Hybrid 8.2: Hybrids? Forgive?

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"Eli!" a voice called

You managed to open your eyes being surprised by an unknown ceiling. You were alone in the room and clueless about what was going on. The walls were a pastel blue and the bed sheets were more purple and green. 

A huge painting of a forest was facing you and you glanced around scared and still tired from the previous argument. 

It was morning, because the sun was just setting up in the sky. You frowned looking at yourself: you were wearing silk pajamas and an IV was in your arm. 

The door opened startling you and a woman with cheetah ears stepped inside with a giant plate with porridge, fruits, and pancakes with syrup, bacon and eggs. You never had something so big for breakfast.

"Ah" she said surprised "Uhm, I didn't know what you liked so I made a little bit of everything." She said coming closer putting the huge thing on my legs

You remained quiet and looked at the plate. Still surprised, but your stomach was growling.

"I'm Hong Chaeyoung by the way." She said

I froze for a bit.

"I'm Eli." You answered

"I know." She smiled "You're Vincenzo's child."

I widened my eyes for a second and nodded. Someone else stepped into the room. It was a tiger hybrid with fluffy black hair almost hiding his ears. 

His expression was frozen and stern, he looked at me for a second and I saw him taking a sniff. 

I blushed embarrassed and put the plate aside. The IV was finished so I pulled it out putting my finger on the wound. 

My sudden movements startled the two hybrids.

"I'm...I'm going to shower." I stuttered before freezing "Can I take a shower, please Madame?" you stuttered politely

"Of course, the bathroom is there" she said taken aback "But you don't smell bad."

I flushed harder and ran to the bathroom and took a hot shower. I was stinking for sure. I noticed the shampoo as well as the body wash were milk scented. I always loved this scent when I was a kid. 

The room was empty when I peeked and clothes were put on the bed. I quickly put them on. It was my size. 

I glanced at the plate which had disappeared as well. 

I pouted a bit as my stomach growled loudly unhappy.

"Was that sound your stomach a while ago?" the tiger hybrid asked as he stepped inside the room again.

I blushed and nodded once. 

He had wide impressed eyed at the fact making me even more embarrassed than I already was. As winter was starting the tip of his nose, I shivered. Hybrids were less sensitive to colds than humans and even more less than people like me who were weaker.

"You're cold." The tiger stated

"I'm not." I replied

"I didn't ask." He said sternly

He handed me a sweater, it was a green beautiful soft sweater but it was way too big for me. I frowned and he sighed putting it on me. I had sweater paws and I saw his pleased smile for a second. 

I wondered if it was his sweater as we arrived into a huge living room. My father was sat there with the wolf hybrid from before and 5 others as well as his girlfriend. I froze for a second.

"Good morning." My father said "You should have slept more. It's still early."

I didn't need to glance at the clock to know it was 7 am.

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