College 2.2: Incredulous

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The flat was luxurious. It was near the University and very luxurious. Namjoon pulled you inside the elevator before pressing on the button to the last floor. 

He had explained that Seokjin had invested in real estate when he was only fourteen and somehow got a bunch of money. 

Moreover, with Jimin and Hoseok's performance, Yoongi's being a producer and Jungkook and Taehyung making their name in the art world while he was also helping his father's company, the place wasn't even that much.

"It's a penthouse." You gaped at the huge black door before Namjoon ringed the bell

"Joon and... Elina?" Seokjin asked raising an eyebrow as his eyes zoned on your intertwined hands

Immediately you let Namjoon's hand go, very embarrassed as Namjoon calmly explained the situation. It was a feast that had been waiting for him to congratulate him for getting the internship he wanted. 

You stood in the entrance, more and more unsure and glancing behind you. 

As Namjoon took his shoes off and walked inside the apartment, you carefully took some steps back but you felt a chest again your back slamming the door shut. You froze feeling someone breathe in your neck.

"No sweetheart."

You widened your eyes recognizing full well Hoseok's voice as he took several steps away from you and watched you like a hawk. Fumbling with your fingers, you took your shoes off and took a decisive step into the apartment of the seven boys.

Hoseok walked behind you and you felt even more nervous as you stepped inside the living room. A huge table with eight seats, a couch and an open kitchen made the interior absolutely lovely. 

The decorations were minimalist, but the paintings on each wall gave the room some personality. You weren't surprised to see Jungkook on the couch with Taehyung snuggling into each other as Jimin was brushing his finger through Yoongi's hair as his head rested on his laps.

"Sorry to disturb." You whispered

"Ah, you." Jimin's eyes lit up in recognition as a scowl adorned his face

"Jimin, be nice." Namjoon appeared from the kitchen "Her mother forgot her in her lab. They were supposed to go back home together and she was studying hard. The trains have stopped running and her friends were unable to take care of her. 

I asked her to come home with me, so don't make her more uncomfortable than she already must be." He sighed running a hand through his hair

"Are you uncomfortable because we're together?"

You didn't recognize the voice at first and then glanced at Jungkook. He had been the one speaking. You frowned at his question.

"You think I'm uncomfortable because you are all boyfriends?" you reiterated "I don't mind that. I mean, if you love one another, then I support you...I'm more amazed than anything else." You mumbled the last part

Jungkook turned around and smiled at you. He looked like a bunny. You gave him an awkward smile as you glanced at Namjoon who nodded reflecting Jungkook's smile.

Jin's cooking was amazing. You made sounds of delight after each bite you took. It was other worldly, you had never tasted something this good before.

"It's really delicious." You contemplated your empty plate regretful you had eaten so quickly

"I'm glad then." Jin smiled kindly "Have you reached out for your parents?"

"I did. I'll just take the earliest train tomorrow morning and get some clothes before going back with the second train." You had talked with your parents and they refused to pick you up "I'm already really grateful not to have to sleep in the lab again, so thank you very much for this Namjoon." You said sheepishly

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