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Betty's pov

It's been exactly a week, a week of living with a broken heart. A week of living without Leo. It's the start, and as much as it hurts my heart, I'm willing to wait longer than this. Because he is worth it, he's worth more. I don't know what happens around me anymore. I wouldn't know anyway, because all I do everyday is think about Leo. Some may say I sound crazy, but maybe I am. And it's fine because I'm crazy in love right? That's got to count for something.

Today, we are flying to KZN for Mbali's wedding which will take place in two days. If it was up to me, I would stay here and wait for my man but I couldn't do that to Mbali. Her and the girls have been a great help to me, they've been there for my darkest moments. They honestly tried so hard to get my mind off things. Which I appreciate a lot because I needed to but I just couldn't no matter how hard they tried. But either way their efforts made a huge contribution.

I packed the last item of my clothing, and zipped my duffel bag before slumping on the bed. I wonder when I'll see him again. Tomorrow? Two years later? The thought of waking up and not seeing Leo's face across the room for that long makes my heart clench in pain. I was so used to waking up and his face being the first thing that comes to my view every morning. I loved watching him sleep. He always looked peaceful and harmless when he was asleep. It always made me itch to touch his face.

Now it just feels lonely waking up and seeing blank walls. No Leo to grace me with his hard demeanor or when he tries to look less intimidating and instead just ends up looking funny and adorable. It was really cute and nice of him to try and look less intimidating in front of me just so that I was comfortable. Even though I never saw the need for him to try at all, because I was never afraid of him to begin with. If anything I pitied him more. He had it hard but he acted like it didn't bother him, little did he know I saw right through his hard demeanor.

I miss him. I miss him so much that I'm even questioning myself whether I'll be able to wait this long without falling completely apart. Will I be able to live without him and not go crazy. I missed his touch, whenever he would hold me anywhere in the house because he wanted to feel the comfort of my skin against his. He had his own unusual reasons for just holding me. I miss that, those unexpected hugs from him. I miss how he would leave his bed and cuddle me in mine in the middle of the night.


Lisa: Veronica Thabisile Zikalala get off from that chair now!
I watched in astonishment as Lisa tried to scold the little girl who clearly wasn't even listening to her as she ran around the jet.
Jade: Ronnie stop running too fast or you'll hurt yourself.
Jade, who was acting too maturely for her age tried to reason with Ronnie as well. The plane was just in chaos, with Ronnie and Lungi chasing each other around the jet.

We had a crying Khalu somewhere in the plane and it seemed like Sino was struggling to keep him calm, which made me wonder where was his dad. Mbali and Sanele were in their own room somewhere doing who knows what. Lisa, we all know what she was trying to do, trying to tame the two loose little rabbits. I decided it was time for me to explore the jet before I dwelled too much in my thoughts. Which always ended with me bawling my eyes out.

I got up, and walked to the corridor, just admiring the interior of the jet. We were currently using one of Sanele's jets from his company. It was huge to be honest, I didn't even think a plane would look like a house inside but you can be very surprised by what money can do. I was just lost in my world when I heard a voice, it sounded like Snakes and it seemed like he was on a call. I tried not to eavesdrop but when I heard Leone's name being mentioned I paused in my steps. What if it had something related to him.

Snakes: You son of a- you didn't think I would let you go to war all by yourself did you?
War? What war? Was that why Leo left, because he had to go to war. I felt a pang in my heart at the thought of Leo in danger and possibly alone. But hearing Snakes say he didn't let him go alone makes it less painful.
Snakes: He'll wake up man, take your time alright.
He listened to the other person on the other line to speak. I was certain that that person was Leo.

I was almost sure that he was on the other line. Just the thought of him being that far away from me yet close made my eyes stung. I just hoped that no one was hurt, it seemed as if there was someone who was hurt by the way Snakes spoke.
Snakes: She's - she's having it bad man. She's like a ghost, she speaks to no one and keeps zoning out. Whenever she thinks too much, she ends up crying.
He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose in what seemed to be pity. Even I knew that the only person who was always walking around like a ghost and always crying out of nowhere was me.

He asked about me. I felt a tear slide down my face. Oh how I wanted to hear his voice. I wished it was me talking to him over that phone instead of Snakes. Without realizing it, I let out a whimper of pain making Snakes head to turn. Before he could say anything I rushed out of there, walking to the small restroom and locking myself in it. I sat on the toilet seat and just cried. He was fine, he was okay. That was good enough for me. Now he needed to come back to me. He had to no matter what he just had to come back to me.

The captain announced for everyone to buckle up as we were about to land. I wiped my tears and splashed water on my face to ridden of any traces of me crying but it was futile as my nose and eyes were already red. I breathed in and out and tried to look nonchalant and happy. Me wailing over my depressing life while we were on a happy occasion was selfish and inconsiderate. It was Mbali's happy moment and I was going to be happy too, for her.

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