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Lisa's pov

It's been a week since we moved from the hotel to my sisters home. I haven't heard anything about him, thankful that they had only spoken on the phone or Siya traveled to their side instead. I knew even though he didn't say it, he was doing it for me, giving me time to gather all the courage I had to face him and tell him about Ronnie.

Betty had been great help too, she got along with Mbali and Sino quite well. Speaking of Mbali, she had thrown a fit at finding out about Ronnie, it took a lot to calm her down, talking about Ronnie and Lungelo her son being best friends and making goals. At times I questioned her real reason for being mad. Because it sure didn't seem like she was mad that I kept the secret from her, because our kids didn't grow together. I mean Ronnie was only three and Lungelo five, maybe the age difference wasn't that much but when comparing a three year old with a five year old, you can clearly see the difference although it could have been a different story with adults since you can't see that much dissimilarity.

Today was the gathering of the whole squad to celebrate Mbali's engagement, and for us to actually reunite. To say I was nervous shitless. But at the same time yearned for my eyes to see his face, to see him as a whole. I had missed him so much I wouldn't deny it. My hands soothed the imaginary crease on my dress. I wore a ankle length cream colored maxi dress with sandals. I had Ronnie in jean shorts and a tee, also with sandals. Her hair was still in braids, I don't know how her reaction will be like upon meeting him for the first time, but I hope it isn't bad.


As we parked at Mbali's house, I saw cars already there. I wondered how many people had come here, last time I checked, it was just him and Siya. Me, Betty and Sino along with Siya. But I brushed it off and got off the car. My hair was straightened out and reached my jawline. Siya pushed the door open for us to go in. I could hear chatter coming from the back patio. We followed that, expecting to just meet his brown eyes as soon as I arrived but instead I was engulfed in a hug by Mbali, Sanele and little Lungelo. Mbali hugged everyone with smiles and greetings, her eyes found Ronnies and she looked up at me, and gulped conforming that he was here or still coming.

I shook my head at her in understanding. Although I was met with unfamiliar faces. A woman that looked to be in her late 20s sat in her loose pants and an oversized t-shirt. I smiled at her and sat down, Lungelo took Ronnie to play with her since they had grown fond of each other for the past days. Sino sat down with her baby in her hands, I swear that child was a mama's boy.

Mbali: Lisa, girl meet Thando, she's Ma'Rose older daughter, you remember Rose right?
Of course I remembered Rose, he was David's housekeeper, David being Mbali's dad but then I was confused to how they had known each other.
Mbali: We grew up together, but as years went by she left for college leaving us in high school, and now she works in a firm as an attorney. How cool is that?
She admired her friend and I smiled shaking her hand.
Me: Wow, that's incredibly, you must be so proud of yourself.
She smiled and nodded, a prideful look on her face.
Thando: It wasn't easy especially leaving high school alone, whereas these two remained behind, being on my own was hard since I had no friends then I graduated and now I'm here.

Sino: Talk about goals sis.
Me: Don't you have a degree in Arts and Design?
I asked with a chuckle, Sino rolled her eyes. It was funny how we all had degrees but we didn't work, some by choice, and others by compulsion. Sino had her degree but she was still holding off on work for now, she knows she could get a job or start an art gallery but Khalu happened and now she wants to rest a bit. Mbali had her Bachelor's degree in business as well, I don't know what her aim is but I knew that she was working on her life.

And as for me, well, I had my degree in psychology but life happened, Ronnie became my first priority in my life, finding a job was hard so I settled for what I could get which was a job at the cafe and some part time jobs here and there. All the while, Sanele and Siya had been engrossed in their conversation, while the girls were also chatting away, I missed this but one remained missing from the squad. It was frustrating how I both didn't want him here but also wanted to see him.


Snakes' pov

I park my car on the driveway, amongst the other cars, I immediately spot Siya's car and some unknown car. I get off, followed by Que. I hear her whistle besides me, probably fascinated by the huge mansion.
Que: This Sanele?
I nod at her shock state. When Mbali had planned a reunion I thought, how's this a reunion without her. I needed to see her just once, I was going insane without my woman.

Just as we were about to reach the patio, I got a call from Leonardo, I let Que go inside without me while I attended to the call. I walk back, taking the hallway to answer my call.
Me: Si? (Yeah?)
Leo: I can't make it to your family thing, rain check?
I had invited Leo to meet my family since he's been too eager and now he's bailing but I understand, he's mostly here on business not social.

Me: Everything alright?
Leo: Yeah, just need to finalize some things then I'm viewing the house.
Me: Alright, talk soon.
I hung up, pocketed my phone, just as I was about to turn, my leg kicked something. I looked down at the sudden contact, shit I kicked someone! A girl was standing in front of me, with glossy eyes, fuck don't cry.
Me: Uhh, shit look kid, I'm sorry just no tears alright?
The kid was not listening to me right now, I crouched to her level and tried to examine if she was fine or she was just acting extra.

Kid: You used a bad word, mommy says we should not use bad words or we put R5 in the swear jar, pay up.
I scrunched my face at this child in shock and mostly confusion. What the fuck?
Me: Were you not hurt just a second ago?
She crossed her arms and glared at me, well no shit.
Kid: Listen Mr, don't twy to get out of this, hm slick man.
Me: What the- what the hell did you call me?
Kid: That's R10, you swore again.
Wow, who's kid is this, she's definitely a new face to me, damn she's also talkative.
Me: Listen kid-
Kid: Ronnie, the name is Veronica.

Me: Okay, Veronica, I'm a very big man...
I emphasised the word big stretching my hands to put my point across that she's very very little to be talking to me like that. She furrowed her brows. So I continued.
Me: And you are a small uhm child, so small people don't talk back to big people.
I honestly don't know what I just said, but kids take whatever adults throw at them.
She seemed to be thinking, good I got to her-
Ronnie: So the money?
Or not, I sighed, reached at my back pocket for my wallet and took out R200 bucks and handed it over to big mouth.

Me: Here, now go play with your friends.
She gaped at the money on my hands, why is isn't taking the money I just gave her. She's just standing there looking at my hand. I snapped my fingers in front of her.
Ronnie: That's a lot of money slick man.
The damn name, I bit my tongue preventing me from lashing.
Me: Well, here's to all the curse words for today, trust me I'll be using a lot of bad words today.
Ronnie grinned and nodded snatching the money and putting it in her back pocket.
Ronnie: I'm wasching you slick man.
She ran off, she's so urgh. I wondered how old that kid really was.
Me: Don't call me that!
I said to no one in the empty hallway as she had already disappeared into nothing.

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