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Leone's pov

Thando: Uhh, Leone could you help me take off the sling.
I had turned around after placing her on the ground to give her some privacy. It was gonna be so hard to help get her undressed. I turned around, to see her struggling to unclip the sling from around the back of her neck. I walked closer to her, towering over her small body. It felt too good to be this close to her. My arms went behind her neck and unclasped the sling. The air was slowly getting tense in the bathroom.

My eyes couldn't look away from hers and I could see that hers couldn't either. Slowly, but tentatively I slid off the sling off her arm and discarded it on the counter. She was wearing a tracksuit that consisted of grey pants and a grey sweater. Her braids were in a low bun, loosely tied just like the hairs around her edges, curly and loose. It made her look cute. I wanted to help her take her clothes off, but I needed her to ask. I needed her to tell me to take them off.

Thando: I think I can take the pants off by myself but could you help me with the sweater, its kinda hard with the uhm...
She gestured to her arm that clung to her chest. It fucken infuriated me to see her hurt like that, but I was this close to killing those bastards. The only thing preventing me was her, she wanted to do this her own way. I couldn't take that away from her. I've tried so many times before to just use my ways and end that fucking cult but she needed this. It was personal to her and the only thing I could do was to be there and help her the best way I could.

I helped her by tugging on the ends of the sleeves of her sweater. The other arm needed thorough concentration. I saw how she would wince when I tried to pull it off.
Me: Tell me if it hurts baby alright?
She nodded while allowing me to pull it off. She was in a bra only and it clung to her so perfectly. Her breasts looked so big that they were begging to be freed and lord did I want to free them. Fuck, the little guy down there was starting to put a strain on my joggers.
I quickly turned around not wanting to do something I would regret later on.
Me: I'll go order in. Call me if you need anything.


Lwazi: You like my sister?
There wasn't any topic we had started or anything hinting towards us talking about Thando. Hell, we weren't even talking to each other then boom! Why would anyone just straight on ask anybody that though? I halted in my movements of taking a sip from the water bottle I had just grabbed from the refrigerator. I darted my eyes to the boy sitting across me on the counter. He stared at me like he hadn't just plainly ask me whether I like his sister. I closed the fridge and took a huge gulp from my water bottle.

Me: I don't know. Why, did she say she likes me or something?
If he was prying for information, so was I. I took a seat just across from him, placing my water bottle in between my arms that had propped on the counter table. Lwazi leaned in as much as I had done so. He held my gaze.
Lwazi: I don't know. Why, what would you do if she did like you?
I squirted my eyes, narrowing them at the kid who was trying to drill me. He mimicked my movements, this boy.

I shrugged, leaning back in my chair, my elbow resting on the chair. I took another gulp from my bottle before answering.
Me: What do people do when they are liked?
I smirked in satisfaction because he can't top that. Or so I thought.
Lwazi: I guess they fuck or stuff like that. So, would you do it if she liked you?
In my mind, I was wondering why we were having this conversation, to begin with.
Me: Do what if she liked me...?
My eyebrows quirked up, waiting for the already anticipated words.

Lwazi leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest.
Lwazi: Fuck? Would you fuck her if she liked you?
Me: Depends.
I honestly was stunned to be chilling in my kitchen with a kid drilling me about my love and sex life. I knew he was looking out for his sister, so I had to play my cards right.
Lwazi: On what?
Thando: On what, what? Whatcha talking bout?

Oh, thank fucks. Holy tits am I glad to have been saved from this soul-shattering interrogation. I sighed and got up from my seat. At the corner of my eye, I saw Lwazi speaking to his sister about whatever I wasn't taking part in. Soon the elevator dinged and the delivery guy came with a platter of food from MrD food. I paid him and tipped him before he left. We sat around the living room watching some Korean drama Thando was obsessed with. She would laugh along in some scenes as if she can understand what they saying.

Mostly I didn't care because I would find myself entranced in her as her face lit up when laughing. I would stare and look away as soon as she felt the stare. I was behaving like a teenager lovestruck. But I couldn't help it, the way she sat cross-legged on the couch, cradling her injured arm close to her chest.
The way she ate her food, she was an eater for sure. She put a whole full piece that measured to my hand in her mouth. Makes me wonder what else can that mouth fit. Jesus fucking Christ, now I'm hard as hell.

I grabbed a cushion and secretly put it over my big guy. I tried to act nonchalant about it.
Lwazi: You alright there, Leone?
I glared at him as I saw his smirk. Shut up.
I wanted to tell him to jump off the window, why the hell is he always seeing things he's not supposed to see. Stupid fuck.
Me: Hmm, I need the bathroom.
There was absolutely no reason for me to disclose my moves. None whatsoever.
Thando: Oh okay, please bring my phone with you, I think I left it on the nightstand.
I nodded before trying to hide the big dent on my pants.


Thando: Your penthouse has two rooms.
The sleeping arrangement, right. Well easy for me, I'll take the couch while they take the rooms. I didn't mind really.
Me: Oh yeah, I'll take the couch, you and your brother can have the rooms.
Thando: It's your house Leone, you can't sleep on a couch in your own home.
Me: It's pretty comfortable actually. Come on love, I'm good on the couch.
I helped her to my room and gently shoved her to the door.
Thando: At least take some blankets and pillows so you don't get cold.

I nodded at her as she tried to gather the blanket and pillow.
Me: Leave that, I'll take it. Remember you hurt, the doctor said no carrying stuff.
Thando: Heavy stuff, it's a blanket Leone.
I rolled my eyes at her as I prepared the bed for her so she wouldn't make it herself.
Me: Not taking chances love. Now come on, hop it.
I patted the bedside so she could climb on.
Thando: Remind me again why your bed is high up there on the roof. How do you get on this thing every night?

She looked at me, huffing when she saw my frame. Guess she figured out how I easily just hop on the thing.
Me: Need help with that?
She was trying to get on using her left arm, keyword trying. I didn't wait for her reply as I scooped her up in my arms and gently laid her on the bed. She opened her mouth and closed it again, blinking rapidly instead.
Thando: You can't just lift me like I weigh nothing. Just went and picked me up like pew.
I couldn't help but laugh.

I boomed with laughter, fuck what is she doing to me. I shook my head at her, grabbing the blankets and raising them to her chin. Instinctively my hand went to her head to brush back her hair. My hand trailed to her cheek. My heart did a fucking backflip when she nuzzled to my hand, to my touch. Fucking making me happy. That was so innocent and cute, made me feel so content.
Me: Goodnight, love.
I bent down to kiss her cheek, dangerously close to her lips. And I did it intentionally.

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