Hybrid 8.3: Condition

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Author requests comments or rather advice! I've been wondering about writing a soulmate story. It wouldn't be an ot7 but rather a HoseokxYoongixReader or a JiminxTaehyungxReader story. I'll take the first request as my direction or tell me if you would rather have something else than soulmate in the comments?

Anyway, my selfish request ends here and I'm leaving you with the rest of the story. Stay safe and pruple you folks!

"This is getting annoying." I whispered to myself as I sat up on the same bed

Machines were surrounding me. Jin was standing and looking right at me. I had just woken up from a 5 day coma. I had pushed my body too far. The doctor was trembling because he didn't know why I couldn't hold on, despite the treatment that worked on everyone. 

I knew what was wrong. My father had looked at me and he knew that I was aware, but he also knew that asking me was useless.

"Stay here then." He had spoken "Until you are mature enough to tell Me." he was angry for sure

I had remained quiet and Jin was standing there. He didn't look too well. I wondered what was wrong with him. Yoongi stepping in with two trays of food made me frown as he put one in front of me and one in front of Jin.

"For god's sake, Hyung. Eat. Please." Yoongi put his hands on Jin's shoulder

"W-What?" I stuttered

"He didn't eat." Yoongi snapped at me his eyes yellow "He barely drank something. All because you wouldn't wake up." He snarled

I looked at Yoongi in disbelief and he just walked away. I looked at Jin and back at the tray in front of me. It was chicken breast and some really nutritious looking cake. Jin remained expressionlessly standing there.

"Come sit and eat." I said

He looked at me and did as told. He sat facing me, crossing his legs and remained quiet. We began eating in total silence. I looked at him for a moment. 

Jin was handsome. 

Really handsome. 

His small ears almost hidden in his hair, he looked almost human. However, something in his eyes told a whole different story.

"Why didn't you eat?" I asked as he finished his plate

"Because you were unresponsive. If you died, it would have been my fault." He said locking eyes with me


"I was ordered by boss to watch over you Lady Eli. I failed at my job and yet he didn't punish me. I could only watch you trash in pain and I was responsible-"

"You weren't responsible." I said cutting him off "Stop that right away. I did this to myself and I was well aware of what I was doing."

"Aware?" he asked

"Yes aware." I completed "How do you think someone with a weak health like mine survived for so long? I know all my body's reaction Jin. All of them. I knew that I would faint the moment I began to try and escape." I sighed

"Then why did you do it?" he asked frowning and his voice getting louder

"Because I thought that he would take me to the hospital." I said "It's easier to run away from a crowded place-"

"I don't care about that!" Jin snapped "Do you realize that you could have died?" he exclaimed almost tackling the trays down

"I have nothing to lose." I said "However, you do. You have the guys to look after." I said "Doing what you did had a bad influence on them."

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