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Snakes got a call, as he peered over his phone his eyes shot up from his sleepy form jolting awake immediately. This was a number he had never expected to see in his life, without hesitation he pressed the green button putting the phone on his ear.
Snakes: Que!?
Que: Eh, skhulu sho. (Boss, hello)
Snakes adjusted on his bed in a sitting position as he heard the voice he hadn't heard of in six years.

Snakes: Que is that you?
Que: Sho skhulu, eish jonga man, mamela dinga covwa apha endanyane (Yeah boss, look man, listen I need to get fetched from prison)
Snakes didn't even take a second to agree and get changed, he cussed under his breath as he looked at the now hung up call, he glanced at the phone and shook his head in amusement. He couldn't believe it, that son of a bitch was out.

In minutes he was in and out of the shower, got in his black suit, black dress shoes and tucked stowed his gun in his waistband. He ran a hand over his perfectly trimmed hair that he had cut a little short. It was now in a fringe like style, a lot longer in front than at the edge as it was slicked back in a trimmed way, the stubborn hairs falling in front. It gave the bad boy vibe as he constantly ran his fingers through it.

He arrived at the prison where he had been told to get Que. His black sports BMW car standing alone in the parking spot. The place was awfully quiet, not that he had expected anything more, it was a prison not a high school where you had expected transports waiting for the kids to finish with periods. No one waited for anyone who were mostly likely to spend years for their offenses.

He spotted the familiar walk of the woman who had held her chin up like she wasn't walking out of a prison. She sling her jacket over her shoulder, her hair had grown over the years, definitely in need of a trim. She was tall, but not taller than him. He got out of the car as she appeared to be near. He leaned his tall frame against his car crossed armed with a mischief look on his face.

Que's smile stretched at the sight of her boss, hell at the thought of being out of jail, the fresh air, the sun that glistened her dark caramel skin. She ran a hand over her long hair. Snakes watched as she stood in front of him with a big smile on her face, a few seconds later, they embraced each other in a brotherly hug, like they always did back then.
Que: Fuck you smell good, what is that Chanel?
Snakes chuckled, he had forgotten how much his friend liked finer things in life.

Without warning Snakes had flung his fist connecting it with her jaw, he felt the stinging on his hand but ignored it. Que's head snapped back to glare at her boss who had hit her for no apparent reason unknown to her.
Que: Skhulu?
Snakes delivered another blow on her stomach making her clutch her stomach in pain, she bend over, feeling the impact of his fist on her rib.

Snakes: You piss of shit!
Snakes threw a kick to her side of stomach, Que stumbled back in pain but held on to not fall on the concrete ground. She looked up at Snakes who had taken off his blazer, was now rolling his black shirt sleeves, Que knew it wasn't over yet. What had she expected though, to just get a hug and kiss from the man. No!
Snakes: Get up you dick, don't fucken hold up, bring it on.
He demanded as he fisted his hands, in a fight like stance ready for attack against the smirking woman.

Que: Oh you got it.
Que stood straight, overlooking the stinging pain on his side of torso. She tossed her jacket that she had clutched in her hands on the side. Snakes waited for her to attack first, studying her every move looking for her weak point. He calculated her moves and found that her left leg was not stable, he smirked. And just as expected, Que had flung his fist to her boss, making him duck and shake his head.
Snakes: Too slow, come on, what has these pussies done to you?
Que: Actually, they just gave me heaven in hell.
She ducked as Snakes flew his fist to her head, she was quick to send a blow on his stomach to which he winced and laughed.

Snakes: What was that kid? Pussy got you weak?
Que: Mamba you know that punani gives me wings.
She chuckled at her own Redbull commercial joke. Snakes laughed, just in time his fist made contact with her jaw, not stopping there he moved fast to kick her behind her knees, leaving her in a crouching position.
Snakes: I just clipped off your wings.
He sneered in her ear as he moved back to send a wrenching kick on her back. Snakes was too caught up in his laugh that he didn't expect the hands of his opponent on his ankle as she yanked his feet off the ground sending him flying and landing on the ground next to her with a thud.

The two stayed on the floor, leaning against Snakes' car in a sitting position. They had both decided to give it a tie to their ridiculous quibble. Snakes was the first one to laugh lightly, Que looked at him and smiled, soon her laugh also boomed along with his. Snakes shook his head, they had just fought in front of a prison, then sat there in silence to suddenly laughing like maniacs.
Snakes: Why didn't you call?
His laugh had died down now, his face more serious as he spoke without looking at Que. He was furious with her for cutting him and everyone else out of her life after she decided to spend jail time.

Que: Skaif? (smoke?)
Snakes rolled his eyes and took of his cigarettes handing one to her and taking one for himself. He took out a lighter and helped Que light hers up that remained in he lips, Snakes lit his own, the smell of nicotine flooding their nostrils.
Que: I couldn't call, I figured that you guys had to live your lives and I was gonna hold you back.
Snakes: That's bullshit and you know it.
Que chuckled, taking a wiff out of his cigarette and blowing it out.

Que: Yeah, I'm sorry skhulu.
Snakes: Yeah you a real dickhead, with no balls whatsoever. But you my dickhead man, I fucken missed you.
He admitted to his friend who smiled at the thought of his boss treating her with the same kindness he has always showed her.
Snakes: Don't get your clitoris twitching, you still have Siya and Sanele to face up to.
Que sighed, yeah those two twits were going to give her hell, especially Siya.
Que: Fucken twit.
She thought out loud to which Snakes patted her shoulder and used it to get up, not that he couldn't do it himself but to irritate her more.

Que: Can I drive?
Snakes: The day you switch sides, I'll let you drive.
His words registered in her mind instantly, he tsked in return.
Que: You couldn't just say no.
She stated more than asking. Snakes smirked and got on the driver's seat.
Snakes: Let's go home.

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