Insert 55

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Lisa stood by the kitchen door, leaning against the edges just watching her husband try to prepare breakfast and failing dismally.
He was so handsome, that she had to question herself how such a man ended up being hers. The man was beautiful, the way his t-shirt clung to his body, exposing his muscles. The way his hair, carelessly fell to his face, shadowing his eyes. She found herself smiling as memories of their relationship played in her mind.

Snakes turned trying to find the lid of the pot. He looked like a mess with his hair all over and his face smeared with the floor. His eyes caught hers, the smile on her face. The love was apparent on her face, she looked like a lovesick puppy. She hadn't even realized that he had now been staring at her till she felt his hands snake themselves around her waist. She opened her eyes wide at the sudden motion. Her hands found themselves clutching on his shoulders for balance.

Snakes: Glad to know I still have the same effect as the day I met you.
Lisa stared at the man in front of her. He was right, he had the same effect on her like the first day they met, If not more.
Lisa: I pray to God every day that he keeps you here with me.
She reached up, touched his face, and stroked his cheek. Snakes just looked at her, amazed by her all over again. He honestly found it funny that she prayed for him to stay when he wished the same thing.

Lisa: I'm so selfish that I wish we had a time machine to stop the time in the world and love each other till we can't anymore.
Snakes: I can't not love you. I don't want to not love you. If I don't love you anymore, it'll mean I don't exist, because loving you is the only thing I know how to do.
Snakes gave her a lipped smile, brushing away the lone tear that fell from her eyes.
Snakes: I pray I find you in my next life, I pray I won't be late and let you suffer. Even if I have to watch you grow myself, I'll protect you.

Lisa's heart swelled up at the promises he made. The was no doubt that this man loved her, and will continue to love her recklessly so. Snakes kissed her soft lips, leaning his forehead against hers.
Snakes: Do I tell you enough that I love you.
Lisa: Not really, I mean not in many words-
Snakes cut her off with a ravishing kiss. Grabbing her neck and pulling her by her waist.
Snakes: I love you.
Lisa: You taking Ronnie to school today.
Snakes chuckled, he knew she tended to blubber whatever came to her mind when she felt too flushed by him.

Snakes: Okay.
He smiled, kissing her again. He pecked her lips over and over again.
Ronnie: Daddy is giving mommy cooties.
She interrupted the little moment her parents were sharing. Snakes smiled against Lisa's lips.
Snakes: I'm not even surprised she's here, cockblocking again.
He said as he shifted himself away from Lisa. Leaving her with warm fuzzy feelings that she didn't know how to carry all at once.

Snakes picked Ronnie up, settling her on the counter.
Snakes: Guess who's going to school today?
Ronnie frowned at the mention of school. Lisa noticed, getting curious at the sudden mood change. She stood next to her husband and looked at Ronnie.
Snakes: What's wrong, princess?
Ronnie: I don't want to go to school.
The parents looked at each other before looking back at their child. Lisa found it odd that her bright little girl who loved to read and be taught didn't want to go learn.

Lisa: But you love school baby.
Ronnie: I love daddy more.
She blurted out her warm words. Snakes didn't know what to do with himself. His child didn't want to go to school because of him.
Lisa: Baby, what do you mean?
Ronnie: I don't want to leave daddy, he'll leave me again.
She cried. Lisa understood now that Ronnie was a child and children took time getting over things. Her child was traumatised.

Snakes sighed, this wasn't what he had wanted to happen. He had to promise her somehow that he wasn't going to leave again. He wiped her tears from her tiny face, his hands almost covering her whole face.
Snakes: Daddy won't ever leave his princess again. I promise.
He kissed her red nose and her cheeks. Ronnie sniffled, her small hands overlapping his big ones, barely making a difference.
Ronnie: I will find you here when I come back?
Lisa smiled gratefully that at least her baby was willing to go to school.

Snakes: What are you saying kid, I'll drop you off, and guess what? I will personally pick my beautiful princess from school as well.
Ronnie giggled, hugging her father and smiling at her mother. Lisa joined in on the hug as well. Snakes looked over at her still in Ronnie's embrace.
Lisa: I love you.
She mouthed at him. Without him, she didn't know what she would've done with herself. If he hadn't returned, she would've refused to go to school without her dad.


Snakes: Okay princess, listen to me.
Ronnie nodded as she looked into her father's eyes. Snakes stared back at her as he crouched on his one knee, his big frame still towering over the little girl. He fixed her backpack and her dress with fearful eyes. Ronnie saw that her father was being a little weird. He kept looking at her and not saying anything.
Ronnie: Daddy, you don't want me to go do you?
Snakes: If I say yes, you won't go, and if I say no, you won't go either.

Snakes sighed, grabbing Ronnie's shoulders with his hands, not firmly.
Ronnie: So which one is it?
Snakes: Neither. Okay, go kick some ass.
Ronnie: Daddy...
She warned as he had just used a curse word.
He had forgotten about all that. He was just too scared to let his little girl alone out there without him. Yes, it was kindergarten, and yes she was safe with her teachers, but it didn't stop him from hiring bodyguards to guard her from all corners of the school.

Snakes took out a hundred rand note and shoved them in her outstretched palm. Ronnie grinned, kissing his cheek and running to her teacher. Snakes got up and stood there watching his little girl go away from him. He knew he was being dramatic about the situation but he didn't care. Veronica was his world and it seemed like he also didn't want her to attend school if it meant him being away from her. Lisa had turned down the homeschooling idea from day one. She had said "no child of mine will be confined in this house"

His reply was a simple scoff. When his wife had decided on something there was no arguing with her. Ronnie turned and waved at him with a toothed smile. Snakes smiled back at her with his toothed smile, waving back at her till he couldn't see her anymore as she disappeared into the barriers of the school. He sighed and got in his car. Glancing back to where his little girl had disappeared to. He took out his phone and texted both his brothers and the guards watching over his daughter.

S - Report to me if anything out of the ordinary occurs, capish?
One of the guards replied with a simple 'rouger that boss'

S - Let's meet at the basement.

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