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Lisa's pov

Well fuck! My heart is beating so fast I can hear it thumping and I'm pretty sure everyone on this table can. As soon as I left the kitchen I ran back to the patio, Sino looked at me with a questioning gaze, I brushed her off until she nudged me on my shoulder, I side glanced her with a frown on my face because she pinched me too hard.
Me: What!?
Sino: You saw him didn't you, where is he?
Me: Who are you talking about?
She gives me the 'don't play around with me' look. I sigh and nod my head towards the direction of the kitchen.

She looks at that way, her eyes go wide, I don't know if it's because of what I just told her or- I feel his aura and eyes at the back of my head. I guess now I know what she was shocked about. I don't dare turn, afraid that if I do I'll just melt in his chocolate brown eyes. And I don't want to melt people. Stupid sexy brown eyes.
Siya: The hell you've been man?
Sanele: Yeah, we've been waiting for you.
I feel his eyes on me again, but this time I look at him, maybe because I wanted to hear what he wanted to say. Or use it as an excuse to look at him. The latter was winning.
Snakes: Got caught up.
He simply says, with his gaze fixated on me.

Now all eyes on me, I can just feel them with questioning looks. I blink twice and five times after that before clearing my throat.
Siya: I think I got pregnant, hell I think we all got knocked up.
Thankful for his stupidity for once as all eyes shift from me to him. I squirt my eyes with a frown. What I didn't expect was what was said next;
Que: I think I just orgasmed.
Siya and Que snicker at their jokes, cut from the same cloth. I think thought to myself.
Siya: Too much sexual tension up in this place.
Snakes: You have two kids, but I feel sorry for your wife as she has to take care of three kids.

Siya throws a napkin across with a aim of hitting Snakes. Soon people are consumed in different conversations, I too try to focus on what Mbali is saying but it's hard with him staring at me like I'll disappear into thin air.
Me: Excuse me.
Betty: You alright?
Me; Uhh yeah, just need to use the bathroom I'll be back soon.
Betty nods with a small smile which I return. My sister is so annoying with her looks and her wiggling brows, honestly sometimes I feel like she enjoys watching me squirm.

I splash some few drops of water on my face. The way he has this effect on me and my body without any contact is incredibly insane. I'm about to step outside as I open the door but I halt in my steps.
Snakes: So that's how it is now?
Me: What is?
Snakes: You going to avoid me till when?
Me: Till the two months end.
I say with some confidence in my voice as I look up at him. He smirks and steps closer, I don't move.
Snakes: My love, do you hate me that much?
Me: No, I could never hate you, even if I could I wouldn't. Please move.

He does the opposite of what I say, instead of moving backwards he moves closer than before, entrapping me with his arms. Chest to chest with my head held up to look at his tall figure while he looks down at me.
Snakes: Then come back to me.
He says just above my lips, noses touching I gulp but don't say anything, afraid that if my lips move we'll be automatically kissing.

I pull back and look away from him. I push him back and walk past him.
Me: I can't.
I walk away, not wanting to break in front of him, seeing as my voice was already betraying me, why did he have to look at me like that, like I was the most precious thing in his life. I won't fall for his charms, I can't. I sniffle. I decide to go find my daughter as it is time to feed her. I find Ronnie trying to lift up Khalu, I smile at her struggling to pick him up.
Me: Ronnie!
I call out for her, her head snaps to my direction and she grins, her adventure long forgotten.

Me: Time to eat baby.
Ronnie claps and stomps to me as I lift her up with ease putting her on my hip. We go up the stairs where her food is packed in her travel bag. Opening the guest room and putting her on the bed, I take out her food out of the bag thankful it doesn't need to be heated and I start to feed her. She starts her everyday ramble.
Ronnie: I met a man today mommy, he was nice and pwetty too.
Me: Ha Ronnie, not even a boy, a man?
Ronnie: He was too tall to be a boy mommy.

Me: Really, what's his name then?
Ronnie: Slick man, I didn't ask him his name.
She pouts, I laugh at her and put spoonful of food in her mouth.
Me: Well how's he?
Ronnie: He's nice, plus he gave me money.
I think to anyone who's nice around these men in this mansion and my thoughts land to Siya, only him I know of not being socially awkward with kids.
Me: Ronnie what did I say about taking money from people.
Ronnie: But mommy he used a bad word.
Me: We only use that rule at home Veronica not with strangers.

Ronnie: He's not a stwanger he's my fwiend.
She looks away from me as if I just insulted her friend.
I sigh and put the empty container away, I cross my arms and look at her with a pout.
Me: Are you mad at me?
She doesn't say anything, I hold my ears with my hands and tilt my face to look at her.
She side looks at me, I see her lips twitch.
Me: Mommy's is asking for Ronnie's forgiveness.
She hugs me and kisses my cheek, my arms find her tiny body and I lift it up, swinging her around she giggles.

Ronnie: I love you mommy.
Me: I love you Ronnie!

I put her down and intertwine our fingers as we make our way downstairs with goofy smiles on our faces, and in that moment I thanked the lord for my child, my heart swells up at the sight of her smile, her laugh knowing she's happy because of me

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I put her down and intertwine our fingers as we make our way downstairs with goofy smiles on our faces, and in that moment I thanked the lord for my child, my heart swells up at the sight of her smile, her laugh knowing she's happy because of me. But I knew better, Ronnie needed her dad, my mind rewinds to the man she was talking about and I know she craves that fatherly love even though she won't say it.

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