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Ronnie: Daddy!
She squealed as soon as her father came through the door. Snakes dropped his bag and hoisted Ronnie up as she crashed onto him. Chuckling, he tossed her up and down. Just hearing her giggles was enough to lighten up his whole life. She kept telling him to stop, and eventually he did. Snakes held Ronnie in his arms now, examining her for any heat. He sighed in relief when he felt none.
Snakes: You okay.

He kissed her face, savouring the sweet sounds of her squeals. He was happy to finally have his little bright princess again. Even though it had been a few hours, seeing his child in that condition had felt like a sharp blade to the chest.
Ronnie: Mommy tell him to stop.
She pleaded when she caught a glimpse of her mom coming out of the kitchen.
Lisa: You left me as soon as you heard his car. Ngi khipe lapho. (Don't involve me)
Lisa held up her hands in mock surrender.

Ronnie's giggles toned down as Snakes finally stopped with his teasing.
Snakes: Your mother is a traitor.
He whispered in Ronnie's ear. She giggled, nodding her head, like the child she was.
Lisa: I heard that. And she betrayed me first!
She walked over to him. She tip toed to peck his lips. Not satisfied with the little kiss, Snakes grabbed her waist with his free hand pulling her to him. He smirked when he heard her gasp.
Snakes: You haven't seen me for hours, and you give me that? Come here...

He then crashed his lips to her soft and sweet ones. The kiss was brief yet promiscuous. He lowered his head close to her ear. Smiling as she shuddered when he brushed his lips on her skin. He loved the effect he had on her, it still felt like the first time he kissed her everytime. Electrifying!
Snakes: Show me how sorry you are tonight, will you.
His words came out in murmurs. He hadn't meant them in a question manner, rather more of a command.

Ronnie: What did mommy do daddy?
His senses jerked to the sound of the little child's voice. Why was she always cockblocking? He had been too lost in Lisa's world, forgotten about little Ronnie in his arms. He audibly sighed, letting go of Lisa who was already trying to get out of his grip. He blew raspberries to Ronnie's cheeks making her forget about the question. But even he knew the little twat hadn't forgotten anything.
Snakes: Come on, let's get ready for dinner.
Ronnie: Yayy!.


Lilly threw the images across her apartment room. In rage, she screamed at no body in sight but her own demons. Clutching her hair, she pulled at it in full wrath. No matter she did, it perished into nothingness. Her platonic love for her boss was taking a toll on her mental health. Her mental health wasn't something new, it was just triggered by rejection. Something she hadn't felt in a long time. Jealousy picked at her soul bit by bit. It was only a matter of time before there was nothing left in her.

A picture of Lisa, Ronnie and Snakes laughing together in their lounge looking happy caught her eye. She slowly walked towards the corner of her bed, picking up the photograph. Lilly felt anger, resentment building strongly within her heart. She felt tears prickle in her eyes as she scanned the photo. Her fingers caressing the only face she wished to caress and look at for hours on end. She wished to kiss those plum pink lips. She wished to stare into his deep brown eyes all day. His smile, a smile he would give her when she does something adorable.

Lilly: I'll make it right love, we- we are meant to be. I'll come soon. I'll come for you.
She kissed the piece of photograph as her tears streamed down her now red face. She sniffled, wiping her tears. She hugged the picture to her chest as she sat down at the end of the bedfoot. She leaned her body to it, her head against the wooden leg of the bed.
Lilly: It'll be just the three of us.
She smiled staring into space. Her eyes fluttered close.
Lilly: You, Ronnie and me. Perfect family.
The sinister plans roaming her psyche. There was no saving Lillian from Lillian anymore.

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