One hundred and nineteen

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"Okay, are we ready?" Erin whispered as she and the kids hid in the living room behind the couches. Alex and Arizona were bringing Meredith home so Erin and the kids were surprising her with balloons, party poppers, a fully decorated Christmas house and cake, curtesy of Zola and Archie baking with Arizona and April.

"Yeah," the older four whispered.

"Okay, quiet," Erin whispered, putting her finger to her lips. The kids copied and they heard the front door open. She held up three fingers for the kids, counting them down to one when Alex turned the lights on.

They all jumped up, pulling the party poppers.

"Welcome home!" they said. Meredith laughed, holding her arms out.

"Thank you!" she said. The four older kids raced over, all of them fighting to hug Meredith while Erin quickly disposed of the smoking poppers.

"The little ones are down for the night so it's just us big guys for cake," Erin said.

"Cake?" Meredith said.

"We baked it, mommy, Archie and me!" Zola said.

"You did?" Meredith said.

"Yeah, Mermaid! It's got prinkles," Archie said, stumbling over the word sprinkles.

"It's got sprinkles? Wow, that's amazing," Meredith smiled, letting the kids lead her into the kitchen.

"I spoke to Amelia," Arizona said, wrapping her arms around Erin's waist as they followed.

"And?" Erin said.

"Thirty days clean. Mer isn't ready to forgive her, yet, but Amelia said she's not ready to forgive Mer yet, either, so I think we're on the right track but not at the finish line?" Arizona said.

"It's progress," Alex shrugged, wrapping his arms around both of them.

"We'll take it," Erin laughed, kissing their cheeks before heading into the kitchen. "Who wants cake?" she said.

"Me! Me! Me!"

"Lay off the damn horn, will ya?" Alex scoffed as he climbed into the car. Meredith took her hand off the horn. "God, carpool sucks," he said.

"Hang on. Is Wilson coming?" Erin said, looking into the backseat where Maggie and Alex were sat.

"I think so," Alex said.

"What do you mean you think so?" Meredith asked.

"I can't... look, she's all over the place. I don't even know why she let me back in the house. We barely talk, which is probably good because it's fewer chances I'll piss her off again," Alex said.

"That's pathetic," Meredith scowled.

"What's her problem?" Alex asked.

"She's in a mood," Maggie and Erin said.

"Still?" Alex asked. The door opened and Jo shoved her bag at Alex.

"I said to tell her that I needed a minute," Jo said.

"You didn't tell me that," Alex said, shuffling over so she could fit in.

"Yes, I did. You didn't listen," Jo scoffed.

"So done with carpool," Meredith sang, driving off from their building.

"Believe me, I'd rather be doing carpool than a school run," Erin said.

"Very good point. Arizona is a saint," Maggie said.

"You better be treating her right, Erin Grey-Robbins. I raised you to be a good person," Meredith said. Erin smirked.

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