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Sanele rubbed his hands together, feeling very overwhelmed and excited at the same time. It was his wedding day today yet he felt like he was about to urinate himself. He was with his brothers at the resort where they had hired to have the wedding since it was close to the beach. His bride was somewhere in the rooms around the resort. The thought of his bride made him giddy inside and smile like a retard. He wondered if she was okay, were the babies giving her trouble. He felt a hand on her shoulder as Siya tried to calm him down.

Sanele looked at his brother and smiled in appreciation before he turned his attention back to the mirror to fix his tie.
Snakes: Let me take care of something real quick, I'll be back.
Siya: We all know you going for a quickie.
Snakes: Fuck you sani.
Siya laughed as he watched his brother disappear behind the doors.
Siya: Wena you look like you need a quickie, chill sbali ( brother)

Snakes walked down the corridors and spotted the room he was looking for. He knocked twice before his Wife appeared in front of him in the most beautiful dress. He whistled placing his hands on either sides of her waist. She blushed looking down.
Lisa: What are you doing here?
Snakes: As much as I would love to have you right now my love, I'm here for the bride.
He peeked over her small frame to see Mbali putting on her studs. Lisa smiled, kissing his cheek before everyone left the room.

Snakes stood behind the chair that Mbali was sitting on in front of the dressing table. He placed his hands on her shoulders.
Snakes: You look beautiful little one.
Mbali: Thank you, you don't look too bad yourself big brother.
Snakes smiled lightly at her tease. He saw the grim look on her face as she looked down. He turned the chair around, squating in front of her and taking her hands in his large ones. She looked at his eyes with her glossy ones.
Snakes: Hey why are you crying?

Mbali: I wish Dad was here, you know, on my wedding day.
Snakes smiled at his little sister before wiping the lone tear that escaped her eyes.
Snakes: I have a surprise for you.
He said before getting up and motioning for her to get up as well. Mbali looked confused and eager to see this surprise he was referring to. Snakes walked to the door and yanked it open. Mbali released a sob as her eyes got filled with fresh tears.

David: My baby girl, you look beautiful.
A nurse wheeled him in before nodding to Snakes and shutting the door. Mbali quickly bent down to hug her father. She couldn't believe he was here with her on her wedding day. She had thought the doctors said it was risky for him to travel. She was happy and her heart felt a lot more light now that she got to see him. She turned and playfully glared Snakes before lunging herself at his arms.
Mbali: Thank you.
Snakes: Anything for you little one.

He kissed the top of her head. Mbali released him and turned to her father again.
Mbali: How? I-I mean they said-
David: I'm a rod mina ngane yam(My child)
Snakes rolled his eyes at the old man's antics.
Snakes: You still dying old man.
Mbali giggled, with eyes filled with joyful tears.
Mbali: Oh dad.
She kissed his cheeks, hugging him again.
David: You didn't think I would miss your wedding day did you?

She craned her neck to her side to show him that she actually thought exactly that.
David: Now, stop crying you ruining your face.
Mbali chuckled, wiping her tears. Snakes shook his head, placing his hands on his pockets.
Mbali: This make up is waterproof baba.
She smiled childishly at her father. She couldn't wait to get married now that her father was here to walk her down the aisle.
Snakes: Come on, tick tock. As much as it would be fun to watch that boy squirm, I wanna see you get married. Come on.


Sanele stood there, waiting on his bride by the shore in his black and white suit and dress shoes. He looked to be sweating while the weather screamed chilly. It was truly a contrast, but what was he to do when he was nervous as hell. At that time it didn't feel like he's been living with the mother of his children for more than three years rather it was like he was seeing her for the first time.
He watched as she walked with her big bump along her father. He looked over to his brother with a raised eyebrow which Snakes winked at.

His attention didn't waver anymore as he smiled down at his bride. She was truly beautiful with her floral white dress. Her bump made her look even more sexier than ever. Mbali finally stood stood in front of him, making his breath to hitch in his throat.
The revered smiled at the couple who couldn't keep their eyes off of each other.
Rev: Greetings to everyone here today on this joyous celebration. We are gathered here today in matrimonial of Sanele Nkosi and Mbalentle Ndlovu.

The revered went on about to read a Scripture on the bible about marriage to everyone and set two rings in each one of the individuals that stood in front of him.
Rev: I assume you have your own vows written.
They both nodded eagerly, making him smile
He gesture for Sanele to start first with his vows.
Sanele: Sthandwa sam, you look like something out of a movie.
Making everyone crackle up with laughter at his start up and Mbali to blush deeply.

Sanele cleared his throat and held Mbali's hand in his, sending just about a thousand bolts of electricity through her whole body.
Sanele: Finally, finally I get to call you my wife well after they announce that you are but one and the same thing.
He looked so nervous it made Mbali's heart melt at the sight. This man was her everything and more if possible.
Sanele: The mother of my children and the love of my life, today I'm making it known to everyone who had doubts that you were unavailable that you are not.

Mbali smiled, feeling her eyes sting for the umpteenth time that day.
Sanele: Ngiyakuthanda sthandwa sam, kakhulu futhi. (I love you my love, so much so even) I can't imagine doing this life thing without you in it and I hope to whateve God listening that you be mine in this life and the next because you my life.
He finished, sliding the diamond ring in her finger. Mbali sniffled, feeling Sanele wipe her tears since she couldn't. Mbali chuckled looking at his hands.

Mbali: I won't lie, you are a pain in the ass most of the time..
Everyone laughed making her look up at him. She winked at him and she didn't even know why she did but she guessed it to be the nerves. She continued;
Mbali: But most of those times I love you even more. You a great father, no doubt you'd make a great husband. I can't believe God blessed me with a man like you in my life. I couldn't ask for a better partner in my life. Let's do this, till the end of time, yeah?

Sanele bit his lower lip, trying to control the tears that wanted to spill with a smile. Mbali slipped the ring into his finger before Sanele grabbed her face and looked hesitantly to the priest. The priest smiled and nodded. It didn't take Sanele another minute before he smashed his lips on hers in a hungry kiss.
Sanele: Fuck I love you Mrs Nkosi.
He murmured between her lips. She smiled against lips.
Mbali: I love you more.
Rev: I guess you can kiss the bride.

Everyone cheered and clapped their hands as the newly wed continued to devour each other.

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