Particular 2 (one shot)

417 15 11


"Coming Jinnie!"

My name is Ela. 

I'm 21 years old. 

I've been working in a florist shop for three years today. Jin or Seokjin from his real name is the owner and he is 28 years old. His broad shoulder, windshield laughter and tall figure make him the perfect person to sell anything. 

Alongside his very handsome face for sure.

"Where are the daisies?" Jin asks looking lost

I smile. 

This big man is a softie from the bottom of his heart. Or at least, that's what I believe. I've known him for only three years after all. I go to the backroom and get the several pots of daisies with a smile on my face. 

My life changed so much in a short amount of time. I never believed that I would have make it before. 

Now, I'm a florist in training and living together with the one who saved my life.

Let's explain things a little bit.

I'm from a research facility. 

My ID was 00. I was the first subject inside the facility. My parents sold me to the facility when I was still in my mother's stomach. I don't have any idea of who they are. I don't care about it. They abandoned me since they made me anyway. 

They were probably offered money to keep me and not abort me. 

Anyway, this research facility was interested in a quite particular subject. 

Making people special. Offering them superpowers of some sort.

A utopic goal.

However, it was reached. 

About three thousand children were experimented on. 

However, few of them were successful experiments. Including me. I acquired several abilities including healing and making people forget things. 

It wasn't anything crazy if you compared me to the people with super strength, who were able to control elements and so on. But the problem wasn't that.

Once the children had acquired their abilities, they were asked to train them. How? With the other children who didn't managed to get an ability of course. 

I refused. 

Despite being raised without knowing what feelings were or what exactly I should be feeling: I knew there was something wrong.

But my situation was only made worse. I was forced to make the children with ability forget that they sometimes killed or hurt other children. 

To stop affecting their mental state. I always experimented the memories I was erasing and it was more painful than anything.

 The pain. The blood. The despair of the one who did the bad thing. 

I felt everything.

"Flower? Are you alright?" Jin's voice startles me out of my thoughts

He doesn't know anything. I didn't tell him anything.

Five years ago, the police found out about the facility illegally abusing and experimenting on children. Thus they decided to separate themselves from some children with the less impressive abilities. 

I had to make them forget everything. I knew each of them well. They forgot everything, including me and their powers. I remained in the facility, chained to a wall and the experiments continued. 

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