Hybrid 5.7: A new meeting?

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"El wake up!" Hoseok called for the second time

I groaned. It's been two month since Hoseok was here. He adapted himself really well to our life style. While Jimin was in charge of the laundry with Yoongi, Hoseok was in charge of cleaning the place. I was forbidden to move anything heavy since he was in charge of that part. I had to sit and stay pretty, but I still did most of the foods. Yoongi helped me a lot, but still. I slept with the three of them in the huge bed, Hoseok generally curling next to Yoongi or me. Jimin refused to lend Hoseok his place so Yoongi did. However, Hoseok and Jimin always woke up first and I could cuddle more with Yoongi then. To his pure sadness seeing the way his grip tightened on me with a content growl.

"I'm up" I groaned

Today was a day I had pushed back, but we had to go and visit my parents. They hadn't met Hoseok yet except through video calls and requested to see him in real life. Furthermore, there was a tiger roaming around the property and despite the smallest possibility of it being Taehyung. I wanted to check. Linda was informed, but not the police. The only small disagreement was that my sister was also visiting the family home. Staying one night was still up for debate despite Yoongi and me bickering about it. He said no and I said yes. I wanted to see my parents but Yoongi didn't like my sister being there even though he also wanted to see my parents. My father especially.

"You are not up at all." Jimin noticed from the door of my room

"Shut it, Hope is going to hear-"I whispered in panic

Hurried steps made me groan as Hoseok appeared in front of the bed with a scowl. Hoseok was the one driving and he loved to plan everything in advance. The luggage were already in the car. Leashes included as we might go out in the city near my hometown and thus they were needed. I had groaned, but none of the three hybrids had taken it into account. The blanket disappeared making me whine loudly as I was softly scooped up by a chuckling puma.

"Good morning, sunshine" he giggled

"Morning, annoying Hobi." I whispered "Morning, traitor snow" I said to Jimin who chuckled as he finished buttoning his shirt

"El, hurry your ass over or no breakfast for you" Yoongi said from downstairs

"Go" Hoseok pushed me towards the bathroom as I scoffed at Yoongi

I took a short shower as I has washed my hair the night before. I put light makeup on after a quick makeup routine. I chose dark blue jeans and a cute T-shirt to complete the look along with necklaces and earrings. I looked healthier than before and it made me smile a little. I would learn to love myself one day, little by little.

"I'm here." I announced as Yoongi pushed me to sit down

"On time" Jimin teased

"Enough, eat something." Yoongi pushed cut up fruits in front of me as the hybrids ate pancakes

"Only that?" Jimin asked furrowing his eyebrows

"I'm not hungry at all." I said

Yoongi knew I wasn't really excited to see my family and more particularly my sister. I already dreaded the fake smile I had to put on when I arrived at my parents' home. I sighed as I put my head on a knee as I put my bare feet on the chair. Hoseok glanced at me and Yoongi sighed as he began feeding me. Begging, arguing and finally smiling in victory at each bite of food I ate. It had been like this since yesterday.

"Are your parents that horrible?" Hoseok wondered

Jimin didn't say anything for a second before admitting.

"The atmosphere is always weird there and El fake smiles a lot. Her mother also picks on her randomly. I really hated that, but I didn't dare speak up at the time. Yoongi neither, but her father did occasionally. Result: her parents fought a lot. It was hard to sleep at night for me and Yoongi. If it wasn't for El, we wouldn't have slept at all. It was difficult sometimes." Jimin had spoken cautiously but I had nothing to say against his statement

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