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Lisa stored the last item of her child, she had been packing their clothes for their departure, their dire departure. She had spoken to Betty about it and it soothed her to know that she supported her. She had asked for her to accompany them back in Joburg as she was in need of moral support from someone who's been with her throughout the years she left. And fortunately for her, she had agreed to come with.

Lisa: Okay that's everything, I think...
She checked their bags for the third time to make sure they had everything they could possibly need packed. Ronnie came running inside the room with skittles in her hands.
Her mother scowled at her little child.
Lisa: Ronnie no running in the house!
She scolded the little girl at the same thing for what seemed to be the thousand time ever since she started walking.
Ronnie: Aunty Betty is here!
Lisa had already figured that out by the sweets in the little girl's hands.

Lisa sighed and grabbed her suitcase and the duffel bag. Most of the things were Ronnies, primarily essentials. She waddled to the living room, where Betty had been sitting waiting for her. She smiled at her, and took the house keys. She crouched down at Ronnie, putting over her jean jacket over her hoodie. Her long curls in braids with small colorful beads at the ends.
Lisa: We haven't even left yet and she's already messy.
She frowned while taking out a wipe to clean off Ronnie's face that was already sticky with the sweets.

Lisa: Veronica no more eating sweets for you till tomorrow.
Lisa spoke in a stern tone, making the little bundle of joy to sulk and at the verge of crying. Lisa sighed but held on to her decision. She picked her up, putting her on her hip and taking the duffel bag.
Betty: Alright, I am ready!
Betty squealed, she obviously was exciting to be traveling to a foreign place. Lisa shook her head but kept her smile in tact as they made their way to the Uber ride that they had called for outside.


Lisa scooped a sleeping Ronnie in her arms, putting her head to rest on her shoulder. Betty offered to carry the bags since Lisa was pretty occupied with a lot. They had arrived in the city of lights and were now standing in front of a hotel, they arrived pretty much midnight. They walked in and booked two rooms to sleep in. Once situated in their designated rooms. Lisa set a sleeping child on the bed while she ran the water in the shower to get the right temperature, she was exhausted after the long hours in the same position throughout the bus ride.

After a long shower she walked out with her damp hair. She wore she sleeping gown and changed Ronnie in her sleeping attire as well while she slept peacefully, what a heavy sleeper, she thought with a fond smile.
After tucking Ronnie next to her, sleep engulfed her.

She woke up to a loud knock on the door and cussed under breath at the person who woke her up so early in the morning. She glanced at the side of the bed and sighed relieved at a still sleeping and curled up Ronnie. She got up and walked up to the door with groggy steps. She yanked it open to find Betty dressed and looking fresh. Where was she going this early? It amazed her how she looked so fresh so early in the morning after napping minimum hours, she wondered if she wasn't tired.
Betty: Oh shoot, you still sleeping?

Lisa: No shit!
She hoarsely said, sleep still evident in her eyes. Betty chuckled and checked the time.
Lisa: Why are you up so early Elizabeth?
Betty laughed and pushed her way in the room to which Lisa groaned at.
Betty: It's past eleven Monalisa!
She rolled her eyes as she saw her confused state. She obviously overslept and judging by the sun that she only realised now was out and scorching, it was way past early morning.

Ronnie slept peacefully and snuggled to the pillow,perhaps thinking it was her mother. Lisa smiled at the sight, it warmed her heart to see her child so at peace before the storm of her huge family. It looked like she wasn't the only person tired.
Betty: Should I get breakfast now or you gonna come downstairs?
Lisa: We'll eat up here, have you eaten yet?
Betty: And why would I starve myself?
Lisa nodded with a knowing smile, Betty and food, so solid.

Betty soon left to her room and leaving Lisa to shower and change in a jumper and snickers. Ronnie woke up soon after, Lisa oreded breakfast, making sure to order a lot of pancakes with extra honey.
Lisa: Aww my baby, are you hungry?
Ronnie rubbed the sleep in her eyes and wabbled to her mother, and chucking herself in her arms. She had never overslept before, her body wasn't used to it. She felt tired, and her mother understood by her state her child was in.

Lisa: Come on, mommy got you pancakes with extra honey.
She made the girl to straddle her while she rested her head on her chest and hugging her. Lisa chuckled at her behavior, maybe a bath would wake her up. With that thought she got up with Ronnie in her arms and went to the bathroom. She brushed her teeth while she opened the tap filling up the tub.

Ronnie chucked at her pancake, smearing honey all over her mouth, making her mother to shake her head. Lisa smiled and got up to make a call she's been dreading.
Lisa: Hey.
Sino: Hey, I was so worried about you, have you arrived?
Lisa: Yeah, uhm, we at the hotel, we'll be coming to your place later on.
Sino: At a hotel!? Why?
Lisa rubbed her forehead, her sister was overly protective. She wasn't complaining but sometimes it got to her.

Lisa: We arrived late so we booked at a hotel but we'll be coming later.
Sino: Also who's this We? Who you with?
Lisa: Oh, uh my friend is with me, we'll see you later bye.
She quickly hung up. Sighing at her slip up, but she didn't lie though, just didn't tell the whole truth. It was the same thing, right?
Ronnie: Mommy I'm done.
She looked back to see Ronnie's messy face and an empty plate that once had a stack of pancakes. She definitely looked much better now, after the bath and maybe the breakfast she looked fresh and her hippy self. It made her mother happy.
Lisa: How do you eat so much?

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