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Leo watched as Betty slept peacefully on the settee of Snakes' private jet. He was drawn to her, her innocence intrigued him more. He wasn't used to such. All the women who had been in his life previously were nothing compared to her. She was different, enchanting and he wanted nothing more than to explore this unfamiliar woman. Since the first day he had laid his eyes on her he had decided that she was something to explore. Something to be made his.

He watched as she took steady breaths. She looked rather uncomfortable with the way she was sleeping. One wrong move and she would fall from the sofa. Before his mind could register what his body was doing he had already been next to her. Just in time as her head leaned to the side, landing on his shoulder. His body tensed. Another thing he couldn't comprehend, whenever he shared physical touch with her.

His head turned to look at the woman sleeping on his shoulder. Her few strands falling on her face, creating a barricade between his eyes and her beautiful face. His hand yearned to remove them. He needed to see her face, he just couldn't get enough of her. Removing the hair from her face. He tugged it behind her ear. His fingers caressed her soft skin.

She must've felt him, as her eyes slowly opened. He didn't remove his hand, hypnotized by her charm. Leo found himself staring at her brown eyes as she stared back at him seemingly in a daze. It was like she also felt this pull between them and couldn't remove her own eyes from him. He hadn't even realized that his hand was still plastered on her face.

For someone who has been through a lot of things, she sure did look perfect. What did he expect, a broken woman? A demsel in distress maybe. But she looked perfectly fine or she was just that good at hiding her emotions. A thought that maybe she might just be strong enough to take any stone thrown at her did come to mind. What was it about this woman that had his cold heart beating out of it's ribcage.


It felt as if she had been in a daze. The moment she had opened her eyes, they had gotten captured by dark ones. Her mind didn't recognize that she had been sleeping on his shoulder. How did she end up there? It was like everytime she interacted with the man, Betty was getting pulled more to him. But then again, she would have to interact with him more now that she was in his possession. What happened now? What will he do with her? A lot of questions were spiralling in her head.

Betty: Why did you buy me?
She sat up straight. Never taking her eyes from him, she waited for his reasoning for taking her away from her family. Maybe she didn't phrase the question correctly, but it was the only way to go about it, plus it was the truth. Why was he doing this? She watched as he got up, sitting across from her. Leo leaned back on his seat, his gaze falling on the window.
Leo: I'm still trying to figure it out. I'll be sure to inform you when I do.  
Betty was fascinated by how unconsciously his finger grazed his lips. One of his arm had rested on the armrest.

She watched his mouth move. She had to admit that he was a very handsome man. He had strong features as well. His full lower lip, a tint of red. The stubbled jawline. The slightly crooked nose. His sunken dark eyes. She loved how his hair always seemed to be perfectly gelled back, not a single strand falling out. Her mind had to register that his mouth was moving, clearly saying something.

How embarrassing of her to zone out. Specifically admiring the same man she was bound to resent. But she hadn't been able to help it, he was a good looking man. Any girl in her situation would drool over this Gods great creation.
Leo: We'll be landing soon, we have a wedding to attend.
A wedding? As if a train of concerns had invaded her mind. She recalled that today, the same day she was supposed to be getting married was her best friend's wedding.

She was sure that it was over by now. People were at the reception probably. She didn't believe she had missed Lisa's wedding ceremony. Looking down at her dress, a sense of sorrow engulfed her. She was still in her wedding dress, sitting in a jet. It was safe to say she looked like a runaway bride. What was to become of her life now? Will she be his prisoner till he figured out the reason why he did it? She only hoped he wouldn't ship her to Italy.

Leo: Buckle up.
Her thoughts invaded by his deep, thick accented voice. She sighed, but not loud enough nor visible enough to be noticed. Not knowing how to operate the belt, Betty clumsily fidgeted with the strings. Frustrated after several attempts, she huffed already giving up. She felt a strong sense of wood like fragrance. The same scent her noses had gotten used to for the past few hours.

Glancing up, Betty was met with dark eyes staring right into hers. He was too close up for her comfort. His hands finding their way to her waist, she didn't move to stop him, rather just waited to see what he was doing.
Leo: Incompetent.
The belt clicked, tighting around her dainty body. She yelped slightly still staring into his eyes. Yes she didn't know how to work around a seatbelt of a jet. But that hadn't made her incompetent. He was rather too rude. Maybe it was his character, ever being so blatant with people, or was it just her? She wondered.

Leo moved to his own seat. He sauntered like he hadn't just insulted her a minute ago. He was dominant. Betty couldn't help but feel, warm? She didn't know how to describe the feeling. But his ego, his pride and confidence suited him. It made him look strong, sharp and powerful. Her mind was playing tricks with her. One minute it's against his whole persona and the next it was fascinated. Maybe her mind was against it, just her hormones that had other judgments.

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