Insert 11

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Mbali: So how's prison vele?
Sanele: Don't answer that at all.
Mbali glared at him, while Que just laughed and sat back in his chair. They had been introduced and gotten along. Que had disclosed to everyone that he got a ride coming here, from Snakes, at the mention of his name, Lisa had choked literally on her drink, the burning sensation of the alcohol not doing her any justice as well.
Mbali: Are you okay babes?
Lisa nodded, clutching to her chest, she got up and attempted to go drink water instead, it had seemed that the beverage was only adding to her struggles.

As she coughed her way to the house from the patio, without looking where she was headed, her fragile small body had collided with a hard wall, rather someone.
Lisa: Sorry-
She hadn't even finished her amends when her eyes caught similar brown orbs looking at her with the same expression of shock. Her emotions swam all over, contentment, love, confusion, fear and any other kind of emotions was meandering between them.
Snakes: Monalisa?
Lisa: Mndeni?

Their voices had been just above whispers, only for them to hear as they stood before each other staring at one another, each one of them trying to savor the moment, as if they didn't believe that they were finally here

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Their voices had been just above whispers, only for them to hear as they stood before each other staring at one another, each one of them trying to savor the moment, as if they didn't believe that they were finally here. Snakes hands itched to grab her and hug her, kiss her senseless just as much as his heart desired. Monalisa couldn't handle the wave of tension between them, her legs carried her to the kitchen, away from the preying eyes of the man who she had last seen three years ago.

As if she had forgotten how to breathe, when she found the empty kitchen she breathed out loud, clutching the beating heart that seemed to beat out of it's ribcage. It was pounding in her chest, only one man could have that kind of effect on her, her hands seemed to sweat as she used her dress to wipe them. She leaned to the counter with her hands and closed her eyes, hoping that the feelings she had suppressed for him to stay still but her heart had it's own mind. Every single feeling she had ever felt for him, every kind of love roamed all over her body, jolts of butterflies swam in her stomach.

Lisa: Oh my god.
Snakes: I had to make sure my mind wasn't playing tricks on me.
Her heart stopped beating for a minute at his husky and deeper voice, it still made her panties damp. She whipped her head to look at the source of the voice, seeing him leaning against the door, his hands in his pockets with that sexy smirk she had missed so much.
Snakes: Well, hello my love.
Lisa: Snakes.

She averted her eyes somewhere else than his own that seemed to drink her in. Snakes suppressed the urge to pin her against the refrigerator and fuck her until she moaned his name other than the one that sounded like poison to him. Instant he leaned forward and walked closer to her, standing right in front of her as she stood next to the counter watching his every move. It now felt like deja vu to her, the kitchen, his powerful strides towards her except this time she wasn't married and she wouldn't for the love of her life kiss him at all.

Lisa: W-what's happening?
Snakes: You still as beautiful as the first day I met you, if not more.
She looked away, because each word he uttered had an effect on her body, it lit flames that ran through her body. Even if she tried to look away, she couldn't help but look back at him, he truly had grown bigger and taller, he was more manlier now, not that he wasn't before but he looked more handsome with his hair curly as always and trimmed well, his five o'clock shadow prominent as well as his lips with a tint of purple.

Snakes: You back.
It sounded more like a statement rather than a question, as if he couldn't believe it, that his love was right here before him after all these years. The woman drew him closer everytime, like a moth drawn to a flame.
Lisa: Uhm, excuse me.
She left the kitchen like a volt of lightning, Snakes snatched his eyes shut and breathed in her lingering scent.
Snakes: I would be damned.
Just as he had seen her walk out, his eyes caught sight of the same kid from earlier.

Remembering their conversation, his lips twitched, she was giggling and running around with Lungi, he wondered who's kid was that. He hadn't even gone to greet everyone else after his encounter with Lisa but he didn't care. If he wanted he would just leave without seeing anyone, he had seen enough and was content even though her face had been memorized in his mind, sketched and shaded with perfection. Tattooed in his heart.

While lost in thoughts, he didn't see the little girl approach him until she was tapping on his leg. He looked down and frowned at her, she looked at him with a small smile on her face. He had to admit that the kid looked familiar, but to whom, he didn't know.
Snakes: What?
He asked with a scowl, he hadn't cursed, well not in front of her so what was her deal now?
Ronnie held her hands up for him to pick her up. Snakes looked at her with a raised eyebrow. She mimicked his movements, sighing he lifted her up and put her on the counter in front of him.

Something about her made him want to obey to her every demand, she intrigued him and as much as he denied it, she was the first child he had interest in. Ronnie touched his face, soothing his forehead. He felt relaxed in her touch. He felt like it was something that was supposed to be normal for her to do.
Ronnie: Fwowing will give you wwinkles, and then you'll look old and ugly slick man.
She said after rubbing the lines of frown on his face.
Snakes: You doing a bad job at watching me.
Ronnie: Why, I saw you looking lonely and I came to talk to you, see I'm wasching you.
Snakes: I don't think you understand the meaning of watching someone.

Snakes challenged the little girl who crossed her arms with a pout, he had to admit she was cute with her braided hair flailing whenever she spoke or made any head gestures.
Snakes: And I wasn't lonely. Also stop calling me that.
Ronnie: You so were.
Snakes: Were not.
Ronnie: Were to.
Snakes: Why am I talking to you?
The man asked incredulously as she stared at the girl who looked unfazed by his words
Ronnie: Look slick man, if you don't have fwiends, it's okay to admit to being lonely, I'm always lonely at school, no one wants to be my fwiend and I get teased a lot.

Snakes' heart clutched at the thought of the little girl he didn't know being all by herself with no friends. He had too heard what she said about him not having friends, if only she knew.
Snakes: Why don't you have friends, you just a kid.
Ronnie: Why don't you have fwiends? You just an old man.
Snakes' eyes widened at her statement, he wasn't old as a matter of fact he was the opposite of what she said. Handsome too, he thought.

Snakes: Touche. And kid, I don't have friends, I have enough family to make friends
Ronnie: I only have my mother and aunty Betty, it gets lonely sometimes, when I go to school and kids leave me out of games. But my mommy told me that I shouldn't twy hard to make people like me, it'd only push them away.
Snakes: Your mommy sounds like a wise woman.
Ronnie grinned at the mention of her mother. Snakes saw the twinkle in her eyes at the mention of her mother.
Ronnie: She's the best, she is a super human.

Snakes looked at her confused before asking what she meant to which she explained leaving him stunned and amused.
Ronnie: My mommy works a lot, cooks nice food and plays with me too, she tells me I'm her best fwiend, I see my mommy as a superhuman for all the things she does
Snakes: How old are you?
He couldn't help it, she was so smart for her own good and she didn't look at nothing more than 4 and her mouth!
Ronnie: I'm thwee, soon I'll be like this
She puts up five fingers to convince the man that she wasn't so little.
Snakes: You mean you'll be like this?
He put up four fingers to correct her.
Ronnie: Yeah that!

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