Kim Dokja x Naga male reader, part 1

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Manga: Omniscient Reader/Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint

Title: Mystery creature is now my pet?!

Plot: After fighting the warden of the dark and cooking the ground rat leg. Lee Gilyoung noticed something moving behind the cracks between the trees.

A little back story on (Y/n): (Y/n) is a naga, he can also turn into a full snake when eating larger prey, or fighting but it costs energy. He is also a character that doesn't exist in the original TWSA storyline. Similar to Dokja, he was a normal citizen, but when the dokkaebi and the star steam started, he was woken up to a new body and started to get to know more about the body.

⚠️ Warning: I haven't watched/read the whole thing, so sorry if it's OOC, or weird. This contains gay content, and some contain lime/lemon/smut and colorful language.

[System notification]

'Dokja reading thoughts'

Some stories are too long to load all at once, look for the "End/To be continued..." to know when the story has or has not been fully loaded.


"What's that?" Gilyoung said, terrified of the moving thing that's behind the trees. Dokja was confused, there never was another type of monster in the lair of the ground rats. He stood up, and just as he was about to take a step toward the moving creature he was stopped by a sound.


A loud hissing sound reached everyone's ears in the room. Echoing around the room. The hissing became louder and louder. Dokja is now fully alarmed, he slowly approaches the moving creature. As a reader of TWSA, he was never told about another. The fighting probably attracted this creature, and from how loud Myungoh was.

"AHHHH!" Myungoh screamed, "BEHIND YOU!"

[Ding! The ??? has appeared!]

Dokja immediately turned around when he heard the cursed man scream. Snake-like fangs were coming toward him at an insane speed, causing the ground to shake. Using the round rat leg he stopped the creature from biting him. The creature bit the ground rat's leg, while Dokja dogged far away, causing the creature to hit the wall.

[Several constellations are questioning what the creature's name is!]

The Dokkaebi, Biryu, appeared "W-what's going on?!" "What do you mean 'what's going on?!" Sangha asked. "T-that creature doesn't exist in t-the catalog!"

As the two were winding what was going on, Dokja was in danger. His only weapon has just broken and he has no clue what this thing is, other than the noise it made.

[Personal skill, Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint, is ready for activation]

[Activate personal skill?]

'Yes! Apparently, I can read its mind, that's weird... doesn't it require a deep understanding of the character? Plus it's not even human... unless he's one of the unknown characters' Dokja thought as he was being pushed back by the creature.

'Why are they in my territory? Who is this man? Can they explain why I'm here? No, I can't trust them, they're just going to kill me.' The creature thought. 'What am I scared of, they have no weapons that can harm me after killing the Warden of the Dark. I can just kill them if they threaten me at all.'

Immediately after that thought, it backed away and 'stood up. Dokja can see a silhouette of the creature. It was even larger than the Warden of the dark, its slender body resembles one of a snake, but with scales running straight down its back similar to a dragon.

Anime Male x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now