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Diego: Okay gentlemen, we split in three vehicles each one uses different entrances to block the Russian Mafia soldiers.
Muzi: The only way out is the main entrance, we all meet at the main entrance. Whoever gets to Leo first makes sure to evacuate the premises immediately and if you get trouble we have these devices...
Muzi gestured for one of his men pass on the bag full of earpieces to everyone.
Diego: Those are earpieces, make sure they on all the time for communication.

Everyone took stance and their guns to prepare for the war they were going into. The hideout premises of Leo in Russia was filled with both the Italian and African Mafia soldiers. Diego glanced at Muzi as he spoke, he licked his bottom lip in amusement. The man was handsome and he sure knew how to bark orders. He was going to make sure to make him his no matter what. But for now they had to save their Capo. He was grateful for Snakes when he contacted him and came with this plan to go rescue his Capo immediately after he had departed.

It was like the man knew that Leonardo wasn't going to allow anyone to accompany him hence he had planned this prior.
Muzi: The goal here is to get the Capone brothers to safety.
Diego: And kill Vladimir!
Everyone nodded in understanding and geared up. Diego and Muzi passed around bags filled with guns, grenades and bulletproof vests. Everyone separated, getting into three SUV vans. Diego stepped in front of Muzi as he was about to go to one of the cars.

Muzi raised his eyebrow in confusion.
Muzi: Problem?
Diego: You riding with me, on that.
He nodded to the black Mercedes Benz parked alone on the other side of the road.
Muzi: Sure.
Muzi didn't think much into it, as he shrugged and walked to the car. Diego shook himself out of his trance as he admired Muzi's back. The man was hot, and he oozed confidence. It was a pity they lived in different countries.


Leo groaned as he got hit by the bullet on the left shoulder, losing the grip he had on his gun. But that didn't stop him from fighting the man in front of him. He used his good arm to snap his neck and continue to walk to the door. He found the second entrance, about fifteen men stood there on guard and waiting for his move. He pulled the grenade, lifted the safety pin with his teeth, and threw the bomb in the middle as if exploded sending everyone flying backward.

He walked further and started to shoot the small gate till the lock broke and fell on the floor. He pushed the doors open and shot at anything that came his way. Leo ran back to his brother, used his right arm to lift him. Leone's arm draped around Leo's neck, as Leo supported him with his injured arm around Leone's torso. Leone kept on groaning in pain as they took steady steps.
Just as he was about to take another step closer to the gate, five more men appeared, surrounding the brothers. Leo cursed.

He had thought he killed everyone on that side but he was wrong. Vladimir's men lingered all over the mansion. The men pointed their guns at the two brothers who were breathing heavily. No matter what was going to happen, Leo knew he was going to protect his little brother just like he had promised his mother he would. He braced himself for the effect but it never came, instead, all the men dropped to the floor, with bullets on the heads. Leo looked around confused but when he saw his men and Snakes' men approaching him, he got his answer.

He chuckled, in disbelief and amusement. The men scattered around, killing everything that came their way. About four men helped Leo and Leone to the cars. Offering them cover, Leo wasn't even that injured except his shoulder and he sure didn't need cover.
1man: Seems like we arrived a little late Capo.
One of Snakes' men smiled as they kept shooting. Leo took out one of the guns from the back of his pants and contributed.
Leo: You were right on time.


Leo: Did you bring the Doctor?
Diego nodded, glancing over the rearview mirror at his boss who had Leone resting his head on his lap.
Diego: He's at the house.
Leo nodded, resting his head against the seat, he felt the pain kicking in on his shoulder.
Diego: We need to attend to that Capo.
Leo: I'm fine. I can't treat until I know Leone's going to be okay.
Diego knew better than to argue with the man. When it came to his family Leo didn't want to hear anything.

Diego kept driving till they reached the hideout. Everyone got out and helped Leo take his little brother to the basement. A doctor along with his two assistants was ready with stretchers for anyone that was injured. But fortunately, all of the men were not injured in any way except for Leo and his little brother. Leone was admitted and kept in safety. Leo got his wounded arm treated. They took out the bullet and covered up his arm. He wasn't allowed to use the arm for a couple of weeks.

Muzi took out his cigarette box and walked outside for a smoke. He pulled one cigarette and placed it on his lips. He patted his pants for a lighter and couldn't find one. Just as he was about to put the nicotine back to its box, Diego pulled a lighter and put it in front of his mouth. Muzi looked at him before putting back the cigarette between his lips. Diego lit it up and pocketed the lighter after.
Muzi: Skyf? (smoke?)
Muzi offered him a cigarette from his box after a while of standing in silence. Diego smirked and took the one Muzi was smoking instead.

Muzi: What the fuck?
Diego pulled at his cigarette and stepped to stand in front of Muzi directly, towering over him by an inch. He puffed the smoke on his face and smirked afterward.
Diego: I prefer the one that was between your lips.
He whispered, his breath fanning Muzi. Muzi welcomed the smell of nicotine mixed with mint. For some reason that made him hard. He didn't why but he wanted Diego closer than how he was now. Muzi took back his cigarette and rolled his eyes, looking anywhere but at Diego.

Muzi: What do you want?
Diego grabbed his chin making Muzi look back at him. He gave him one of his sexy smirks
Diego: Are you going to be able to give it to me?
Muzi dropped his cigarette and stomped on his, stepping back to walk away from the man. He wasn't about to play games with him. Diego grabbed Muzi's hand before he could walk far off from him and pulled him back to his chest. Muzi glared at him, annoyed by the man in front of him.
Diego: I want you, but I can't have you.

Muzi: Then what the fuck are we doing here?
Diego just looked at him. Both of them were breathing heavily, fanning each other with their breaths. Diego glanced down at Muzi's lips that looked so inviting.
Diego: I want to kiss you.
He looked back at Muzi who also held a very lustful look. Muzi wanted to kiss him as well and it was irritating the living hell out of him. He wasn't gay but somehow, Diego infatuated him. He wanted him as well and it scared him. Muzi tried to get out of Diego's grip but Diego tightened his hold on his waist, smashing his lips on Muzi's.

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