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Lisa glanced at the clock hanging on the wall for the hundredth time that afternoon and its night. She had tried to call many times but his phone sent her straight to voicemail. She couldn't fathom what was going on. But her heart told her something was wrong. Her husband always picked up her call, no matter how busy he was. So for him to merely disappear and not even be contacted was a sign that he was in some trouble.

Even though her mind kept telling her that, this man was a Mafioso, very much capable of taking care of himself. Him being in trouble was close to impossible. But her heart refused to believe that wherever he was, he was safe. She felt it, her gut feeling was never wrong.
Ronnie: Mommy, where's daddy? He said we would play and eat cake.
It didn't help that her child has been crying the whole day.

Ronnie had been asking for her dad throughout the day. He had promised to play with her and make a cake for his birthday. Lisa hoisted Ronnie in her arms. The stuffy doll hugged tightly to her chest as tears smeared her face. Lisa wiped the mucus from her nose and cleaned her face off tears. She shushed her little girl to her chest.
Lisa: Daddy had to work late. He'll be here when you wake up okay, so be a good girl and get some sleep, yeah?

Ronnie: You pinky swear?
Lisa stared at the little girl's face. If her heart and gut instinct was right, and her husband was in danger, could she make that promise to her child? Was she sure that Snakes would be here when little Ronnie wakes up? But looking at her child's puffy eyes and red face, she knew she had to make that promise regardless. Lisa nodded, intertwining her pinky finger with hers.
Lisa: Pinky swear.


2 am. The time was 2 am and he still wasn't back. Hours she has been awake waiting for her husband to come home but the bed was empty, only Ronnie sleeping soundly in it. She sighed and took her phone from the nightstand.
Lisa: Mndeni...
She whispered to herself, feeling fresh tears brimming her eyes. Worriedly, she dialed the number that has been refusing to go through.

Her hope of him picking up the phone had died along with the voicemail message.
Lisa: I don't know how many times I've called already. I don't know why I'm still calling at this point. But please, I'm worried sick, please come back home. Mndeni...
She took a breather, wiping her tears that seemed to fall uncontrollably.
Lisa:..come back to me.
As much as she tried to stay strong for herself and Ronnie, she was failing dismally.

Lisa got off the bed. She kneeled right in front of it and brought her palms together shutting her eyes. Something she rarely did, but she deemed it crucial at this point.
Lisa: Dear God, I do not doubt that you exist. At some point of time in my life, I may have criticized your capabilities, blinded by rage and agony. But dear God, you sent a man into my life. A man who loved me more than the word itself. He was my angel, my protector, and my savior. I had nothing and I still have nothing without him. But with my soul and heart, I pray that you keep him safe wherever he is.

She sniffled, allowing her tears to gush down voluntarily. Her heartfelt was so heavy. As she continued to pray, it felt like her throat was closing in on her. Sobs clogged her throat, but she refused to let that stop her from praying for her husband.
Lisa: Bring my husband back to me dear God. I pray to whoever God you are, somewhere up there, to bring my husband back to me, in one piece. I know he's not the best man out there but he is to me. Bring- him- back plea-

She clasped her mouth to contain her sobs. Getting Ronnie to sleep was a struggle and she didn't need her waking up in the middle of the night. As much as she was hurting and wanted to just scream, she couldn't. She decided to get up and go to bed. But sleep refused to surface. She stayed awake, resting against the headboard. Staring into nothing. The moon shone brightly outside illuminating through the curtains. It was the only light adorning the room.


Lilly: Good you awake. Well not for long anyway.
Snakes squirted his eyes as soon as they opened, blinded by the bright sunlight. He tried to move his hands but they felt restricted. Snakes shook his hands vigorously, to free them but to no avail. He grunted when he saw that even his legs were constrained.
Snakes: Listen, kid, this will not end well for you. Whether I free myself or you do it, you dead. You hear me, dead!
He bellowed in rage. His veins popping on his neck and forehead.

Lilly: I've been watching, from the sidelines while she had to have you and be happy. She took you away from me.
She traced her finger along his sharp clenched jawline. He shook his head to the side. One thing he had picked up about the girl, was that she was crazy. Batshit crazy!
Lilly: So I concluded. If I can't have you, she can't either.
Snakes: What are you talking about woman?
Lilly giggled and disappeared to some room.

Snakes: Mona, shit.
He whispered to himself. Hoping that his plea reaches her somehow. He took in his surroundings. He didn't know this place. It looked like some abandoned warehouse. It looked deserted as well. Whoever this Lillian was, she was good to be able to get a grown man out of the office unnoticed to a place like this. He had to give her that. He shook his limps one more time, getting agitated all over again.
Snakes: Stupid ugly bitch! Aishhhh!!
He shouted at no one in sight. Heavy breathing with anger.

His mind wandered to his family. To Monalisa. Was she okay, did she sleep well. She must've been so worried about him. Ronnie, his baby girl. He was supposed to bake a cake with her yesterday. He lowered his head, heaving a sigh.
Snakes: Urgh! I'm going to cut her fingers off.
He muttered, his face sneered. He thought about escaping this place. To his dismay, the chair he was tied to was metal.

Snakes: Smart little shit.
He was getting more annoyed. It didn't help that the place smelled like shit. He just wished Lisa was smart enough to contact his brothers. He had faith, it wouldn't take them long to find him. He checked his watch, he smiled as an idea came to mind.
Snakes: Guess the little twit isn't so smart after all.
The watch had a device in it. It was a sort of tracker, but it had to be activated to work. And as soon as it was, the guys would get alerted immediately.

Now, he just needed to reach his other hand to press it. But that seemed next to impossible since his hands were tied to his sides, on the armrests of the stool. He cursed under his breath.
Snakes: Fucken hell!
He threw his head back in annoyance. He felt like smashing the stupid watch across the room since it was useless.
Snakes: Wait, smash it. That's it.
He chuckled to himself. He had to pat his own back for such geniuses.

Now he just needed Lilly to make her appearance, see the watch and the rest would just work on its own. He just hoped his plan would work.
Snakes: Now where are you, you little airshit.

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