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Lisa's pov

Me and the girls found our way back home after an exhausting day at the mall, Betty got a call from her soon to be husband and she had to go get him at the airport like he wasn't capable of doing that himself I loathe that man, I wanna puke. I had went to dozens of shops for my dress and I finally found something that I loved. If I wasn't having Mndeni's black card, I wouldn't have bought that exorbitant dress. I mean it costs more than my rent, my two paychecks and more of Ronnie's school fees. But again, he wanted to get married, he would pay.

Sino parked at the driveway, we took out our bags. As I was walking to the door, I noticed an unfamiliar car. I shrugged it and I could see that the girls saw it too, it wasn't that fancy but it looked costly. We walked in with bags in our hands, Mbali was complaining about never leaving her child alone with the boys again, while Sino backed her up with an Amen, making all of us laugh.

I could hear voices from the living room, I couldn't see the kids anyway, I instantly got worried.
Mbali: Do you think they dumped them in the theatre room?
Sino: I doubt it, let's just find out.
My steps halted at the sudden pitchy voice, it was a woman's voice, laughing.

Mbali: What the fuck is that?
Sino: Sounds like a dying hyena.
Mbali full on laughed so hard. I had to admit that was pretty funny and accurately described.
Siya: Oh, you guys are back?
All heads turned to us, I noticed a very pretty looking lady sitting very close to Mndeni, too close if you ask me. And he was smiling so brightly, Sanele was laughing which is something he hardly does. Who was this woman?

I glared at Snakes, when he caught on my looks, he cleared his throat and got up from his seat to come to me.
Snakes: Hey.
He said lowly kissing my cheek, what's with the affection. Siya had a sleeping Khalu on his chest. Sino was looking at him weirdly, I mean why hasn't he put the baby to sleep.
Me: Uh hi, what's going on?
Snakes: Eh ladies this is Lillian my assistant, Lillian meet my uh-
Mbali: Fiancee, his fiancee.

Snakes nodded pursing his lips, I honestly also didn't know what he would or was supposed to say, I didn't feel offended by his awkwardness but I was offended by his uncertainty in front of a woman, a woman he seemed close with at that. Mbali glared at Lillian as she made her way to her own fiancee and giving him a mind blowing kiss. Which caught all of us by surprise, including Sanele.

Lillian: Nice to meet you, the guys have told me a lot about you guys.
She smiled, I frankly didn't know whether it was real or fake, but I went with the benefit of the doubt. I smiled back at her. Sino shook her hand, Mbali nodded with a blank look, almost made me laugh at how she wanted to purr at Lillian.

Mbali: They clearly didn't tell us about you.
I coughed and went to set the still hanging from my hands bags.
Sino: If you would stop ogling at her, you'd actually remember to put Khalu to bed.
She hissed in his ear, but I was close enough to hear her. I looked at Siya to see him pouting and a furious Sino taking the baby from him.
Sino: I'll be right back.
She walked to the rooms upstairs to put the baby.

Me: Where are the kids?
I sat on the couch next to Snakes, on his side was Lillian. Sanele sat on a loveseat with Mbali on his lap. With Siya on the end of the L couch.
Snakes: Sleeping.
He took a sip of what seemed to be rum. I nodded and took off my shoes.
Mbali: So Lilly, can I call you that? Lillian just sounds so old.
Sarcasm dripping from her words, Lilly laughed a little clearly not amused by her comment.

Sanele on the other hand nudged her but she wasn't having it at all. Lilly nodded to Mbali's question.
Lilly: Actually I've been telling this big boy over here to quit calling me that for so long, finally someone who understands me.
Me: Who?
I breathed out, she didn't really say or look at any specific person or I just didn't see her. Sino blessed us with her presence at last. My question long forgotten. I side glanced Snakes to see him already looking at me, he immediately looked away, what's his problem today.

Mbali: Sure, anyways I was gonna ask how long have you exactly been here?
Lilly: Oh, a day-
Mbali: You've been here the whole day!?
Siya: She's starting.
Mbali glared at him, if looks could kill was a person.
Lilly: Uhh yeah, my flight arrived early morning and I decided to visit.
Me: You said flight, where were you exactly?
Lilly: Italy.
Snakes starting coughing hysterically getting me worried, I patted his back.

Lillian started touching his arm, looking all concerned about him.
Me: Could you stop.
I smiled lightly at her as I removed her hands from him. She's too touchy for my liking. She folded her hands on her lap awkwardly.
Me: You okay?
Snakes: Yeah, just got choked up.
Sino: Lillian you stayed in Italy or?
Siya: So many questions, why don't we just relax and chill-
His sentence was cut short by a glare from his wife, I could see him flinching from where I was seated.

Mbali: How long have you been in Italy?
Lilly: Uhh, I worked for Snaky and he took me with but I had to stay for other business related matters.
Snaky? What's that supposed to be, my soon to be husband?
Mbali: Snaky is a pet I'm assuming?
Sino snickered, I could see her wanting to laugh so bad and it looked like she was constipated with how hard she was holding in her laugh.
Sino: Who's Snaky?
Snakes: Is anyone in need of a refill, because I'm in need of a refill.
Me: Snaky?
I quirked my eyebrow at her, she looked like she was a deer caught in the headlights.

Lilly: Oh, sorry Mr Zikalala that is.
Me: Snaky, that's uhh creative.
I gulped down my glass of wine we had opened along the way. Slamming my glass on the glass table. I was fine, I was so good. Snakes took my hand in his, I glared at him feeling like I could punch him all of a sudden. He took her to Italy, for three years, suddenly the room is tense. I knew that I was overreacting about the  whole thing. I did leave him for three years and kept a baby away from him but I couldn't help how jealous I was feeling. I mean three whole years in Italy!
Me: I need more wine, how about that refill?
I didn't wait for anyone's answer, everyone had been awfully quiet all of a sudden. Which was pissing me off, why were they acting as if they slept together, they probably did but why am I affected, I had broken up with him right?

But she comes to our home now, I find them laughing like old pals with hands all over the whole place. That's another thing that pisses me off, the definition of personal space stands unfamiliar to her. I rummage through the refrigerator for the bottle of wine, forgetting that we don't even keep alcohol in the kitchen in this house, the bar is all the way that side I don't want to be at. Unexpectedly I feel hands on my waist from behind.

Snakes: You okay?
I stand still, and nod not looking at him as his face is nuzzled up on my neck. I hear him sigh and I'm turned around still in his arms. My face remains stoic, not betraying a single emotion.
Snakes: Jealous are we?
I just stare, he nods sensing that I'm not in the mood to joke around after finding him snuggled up with his assistant in our living room, all cosy and shit, probably exaggerating but I don't care. Feelings are feelings.
Snakes: Bad joke.
He cups my face and makes me keep his stare. Sighing, the look on his face is all serious all of sudden.

Snakes: I'm marrying you, she's just an assistant, nothing more than that, besides I have you and Ronnie don't I?
Somehow I needed that reassurance from him, I nod and feel a bit calm. He kisses my forehead and walks to the door but I stop him.
Me: We getting married regardless of the circumstances of it and I would like to know that I will be respected in this marriage, I don't want to find myself fighting for a spot with the other woman.
I passed him as he stood there at the door, making my way upstairs not in the mood to stay around anymore.

If we were doing this thing, we do it right, I won't be cheated at nor will I fight for a man in my marriage, my priorities have changed and I don't want my child to grow up in an unhealthy environment.

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