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Fucking hell! Stupid toaster doesn't wanna fucking work! I slammed the damn toaster's lid when I felt like I needed to throw something at the wall instead.
Leo: You break my wife's toaster you, I break your legs fratellino.
I didn't even pay attention to what my brother was saying. I was too angry and hurt to play who can break who's face faster than the other. I just needed to be alone. I know I was in their property and I should be more respectful than that, but I couldn't go back to the place where I could smell her scent everywhere. It was too painful for me.

Leo: Cosa sta succedendo fratellino? Voglio che tu sia in grado di parlarmi di tutto ciò che vuoi. E so che a volte posso essere duro, ma voglio provarci per te. Allora dimmi. ( What's going on little brother? I want you to be able to talk to me about anything you want. And I know sometimes I can be hard but I want to try for you. So tell me.)
I pinched the bridge of my nose. He was making this hard for me when he was all nice and being this other version of himself that I haven't had the luxury of knowing for a long time. It actually warmed my heart to hear him say that. I wanted to talk to my brother because at the end of the day he was family. Only one I had left in this world. I motioned for him to take a seat on the kitchen island.

My hands folded in front of me as I also took a seat facing him. My fingers inched to run through my growing hair, but I kept them folded and instead abused my bottom lip.
Me: Where the fuck do I start? Why this shit gonna be so hard, shit.
Leo took a sip of bottled water he had retrieved from the refrigerator, but he didn't say anything and just sat there waiting for me to pour my damn broken heart out to him. So I did. I told him how I felt about her, how I was so scared of losing her and that she hated me already. God last night, she just said those things and it pierced right through me. Because everything she said was so fucking true. I was supposed to fight for her and I didn't even have the strength to face her if she was right. What was the point then.

Leo: Fratellino. Do you know the precept of la famiglia. Love Is Family. Family is Love. Leone, amore, famiglia, those are the things that are worth fighting for in our culture, you know that. So how do you give up so easily without trying? If you love her as much as you say you do then you'll go back and fight for her again. Do you hear me?
Me: It's weird getting a pep talk from you. Clear.
He got up and walked to the door but turned around before he could disappear.
Leo: Well, it's good practice after all. I have a feeling I will be doing a lot of that in the future. Capone boys tend to be a little more aggressive and I don't want my son to be a wimber now do I?
Me: You mean a wimp?

He waved me off as he disappeared behind the doors. I sighed, my head falling on the cold island. My brother was right, I needed to do something to get my love back and fast.



Mark knocked once on the door and stepped back. After a few seconds the door opened revealing a petite woman. She looked to be in her early 20s, just as the detective had said. She was beautiful at her own standards. She knew who and why we were here so she let us inside the apartment room.
I nodded at her as a greeting as I made myself comfortable on the couch along with Mark.
Nomi: Can I get you anything to drink?
Mark: Water would be nice.
Mark was as always being his annoying self and trying to appear like this charming nice guy. I really disliked this guy. She seemed to be charmed by his charms though as she blushed her way to the kitchen.

She had a nice place for an assistant. It looked hella expensive, my place was a molehill compared to this mountainous place.
Me: This is not a social call Mark, please try to remember that when your dick starts to think for you okay?
He didn't get to say whatever crap he was going to say when Nomi came back with a smile on her face and handed a glass of water to Mark. She took a seat across from us on a single couch. I shifted in mine, even her couches were comfy and soft.
Mark: Firstly I would like to apologize for what you went through. No one should ever be able to witness such violence in their lives.
Me: Sure, must have been so scared. Can we get started Miss Nomi.
Mark side eyed me, giving me a stink eye.

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