Saiki Kusuo x male reader

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Anime: The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.
(Lmao I spelled his name wrong in the title)

⚠️ Warning: I haven't watched/read the whole thing, so sorry if it's OOC, or weird. This contains gay content, and some contain lime/lemon/smut and colorful language.

(Author's comments)

"Saiki reading people's thoughts"



Another sigh came from (Y/n) as he sat in his boyfriend's bed. He just looked around the place hoping for something to happen since Saiki had to take care of something. Probably to go buy some coffee jelly or something. (Y/n) lay down on Saiki's bed, head nuzzling into the pillow, there wasn't much else to do and he didn't want to look at his phone.

It has been around 5 months since they started dating, he doesn't remember the exact date but Saiki does.

"How did I land on such a jackpot..." To (Y/n) it was always a wonder to him how he and Saiki started dating. It only started as a temporary relationship to get Teruhashi away from Saiki. But now he's got a genuine crush on the guy. And he doesn't know what to do with it. He was happy with his fake relationship. He didn't have to do anything since it was just a claim and they don't do anything together. He was honestly feeling a bit sad because of it.

"That emotionless box, why do I have to agree with him and not anyone else..." (Y/n) groaned into the pillow feeling even more terrible than before. "He'll just dump me anyway, not like he likes me." (Y/n) mumbled to himself looking around the room hoping for something weird to happen.

"I'm scared to even touch him sometimes..." (Y/n) looked as if he was about to cry, he wanted to be Saiki's boyfriend but he was more like a tool and yet he didn't want to break up. He was just another unknown person in this world and he wished to hold onto the attention for a little longer. "Stay calm, stay calm, you're in your...I guess friend's room?" He was confused about what to call Saiki now. In the public, they would refer to each other as boyfriends but now that he was alone he felt off saying that. (Y/n) turned around on the bed and closed his eyes wanting some rest from all the speaking and thinking.

It didn't take long for him to hear the door open, and (Y/n) immediately sat up again to greet Saiki.

"Coffee jelly again? How much do you like that thing?" (Y/n) said as his thoughts continued to ramble giving Saiki a headache.

"Can you just leave for the moment?" Each time Saiki invites (Y/n) over they're always like this but when he was with other people his mind was clean and clear. He didn't understand why (Y/n) was feeling that way.

"L-leave... all right." (Y/n) stood up and left the room and the house a few seconds later after Saiki's mother tried to ask him what was going on only to get an I'm fine response. She still felt suspicious of the situation so she burst into Saiki's room.

"Kusou Saiki! What did you do to your boyfriend?!" A mother's gut instinct never lies.

"I didn't do anything, what do you mean?"

"He left here looking so sad! Although my words might be a little exaggerated, still!" She urged.

"He'll be fine...wait I just told him to leave my room, not the house." Saiki said and turned around to finish his coffee jelly. He couldn't help but be overwhelmed as he remembered the thoughts (Y/n) always had around him for the past few weeks. It was so severe to the point where he can't even make out most of the words.

The next day during school (Y/n) was walking to the school alone. Saiki tried to read his mind but only to find some simple and normal stuff like what's today's lunch. But the moment he neared (Y/n) and he noticed him their thoughts started to become scrambled as he started to walk faster.

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