Rank 1.1 : Beginning

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Butterflies. The upper class. The elite.

All those words described the Butterflies. They had access to pretty much everything and got high position only. They represented about 10 % of the population. It wasn't a lot, but their presence was overbearing. 

So overbearing that rules had been created by the government to keep everyone in check. 

Every job of importance was theirs. 

Every luxuries was theirs.

I looked outside my office and sighed. My name is Melody Prim. A Butterfly in her early twenties. I owned a jewelry company that I built from scratch. I could have accepted the Head Manager Job that my father had advised me to take, but it had no sense for me. 

If I couldn't built something for me, from me and have people that recognize my hard work, it had no sense.

"Head, can you sign this? It is the agreement with Mr. Ming about the sapphire mine from last week." My secretary was a circle

Circles were the average people of the society. Only a few of them had job of importance and the job as my secretary should have been a butterfly. 

Nonetheless, I had chosen Hana for a good reason. She was a flawless secretary and understood things before I even had to ask her anything. She accepted working for me when I started the company at only 18 years old. She was damn perfect for the job and helped me getting the company to function properly.

"Leave it here, I need to read the contract again please." I said

"I already said that you shouldn't say please Head." She scolded but the kind smile on her face made me smile back at her

"Being polite has nothing to do with Rank Hana and I already told you numerous time to call me Melody." I reminded her

She shook her head simply and walked out. Sometimes I wished that rank didn't exist. Of course, it made my life easier to be a rank. However, it didn't mean that I didn't care about the lesser ranks like Circles or No-Marks. 

A Shiver ran through my spine as I thought about No-Marks. They represented about 20 percent of the population at first, but then they were almost entirely exterminated. No-Marks were practically slaves. They were 'recruited' during auctions and signed contracts with Butterflies. 

Most of the time, they were contract where the No-mark didn't even gain any money and was barely fed.

"Dark thoughts?" a familiar voice called out

"Jay." I smiled looking at the Creative Director. A butterfly and my childhood friend.

"You looked lost in thoughts?" he wondered as he stepped inside "Are you worried about the autumn collection coming out next week?" he asked curious

"I'm not. You know that a lot of our products were already checked out and bought by the elites." I whispered leaning my head back "I was thinking about No-Marks." I said honestly

Typically of a butterfly, Jay sneered at me. Butterflies shouldn't concern themselves with inferior beings that was the sentence my father kept repeating to me. Jay didn't say anything knowing full well what I thought about this kind of thoughts and just shrugged.

"You can't change the world Lady Melody." He said with a sigh

"Again with the Lady Melody." I pouted

"You are of the noblest Butterflies. Of course I need to call you Lady." He sighed "That's what is normal and that you refuse to comprehend."

I wouldn't enter this argument again. I found the rules stupid and despite being of what Jay called the 'Noblest Butterflies' I didn't feel like one. Unlike my parents and my brother, I didn't take advantage of my situation. 

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