Hybrid 7.17: Understanding

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Hello folks! This is a small update. But I wanted to still post it. I'll see how I advance through the night and hopefully, hopefully give you another update tomorrow. I have a group project to do so I will maybe update a one shot story afterwards... 

Anyway, enjoy, purple you and stay safe folks!

The dizziness was slowly taking up on me and I could see how reckless the boys were becoming. Soobin was being held back by Beomgyu by now too and Yeonjun was fidgeting as I stood stubbornly, not hesitating one second when one of my mate made any suspicious movement.

"What is going on?" Yoongi was there

I looked at him and his face slowly paled as Hoseok stood next to him and I could see all feelings drain from his face. Behind him two males were circled with four men dressed in black. I recognized Jeonghan and DK without any difficulty.

"Let them back to their mate." My voice was tired

"Go." Without even a hesitation Yoongi spoke

"Now drop the knife Melody." Jimin softly said

My vision began to blur as I gave Yoongi one last look.

"Promise me you will let the five of them stay together. Promise me." I choked out

"I promise." Yoongi said

I fainted. Jungkook widened his eyes as he saw his human mate stumble on her feet, the knife dropping loudly on the ground as he rushed to her. It had taken less than 15 minutes, but a small puddle of blood was still at her feet. Jimin was quick to grab the girl, carrying her bridal style, pressing his jacket to her wrist wound and cursing.

"Watch them." Yoongi ordered Jungkook

Driving to the hospital to Doctor Cha was nerve-wracking as the girl's face had gotten paler. Not so long ago they had joked around a little, but again they ruined everything. Jimin wanted to punch someone. But the only person he had to punch was himself.

 Yoongi, was definitely calm and quiet, not letting his emotion take the best of him, but the constant movement of his tail showed his nervousness about the status of their mate. After, being taken to intense care, the door was closed on her and Cha had a stern look on his face.

"You're aware that this can't go on any longer." Cha sat on the chair in his office behind his neck

He was about to head home and take care of a few files, but his heart dropped when he saw the pale face of the girl, the wounds clearly made. He had doubts that it was self-inflicted, but seeing the nervous expression of the boys it was understandable. 

The SHO had ruined their mind and made them twisted: not taking anything for granted and especially not their mate that they made suffer by making her friends and following suffer too.

"She-"Yoongi started but was instantly cut off as the door slammed open revealing a panting Hoseok and Taehyung followed closely by the others including Jungkook.

"Your mate asked me last week how to break the bond. She asked me for anything even if her life was at risk." He revealed "I hope you realize the dangerousness of the situation and how it could affect her."

"She would die." Namjoon said his jaw clenched

"Or get brain paralyzed." Cha pursued his lips "That's why you need to stop pushing her away or push her away for good. I'm her doctor and watching over her per you guys' request. She's the sweetest girl ever and gives me clear report. 

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