Apocalypse 2.1: An intruder.

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It's been really crazy. 

The world is now facing the greatest epidemic. 

No one seems to be spared by the G Virus. T

he G Virus causes your sense to slowly disappear and you slowly turn into a zombie. Right like in a movie, zombies who don't see a thing but have a good ear and a good sense of smell. Zombies who'll eat you alive if you're not careful enough.

It all started with the news informing that a new virus had spread in the east coast. No one was really worried and trusted scientists to find an answer as quickly as they did before for similar cases. However, no one expected the speed at which the virus spread. It took 7 days for the whole entire world to discover cases in each city, each town. 

My town was luckily spared for a long time. 

Mostly elderly lived there so I was not really worried. Meeting the first case was downright frightening. It bit several people and no one really paid any attention to it. Because we had no information, the news weren't transmitted so well. That night it spread around like dust on the ground. My parents weren't home fortunately enough and had travelled to another country for their job. 

Meaning I was left alone.

During days, I stayed at home using the food we had and not going out at all. Until I saw one in front of our house, I remembered the white eyes and the scorching scream. I shiver just thinking about it.

 Thus, I packed as many things as I could in a backpack and flew. My only way was too walk to the nearby city that was 30 km away. I decided to use the highway to hide in the bushes and that's when I saw how bad it was. Tons of cars stopped on the high way. Some empty and some with dead bodies.

 I vomited several time seeing the decomposition of the bodies where limbs were missing. And I hid all the time. 

Because there were Undead everywhere. They called it Undead on the news the first time.

It has been two years now since I arrived in the city. I quickly went to my old high school only to see it absolutely empty. It was the holidays after all, but it was a great place to hide. The scariest part was all the undead who were in the city. 

Often, you could hear the high pitched scream and the scream of someone asking for help. But it was always too late. I glanced at the bite on my ankle and sighed. In fact, it was not too late for everyone.

"Immunes." I had heard this term first when I spied on a group of people who were trying to find hiding spots

There were three types of Immunes. X, U and Z. 

X immunes like me, could be bitten and after three days of being in an excruciating pain would be good again. However, their body was weaker and usually the X had another use. Z immunes were the lucky ones: it was a onetime chance. They were bitten once and somehow their immune system resisted the virus but it would happen only once. 

Then, U immunes. Those were the scariest ones. Like X immunes they would resist the virus but missing the three days of excruciating pain. What's the catch then? They had 6 months to get an injection of O positive blood (rare type in this story) or they would turn Undead. 

And who are the O positive bloods? 

The X Immunes.

I knew my blood type was O positive. But I didn't know what Immunes were the day I was bitten. It was the scariest day of my life. I had just come from the local convenience store to fetch some canned food to warm up since the electricity and warm water was mostly still functioning in the school dorms and I didn't see the Undead creeping up behind me. I managed to kick him, but he bit my ankle. 

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