Hybrid 2.3

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-"Yoongi" I whispered and he didn't say anything, so I brushed a finger against his cheek. He straight up woke up. He looked at me, at his position.

-"What, go away!" he said

-"First, it's my bed. Second I can't your tail won't let me go." I smirked at him still lying down. He huffed, got up and exited the room, slamming the door. I flinched a bit at the sound. I tried to stand up, but I felt dizzy. I sat down on the border of the bed. I knew that if I got up, I would fall. I cursed myself for not eating much the day prior. The door opened and I could see Yoongi was back.

-"You're not coming?" he said angrily lying against the door frame

-"I can't" I softly said and before he could ask why "If I stand right now, I will faint. It's been more than two days since I ate something or drank something." He looked at me shocked and I could hear more steps running towards the room.

-"How much time?" an angry voice said and I looked up trying to focus and met an angry cat green eyes. I smiled lightly, but the spirit of it was not there. Jin got up to me and I extended my arms. He sighed and carried me, a spoon in one hand. He started to quickly walk, but I right away stopped him.

-"Slow." I gritted my teeth, I felt really bad "Dizzy much"

-"Stupid much also" he mumbled but I heard him so I pinched his neck. "Yah!"

-"That was unnecessary" I mumbled and he sighed again and started walking more slowly this time.

We got down to the kitchen and I could see my dad sitting at the top of the table with a hot coffee and reading the newspaper. On the sides of the table were all my hybrids eating cereals, fruits, pancakes and by Jin wearing an apron I guessed he prepared the breakfast. I had to take them shopping today. It would be hectic again.

-"What's wrong?" my dad looked at me worriedly and with this I gained everyone attention. Even though I was back facing them, I could feel their stares.

-"She didn't-"Jin started but I cut him off

-"I was lazy, you can put me down now Jin. I'm fine" I said and Jin carefully put me on the ground. I clearly could barely stand on my own. Or, I didn't want to burden my dad. He had enough to worry about, although he knew me the best.

-"When did you eat for the last time?" he asked sipping his coffee

-"Yesterday morning." I said as I still stabilized myself on Jin walking towards the top of the table

-"You ate half an apple, yesterday morning" he countered

-"Yes, so I ate something" I said sitting down. I looked at all the food, it made me want to vomit. I was chubby and very complexed about my body. There were time I didn't care and time I cared more than I should and totally stopped eating for days or weeks. A guard of my dad who was probably watching me the last two weeks appeared. I raised an eyebrow at my dad. He asked him to list what I ate the last two weeks.

-"Young Miss didn't eat correctly for the past month. The most she ate in a day was half a plate of pasta and an Ice tea. Every day, she eats between one or two apples and drinks water." He started to speak and Jungkook looked at me shocked.

-"You're exaggeration Soo" I said, trying to wipe off his intervention with a smile. My dad didn't say anything, and I thought he would let it slide. I looked around the table and spotted an apple, I reached for it. My dad was following my gesture and giggled but there was no happiness in it.

-"Are you trying to starve yourself my daughter?" he asked but the smile didn't reach his eyes

-"Dad, I'm not" I said firmly and I was about to munch on my apple but it was taken away from me by Namjoon. I looked at him and he handed the apple to my dad. My dad took the apple and crushed it. I stopped breathing. "I wasn't hungry that's all."

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