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Thando's pov

My focus doesn't shift, doesn't waver as I stare ahead of me at the dicks that attacked my brother. There was nothing I didn't want to do more than to blow each one of theirs brains. But obviously I couldn't do that, because a) I don't have a gun and I can't shoot. And b) I would go to jail, doesn't sound that fascinating if you ask me.
Leone: Sweetheart, I love the ambition you got going on right now, but sitting here and staring at them won't make them do 'something'.

As much as I hate to admit it, he's right. We've been here for over 30 minutes and nothing has happened, except that they ate a  whole cow head, typical black men. I huff and lean against the wall besides me. Leone's stare makes me turn my head to look at him.
Me: What?
Annoyed, I raise my eyebrows at him. He smirks and starts doing that habit of his with his tongue. His tongue darts out a little to the side as his teeth trap on it. I shift my eyes away from him, swallowing the last saliva left in my mouth.

Leone: What a exactly do you need from these guys?
I cross my arms over my chest, feeling my dress shirt tightening around my arms.
Me: Anything illegal enough. I need leverage.
I stare at him, he seems to be getting my point and nodding. First time seeing him being this serious and not trying to flirt with me. I'll admit it, it's mature and I like it.
Leone: How bad do you need this?
I chuckle, the sound foreign in my throat.
Me: With my life.

I watch as he gets up from the brick he was sitting on and adjusting his black dress pants. His dress black shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbows just like mine, except his arms are bulging and have veins all over them while mine look a little hairy and thin. He's not wearing a tie, and this makes his look a lot more intimidating and sexy. The army buzz cut just does him justice.
Leone: What if I can help you get all the information you need.
I snap my eyes to his in confusion and slight interest. What is he saying?

Leone: I get you enough evidence that would put them in prison for a long time. And in return you ask no questions. Yeah?
Would he do that? Is he capable of doing that? And what does he mean no questions asked? I'm obviously going to need to know where he's going to get all that info from.
Me: How?
I uncross my arms and stand straight to look at him. Leone does that tongue biting thing again. I wait for him to talk.
Leone: No questions asked, love.

I furrow my eyebrows in frustration but I don't let it show. My eyes look around before going to his again. I make up my mind.
Me: How fast can you get me this info?
Leone smirks, staring right at me. He seems to be satisfied with my answer. And surprisingly, me either. He goes to speak when we are suddenly surrounded by men.
I look around me and Leone, and see that the same men we were keeping watch on are now prying on us. I look at Leone just as he turns to look at me.

Man1: Could've sworn we saw you spying on us down here.
One of the men sneer towards us. There are about 7 of them in total. I narrow my eyes at him. But before I can open my mouth another one of the men speak;
Man2: Thought we should come by and ask why? You not looking for trouble are you?
The other men snicker as if he said the most funniest thing after Trevor Noah. I refrain from rolling my eyes all the way to the back of my head, instead I huff out a tiny laugh.

Leone: Gentlemen, actually we were just leaving. No trouble here.
His calm demeanor surprises me but warns me at the same time. It sounded so intimidating and not the flirtatious Leone I know, he sounded lethal. I notice that the rest of the men are just lab dogs and just go with whatever is being said by the two.
Man1: If I were you, I would shut up mlungu. (white man)
I get more disgusted with these men as they all snicker again.

Not only are they homophobic, they also racist. I try so hard not to give them a snarky remark, instead I look at Leone hoping he didn't understand that and understands the look of plea in my eyes that screams lets get the fuck out of here. Leone doesn't even hesitate in nodding and grabs my hand. I ignore the shocks of electricity that shoot through my hand and just grib his hand tighter. We try to walk away from these men but one of them speaks again;
Man1: Nice ass baby, wouldn't mind fucking that.

I feel Leone's hand clenching tight around my hand. I look up at him and shake my head to let it go and just walk. He releases an sigh but obliges anyways. A screech leaves my lips as I feel painful spank on my ass and soon laugher follows around the men. Leone halts in his steps. And when he turns, he looks furious. I swear I've never seen anything like that. He's eyes darken, his veins pop as his brows furrow making his almonds sunken eyes sink more. They don't even look like they are open anymore but I know they are.

Man2: Hot ass baby, let us hit.
Leone takes threatening strides towards the one guy who tapped my ass. I didn't see it coming but when I look again, his hands are around that man's neck and squeezing with everything. My eyes widen in horror of him killing the man.
Leone: Don't test me, do that shit again and I'll put a bullet through your skull.
He whispers while still staring daggers at the man who's face is reddening and giving out on him. I hurry over to Leone but I'm suddenly yanked by another man by my braids and it hurts like hell.

I whimper and try to get out of his grasp.
Me: Leone!
I yell at him, not because I want him to rescue me but soon a baseball bat connects with his back and breaking in the process.
My eyes fill with tears as I watch him stumble back and the guy he had falls on the ground with a fit of coughs. I try to wiggle out of the man's hold so I can run to him.
Me: Leone! WATCH OUT!
I scream as loud as I can when I see one of them with a brick and going for his head.

But Leone turns around and composes himself in time and grabs the man's hand.
Leone twists the man's hand hard that the man screams and drops the brick on the ground. I turn around with the man's hand still on my hair and feel the stinging pain. I knee his groins and he falls on the ground with his knees. I bring my knee up while I clasp his head and they connect hard. I hear the noise of his nose breaking. As I turn to help Leone I find most of the men on the ground whimpering and only one standing. He doesn't seem that confident about facing Leone as he scans his surroundings.

Leone quickly grabs his neck and pins him to the wall, with his legs dangling.
Leone: I'm letting you go easy. Try anything stupid, I'll find you and punch your organs out of your ass. Got it?
The man nods with his eyes already going to the back of his head. Leone lets him fall to the ground and turns to me. I'm stunned by everything that just happened. Leone's face has a few cuts but nothing is swollen or seems to be broken but his knuckles are bloodied and clenched by his side. One question swirls around my mind. WHAT THE FUCK!

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