 'i know you feel stupid'. It made him feel more irritated. He always knew him so well, even when they were kids. He was the one who always welcomed him and made him feel at home. When Mr Nkosi Senior took him in after he found him on the streets, he also found brothers. They had been with him through it all.

The conversation flowed around as everyone continued to eat. Laughs here and there. Scoldings thrown to the two mischievous kids who had already abandoned their food and decided to play with their phones on the floor. After dinner, everyone relocated to the sitting room. Lisa poured everyone wine, except for Mbali. Lisa and Mbali spoke about the wedding plans and everything related. Snakes and Sanele spoke about business and new clients coming in. Till late that everyone had to leave.

Walking the couple to the door, Snakes took ahold of Mbali's hand and pulled her back.
Snakes: I'm glad you came little one.
Mbali nodded, giving her older brother a hug. Snakes welcomed her warm hug. Sighing inaudibly, he put his chin on her head.
Snakes: I love you okay, and I want you to know I'll do anything for you. Nothing has changed between us- well except now I get to make Sanele's life a living hell for banging my sister.
Mbali's laughed filled his heart with joy. It wasn't much but it was a start of their relationship and it just warmed her heart to know he was willing to build what little their parents created between them. It wasn't late for them to try, it was never too late.

Mbali: I have a four year old child with the man, two more to come by the way, in case you didn't notice.
She pulled away, pointing at her growing belly. Mbali thought it was absurd for the man make such remarks when she and Sanele were so far from that kind of stage in their lives where Snakes could try be the enduring big brother.
Mbali: And I'm marrying the man.
Snakes: You not married to him yet- ye wena san (hey boy) I ban you from shagging my sister till you say I do.
He yelled at Sanele who was strapping Lungelo on his seat. Sanele gave him the middle finger after shutting the door of the backseat.

Mbali whacked Snakes' chest with the back her hand.
Snakes: I meant what I said.
Mbali: Hao, mina (I am) I'm a very pregnant and very hormonal woman. I can't live without sex-
Snakes: Yeah no, I don't wanna hear about your sex life and how big bafo's dick is.
Mbali brows furrowed, confused as to what he meant then. Snakes grabbed her face, kissing her forehead.
Snakes: Call me anytime if you need anything okay.
Mbali: Okay.
She cutely smiled planting her face on his chest.

It felt nice to be in his arms. She felt somewhat safe.

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