Zhongli x half adeptus male reader, part 2

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Game: Genshin Impact

Type: It was meant to be

Plot: Waking up in some sort of field, you met with an adepti, who said they're the "afterlife". After hearing your wish, they decide to grant it, in exchange for becoming their half adepti and suffer the consequence of being one.

A little about (Y/n): The reader is silent and serious, but socially awkward and anxious. Tries his best to be strict himself. The reader is an electro vision polearm user of Liyue

⚠️ Warning: I haven't watched/read the whole thing, so sorry if it's OOC, or weird. This contains gay content, and some contain lime/lemon/smut and colorful language.

"Past sentence that was said before."

Some stories are too long to load all at once, look for the "End/To be continued..." to know when the story has or has not been fully loaded.


As Zhongli said that, (Y/n) looked up at him. 'Liyue... I'm guessing this is what they call this place.' (Y/n) nodded seeing Zhongli looking down at him. (Y/n) then looked at the half archon. The soft smile held no evil intention. Slowly (Y/n) let go of Zhongli's robe and did a bow towards the group.

"Nice to you, I'm (Y/n)."

The first few days of being in Liyue harbor, (Y/n) was under heavy security with the millelith and the QiXings. They couldn't chase him away, they could be releasing the most dangerous thing into the world, and chasing him might anger the archon. But if they just let him wander around the place he might cause trouble to the citizens of Liyue.

It took a while to get the military and QiXings off his back. The Archons were the ones who helped him. They felt no threat in his presence and seeing how little he interacts with the townspeople they felt no need for him to be watched 24/7.

Zhongli promised to take care of (Y/n) just in case he did something out of line. The two made a contract. And you know Zhongli is not going to break it.

In a room (Y/n) was on the bed. Looking like he was asleep. The wind blew the window open as the sun rose from the edge of the ocean. A soft wind blew on the curtains making them fly in the air. The coldness caused (Y/n)'s eyes to twitch, rubbing them as he sat up.

Zhongli knocked on the door, "(Y/n) it's time to wake up". It's been a few days since (Y/n) was notified of Zhongli's appearance in his life. He didn't think much, since he too would be suspicious of someone who just randomly appeared. "I want you to meet someone."

Getting up (Y/n) put on his clothes and went to open the door. Zhongli's face appeared, making (Y/n) flinch lightly. "Are you ready?" (Y/n) nodded. He hasn't spoken to anyone since his arrival, he was too scared he was going to say something wrong.

"Follow me...

And here we are." Zhongli walked forward. A blond hair boy walked forward holding out a hand for (Y/n) to shake. "Hello, it's nice to meet you, I'm Aether." (Y/n) took the hand held out to him and gave him a good shake. "(Y/n)."

"Now that you two have introduced yourself to each other, it's time to get to the point. I need to go to something important. (Y/n) can't be there since I would be violating the contract. If you please, Aether, take care of (Y/n) for me?" Zhongli asked. Even though it's his job to make sure (Y/n) doesn't act out of line.

But of course, it's not in the contract that Zhongli has to bring him everywhere, he can leave (Y/n) alone for a short period of time, but during that (Y/n) must have someone trustworthy to look after him.

"Of course, Zhongli." Aether answer. Zhongli felt relief flow over him, nodding as a sign of acknowledgment, he then turned around and walked down the hill. (Y/n) looked at Aether. Nothing was said for a few seconds.

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