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Snakes and his brothers had been helping Leonardo with ways to keep the Russia stalled enough to get their men ready for war. The men sat in Leonardo's new house study.
Leo: I want to thank you gentlemen, for having my familia's back.
Sanele went and patted his back, in a comforting manner.
Siya: Hey man, this is a good start to expand our business across the globe, plus I learn some Italian so I can impress my wife.

Siya: Konje bathini? (What do they say again?) Mi amor?
Snakes shook his head and took Leo's hand shaking it with a nod. He knew that if they helped out the Italian mafia with their rivalry with the Russians, it will help their African Mafia in the long run. They formed their alliance with a toast.
Leo: Your friends are something.
Snakes: Something alright.
He said loud enough for Siya to hear as he gawked at him.

Siya: So, Leonardo my man, any biological family?
Leo's face went from calm to rigid at the mention of family, his thoughts wandered to his little brother who wasn't so little anymore.
Leo: I have a brother, as a matter of fact, you'll meet him soon.
Sanele: I'm guessing not a big fan?
Snakes: That's an understatement.
Leo glared at him, Snakes smirked unfazed by him.
Siya: When are we meeting him?
Leo: Maybe in a week or so, he wouldn't miss his wedding for shit.

Snakes nodded, Leone had been Snakes' favorite when they met in Italy, he was everything Leonardo wasn't, funny, outspoken and kind. That man when it came to women. He was intrigued by his nature at that time as it reminded him of Siya. The gentlemen decided to go back to their homes, Leo accompanied Snakes back to his home, they had to discuss more things concerning business, Snakes not wanting to stay away from his new family, had suggested they have the meeting at his house.


Ronnie: Mommy, when is Daddy coming home?
Lisa stopped midway with typing on her phone. But before she could say anything, the front door opened and in came Snakes followed a man she didn't know. Ronnie got up so fast from the floor running into her father's arms.
Ronnie: Daddy!
She squealed, making Snakes chuckle.
Snakes: Hey princess.
He picked her and threw her up, catching her again as she squealed.

When she saw a man she didn't know, she cowered, hiding her head in her father's neck, looking at the man with wary eyes. Snakes followed her eyes and shook his head, she was all big mouth but actually a scaredy cat. Snakes gave Leo a look, Leo's hardened face softened a bit as he tried to smile but it came off looking like a grimace. Snakes chuckled at his friend's awkwardness. He was never good with human interaction especially with kids.
All the while Lisa had collected the toys around the living room. She didn't know what to do with herself in front of guests.

Snakes walked further inside to the living room. He looked at Lisa, he wasn't going to pretend to be a happy couple in front of his friend, besides there was nothing Leo didn't know about him. Lisa gave him a look of her own, she wasn't about to act either. Betty felt the tension, wanting to escape it, she tiptoed to the stairs but a voice stopped her.
Ronnie: Aunty Betty, where you going?
Betty grimaced and turned around giving the small girl a smile.
Betty: Uhh, I-
Lisa: We made lunch, come on Betty.
Betty sighed thankful to the save. Walking with Lisa to the kitchen, she made eye contact with the man she still didn't know, longer that she had intended.

His eyes were stone cold, no emotion shown on them, the darkness in them made her want to snug in a ball and never come out. Why was he looking at her like that? Even when she turned away, not looking at him anymore, she could still feel his gaze at the back of her head till she couldn't anymore.


Lisa: Okay so now the only thing left is the dress and his suit, I'll go talk to him about it.
Betty: Alright, I'll call the girls and we can start the preparations tomorrow.
Lisa: Thank you, goodnight.
Lisa got up from Betty's bed and walked to the door.
Betty: Night sis.
She smiled and walked out, she decided to take a shower first and head to his room later.

She walked to his room, knocking slightly to the already slightly open door. She saw Snakes sitting in the rocking chair he had gotten a few days back, with a sleeping Ronnie clutching to his chest. She smiled at the scenery, he watched her walk inside and towards him.
Lisa: I'll take that.
Snakes: Can I sleep with her tonight?
Lisa nodded not seeing anything wrong with it, but Ronnie had a high chance of waking up in the middle of the night if she didn't find her mother beside her.

Lisa: Call me if she gets up at night crying.
Snakes: Sleep here then.
She looked at him, waiting for him to say he was joking.
Snakes: Sleep with us, if she wakes up, she'll find both her parents with her.
Lisa: Uhm, I-
Snakes got up and walked with Ronnie to the bed, Lisa watched him, as he laid her with delicacy like he didn't want to drop her.

When he caught her staring, she moved fast and looked away. Snakes walked over to her, taking her hands in his. Lisa looked at their intertwined hands then up at him, he was already looking at her, with a look she knew all too well.
Snakes: I miss you next to me.
Lisa: Don't do this.
Snakes: I miss you in my arms.
Lisa smacked her lips shut letting him continue.
Snakes: Won't you let me hold you tonight, please.

Lisa tried to suppress a smile when he made a puppy face at her, she sighed about to put out rules when he pulled her closer and picked her bridal style, she squealed lightly with her eyes expansive. Snakes winked at her and put her on the bed. Lisa smiled to herself, content, and happy with being in his arms something she yearned for. With Ronnie spooned by her mother who was spooned by her father, it was a sight to see.

Snakes: Sleep my love.
Lisa's eyes dropped, the exhaustion hitting her hard, she felt relaxed and comfortable.
Snakes kissed the back of her neck feeling her shudder in his arms. He smirked proud with himself. As he looked at his family in his room, his bed and his arms after three whole years, he felt content.

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