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Snakes: This is a bad idea, flat on bad!
Siya rolls his eyes at the two brothers who obviously in his opinion were pussies.
Siya: Come on, we just going to the bar and getting wasted nothing out of line.
Snakes looks at Sanele in skepticism just as Sanele gives him the same look. They both knew that Siya's innocent adventures weren't always as innocent as he always proclaimed them to be. Going to the bar before Sanele's wedding was definitely not innocent.
Siya: Look, I promise no stripers just us guys sharing a drink.

Sanele: You not going to stop till we give in are you?
Siya grinned sheepishly at his older brother. Sanele sighed in defeat. Snakes knew that Siya wasn't going to let it go, especially since it was in KZN, his hometown. Siya loved that place with all of his heart. They all did, it was their home after all. It was where they grew up. Snakes was very fond of Mr and Mrs Nkosi, he considered them his parents. Unfortunately, Mr Nkosi senior had passed on years ago.

Snakes: Someone has to go fetch uMa from the airport and it ain't me.
Sanele raised his hands to exclude himself as well. There was nothing wrong with their mother, as a matter of fact she was a wonderful woman. It was just that, she still treated the boys like they were thirteen whereas they were grown up men. Seeing Siya was the one who was always pampered the most, they left him without a choice.
Siya: I'm telling on you.
The boys shared a laugh at his childish behavior. It was nothing new anyway, Siya always told on them when they would do things without him.

Siya never let it bother him, until they were of age. He started to tell less and joined them more. Their childhood was phenomenal, they loved nothing more than their brotherhood. They were always close to each other and did everything together. They had each other's backs in every situation that at times it angered Mr Nkosi, but nonetheless he was amused and proud of them for sticking together no matter what. Yet it didn't stop him from whooping their butts when they did something wrong. It was easier for him to smack all of them since they always protected each other.

The guys sat in the lounge around the table, with ciders around their hands. They just conversed and laughed with each other like the old days. Meanwhile, somewhere in the mansion, the girls were trying out their bridesmaids dresses for Mbali's wedding.
Lisa: Isn't kinda too convenient that all the kids are sleeping and so damn early.
Sino: I know right? And it's like one pm already. Maybe I should go check up on them.
Mbali: Nooo absolutely not.
The twins turned to look at Mbali in question

Betty kept to herself. She rather focused on the dress that adorned her beautiful light skin. Even though she knew that she wasn't even interested in the dress at all. She had to try to look interested for the sake of her friends. Mbali placed the bowl that was filled with Ice cream on the night stand.
Mbali: Let them be, if you wake them up now they'll start a whole chaos and I'm not in the mood for that right now.
Lisa: But you know, they won't sleep at night right?
Sino: I feel like that statement has a motive behind it.

Sino squirted her eyes in slits at her sister. Lisa shrugged and took off her dress.
Lisa: What?
Mbali: Either way, let them be.
Sino: It's not like we having a surprise bachelorette later on or something right Monalisa?
Lisa rolled her eyes at her sister's ignorance.
There was no need for her to disclose of her ideas to Mbali, it was meant to be a surprise.
Mbali: A surprise bachelorette?
Lisa: Just bachelorette, and yes we were planning to throw one for you.

Betty giggled at the face Lisa had on while she stared down her sister in a glare. Mbali gasped in a surprised manner.
Lisa: That look was meant for the surprise.
Mbali waved her hand aimlessly around.
Mbali: I'll pretend to be surprised I promise.
Sino: Sorry guys, it's just that I don't know man about this bachelorette party.
Mbali: You not bringing strippers are you? Why you sweating too much.
Mbali mused, chuckling at Sino's stunned face. Sino put her lips in a thin line.
Lisa: Just give her the whole damn plan won't you.

Betty laughed, it was amusing seeing how Sino was just destroying every surprise her sister had planned. Sino on the other hand was just looking as apologetic as they come.
Mbali laughed, joining in on the laugh with Betty. It was hard to hold it in anymore.
Mbali: Don't worry I'm a good actor, I'll just pre-
Lisa: Please don't say you'll pretend.
Mbali: Pretend.
Mbali really tried to morph her laugh in but failed making Betty to full on laugh as well.

Lisa shook her head, as Sino joined in on the laugh as well. There was no point of making it a surprise anymore, as Sino had surely made it her mission to ruin it. She couldn't stop the smile that tugged on her lips though.
Lisa: Niya bora yezwa (You guys are boring)
As if she said the most funniest thing ever told, they just laughed harder. As she looked at Betty, she was glad to see that she was at least allowing herself to smile and laugh. She was happy to see her face light up with her smile. It was a start but it was something.


It was during the evening when everyone was seated together around the big table in the dining room. It was bubbly and loud with kids playing with each other, and adults laughing among each other.
MaNkosi: I'm truly the luckiest woman on this earth.
She muttered to herself as she watched her family smile and laugh with each other. She was so happy and proud of her sons. They had beautiful woman in their lives, who were everything she had ever imagined if not more

Snakes: What are you thinking about with that smile of yours?
He nudged his mother as he had caught on her smug face. He noticed that she always had that look when she was happy and content with everything. Mrs Nkosi smiled warmly at him, pinching his cheek slightly.
Snakes: Hao Ma hai ngeke. (No Ma)
He whined feeling embarrassed to be babied in front of his wife and worse his little girl.
MaNkosi: You still my baby, noma ungenzani nje (No matter what you do.)

Siya, like the man child he was, stuck his tongue out to him earning a middle finger from Snakes accompanied by a playful glare.
Ronnie: Gogo's baby.
She giggled while her father smacked her head, making her giggle louder. MaNkosi laughed lightly at her grandchild. She was the most adorable thing. She was truly blessed with a wonderful family.
MaNkosi: Now I can't wait for more grandchildren.
Mbali: Ma, you have four grandchildren already, two more on the way and you want more.

Sino: Speaking of upcoming babies...
Sino cleared her throat before speaking again
Sino: I'm two weeks pregnant!
She squealed, while the room silenced down.
Siya and Sino looked at each other, waiting for their families eruption. Soon after, the whole room was filled with murmurs and cheers, including the kids.
Jade: I'm getting another brother?
Siya: Could be a sister baby.
She smiled widely at the thought of having a younger sister she would play with.
Jade: Cool!

Ronnie looked up at her father and tapped on his arm. Snakes looked down at his daughter with a smile on his face.
Ronnie: I also want a little sister.
Lisa choked on her spit upon hearing her child. Mbali chuckled patting Lisa's back.
Lisa: Thank you.
She turned to Mbali with a grateful smile, while Mbali nodded.
Snakes smirked and turned his gaze to his wife. Lisa avoided eye contact with him.
Snakes: What do you say mommy, the child wants a sister?

Lisa felt very uncomfortable at the moment.
Why were they even discussing her right now, wasn't Sino the pregnant one here.
MaNkosi: Stop making my daughter-in-law uncomfortable Mndeni!
She scolded, smacking his head. Snakes looked confused now. Didn't this woman say she wants more grandchildren, because he knew he wanted more children from his wife.
Sanele: Hao ma I thought you wanted more grandkids, manje? (Now?)
He also received a smack at the back of his head, making him to shut his lips flat.

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