Hybrid 1.5

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My mom was still huffing in disbelief and annoyance. She told me the whole story of just what happened and to be short: the man was hybrid phobic. A scum between other. I calmed my mom down as she praised my acting. A few fans came to get her signature and mine. I had started my own makeup brand through my mom's company. I was encouraging that department to be developed. The products were vegan and cruelty free. They were all affordable, and they had great success. I gave my idea, attended some meetings. I was the CEO, but still in high school so I enjoyed my life before really working. Anyhow, that was a lot. I looked at the bag of food. As we stepped out of the store, all I wanted was to fall deep asleep again. My dad was cooling down Hoseok's cheek. My dog had his eyes glued to the ground. The others were the same.

-"Hobi, are you okay?" I asked as I approached

A nod.

-"Meanie, is he okay?" I asked Namjoon this time. My mom looked at the hybrid and back at me. Meanie meant obviously he hadn't be nice to me. My dad had also stiffened. I was mean to people, but I never called them mean unless they deserved it.

-"Master..." he said "He's shaken. We are sorry, Master" he said and slightly bowed down

-"Good" I said and he widened his eyes "Why? What did you expect me to say?" I asked as I knew exactly it wasn't their fault "Why are you saying sorry when you did nothing wrong..." I massaged my forehead.

-"We!" Jungkook started, but he stopped because of Jin. I narrowed my eyes at the cat. No, no and no.

-"Say it Jungkook" I said encouraging him while glaring at Jin who just looked down.

-"Never mind" the youngest said and I balled my fist.

My mom broke the tense atmosphere, by distributing each sandwiches to the designated one. We found a resting area which was luckily empty. I told them to sit, and to eat slowly. I sat with my parent at first and they just waited that I had started to eat, but each time they took a bite they were unsure. They were scared that I was going to yell at them for eating. I was going to go crazy, if I didn't know what happened. I decided to send a message to Bang Chan.

Bang Chan was a hybrid that my parents had adopted and who became a security guard. However, I was the one who saw him all bloody in an alley and saved him. He was about to be taken by the grim reaper, but I managed to take him back, before the worst happen. He kept repeating he owned me his life. So I asked him, to search into their past owners. Those scars were not sitting well with me at all.

YOU: Chan, I have a favor.

BCHAN: Anything for you Miss. (It took less than a minute for him to answer I chuckled and showed the text to my mom and the time. She laughed to and continued to speak with my dad)

YOU: I got hybrids. 7 of them adopted from the Dylan and Thing hybrid shelter. I want their backstory. All of it.

BCHAN: Understood Miss.

YOU: You have two weeks. Good Work Bang Chan.

BCHAN: I'll get it in a week. Take care of yourself, Miss Ela.

All his texts ended the same. I smiled at my phone and noticed a stare on me. I instantly left my eyes. Hoseok was the one. He immediately looked away as we locked eyes. I chuckled. Spying on me, is a habit that will need to change.

-"We told Ana about them just now. She's getting the bedrooms ready" my mom said casually

-"Do you want to take her on your business trip?" I asked

-"Hmm, what do you dad?" My mom eyed my dad

-"I want to see how your relationship evolves with them. However, I don't want you to be subtle with them. Obedience is needed. Disturbance is to be avoided." He glanced at Hoseok who flinched hard "Punishment is not prohibited." He looked at me

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