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Betty whisked around the kitchen looking for ingredients for to make breakfast. It was just like any other day, a simple greasy breakfast for the boys and well her too. Honestly speaking, she enjoyed being around the kitchen and making different dishes. Even though at first it had been very awkward, she hadn't known what to do after she had to come to terms with the fact that she wasn't a Jones anymore. To her that's what it meant being sold to someone else by your parents.

She felt no need to sugarcoat the situation. She was nameless now. She was just Elizabeth. Amaqamatha Elizabeth who lived with a foreign man. She wondered a lot whether he would take her with to Italy when it's time for him to leave. Did she want to leave her county and friends behind? No. And did she have any choice? No. But just like she had no family, so maybe it wasn't all that bad. Just as she finishes making breakfast. She reaches for the cups to make coffee. Leo always loved his coffee black, she couldn't help think 'like your heart' but she would never say that to him. One, because it was untrue, and two, there's no telling what the man could do.

Betty's hand lets go of the cup in her hands and luckily it settles safely on the counter. She gulps down, feeling dehydrated all of the sudden. Leo hands grip the side of her waist from behind. Not too hard but not loose either. She doesn't say anything, when he moves closer to her. His arms going around her waist to pull her back to his torso. Betty feels her breath quicken, her palms sweaty. The sound of her heart racing and apparently she wasn't the only one as she feels Leo's beating heart against her back.

Betty: Wha-
Leo: Shh, can we stay like this for a few minutes?
He rests his head on her shoulder. Betty's eyes are wide opened but when she glances at him, her shock muffed into tenderness. His features so gentle yet so rough. The way his forehead has lines from his forever frowns. His thick eyebrows, his sharp nose and plump lips parted slightly. He looked so peaceful and the comfort it brought her was great. She couldn't believe this was the same man who always aggravated his brother, or got angry to a point of turning red.

A man who easily went up to her father and put a bill of millions of rands. Who was this man anyway? Because no one just bought someone like that. That wasn't a normal thing to do. But again, Leo and normal were two contrasting things. Betty glanced down at his arms that held on to her tightly. Slowly, her hands reluctantly covered his hairy arms. She blinked to adjust to the feelings that suddenly surfaced in her.
Leo: Can't we have this?
Betty: Have what?
Leo opened his eyes, but he still clung to Betty.

Leo: This, I don't know what it is, but it feels right. All I think about is you. At first I thought I was crazy when I started seeing you everywhere. Your face haunted my thoughts every time and everywhere. I feel this strong urge to protect you, to hold you and to kiss you every chance I get. Elizabeth, all I want is to be by your side all the time.
As he poured his heart out, all Elizabeth could do was to stand there, frozen. Mentally and physically frozen. The woman couldn't move an inch and no words formed in her mind.

Leo: Isn't this where you say something after I've just professed my love to you?
Betty: Leonardo, what did you just say?
She couldn't help but to ask. With her, she felt like loving someone was such a big deal. It was a sentimental value in her life aspects. And unless you didn't feel that spark or connection with someone or the desire to be their protector, then you shouldn't utter those three meaningful words. As Leo just confessed to having deep feelings for her, she couldn't believe it or rather she was shocked.
But the question was, did she feel the same for him?

Leo: You want me to repeat all that?
Betty turned around to look straight into Leo's eyes. She was thankful for the little space between them.
Leo: Well, the exact words were, all I think about is you-
Betty placed her hand over his mouth. Leo was uhm different, she concluded. He was a blatant man. He also seemed to lack social skills. He was what one would say, antisocial.
Betty: Leo, I heard what you said.
Leo removed the hand that covered his mouth to speak coherently.
Leo: You should be more precise with your questions Elizabeth.

Betty: I-
Leone: Is it safe to eat the food that was made in this kitchen?
Leo: No.
He took steps back from Betty. Finding a way out of the situation she found herself in, Betty took the opportunity to finish with breakfast, ignoring Leone's snarky comment.
Leone: Are you serious?
Leo: No.
He walked out of the kitchen with that same hard exterior on his face. Leone scoffed rolling his eyes at his brothers antics.
Leone: What's really happening between you two?

Betty didn't know how to comprehend that question. What was going on between them? Did they even have something going on. Jumpled up in her thoughts Leone continued;
Leone: I'm sorry, did I cockblock just now?
Betty coughed, placing a hand to calm her beating heart.
Betty: Oh God, what are you on about?
Leone: Innocent, are we? Well my brother is in for it this time.
Betty stared perplexed by Leone's vulgerness. One thing the two brothers had in common was their bluntness.

Leone: I never thought he was into innocent types. I guess taste changes, that man had the most kinkiest women in and out of the house.
He grabbed an apple from the bucket of fruits on the counter. Betty was still staring at him with a blank look.
Leone: Don't think about it too much sweetheart. You know what they say about the innocent ones right?
Leone tossed the fruit up and down in his hands. Betty shook her head, because she actually didn't know what he was talking about.

Leone: They are the kinkiest one, twisted amore. See ya!
With that he hauled ass out of the room and out of the house. By the sound of a door closing, Betty regained her composure. What was it with the Capone men giving her grief today? One confesses his undying love, might have been exaggerated there. And another technically calling her a freak. She live with this. All she had to do was to find out what she felt for the man and make sure Leone's thoughts remain just that. She wasn't a freak, she had sex only once in her life, and it wasn't really her ideal first time and she played far from penises since then. Not that she turned lesbian or anything.

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