story 15(bet to the belly)

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I was standing on celestia's palm as she was telling me a way she could help me. "Ok here's the rules, i eat you and you survive my stomach for a day and i will help you get to normal size" she stated and i sighed before agreeing. " up" i said as she grabbed me and using 2 fingers she popped my head and shoulders into her mouth and layed back in her chair *gulp*. She tilted her head back and i felt her tongue slapping my toes into her lips before she used her finger to push them fully into her mouth as my head and torso were already bulging her throat. "Well down i go" i said sighing as she tilted back fully and swallowed me whole while her warm slimy tube dragged me down like a reverse straw. *slllrkkk* i met her stomach after a few minutes of sliding down her throat and I could tell i was weighing her stomach down since i could feel her intestine below me. "Ok the challenge starts now" she said as she suddenly belched silently but put 2 fingers over her mouth. I sat in her stomach looking at my feet as i somehow had to sit there and wait for 24 hours for help. "This feels interesting, i expected to be unable to feel you but i can feel your frame pulling down my stomach" she said as she put both her 2 sets of finger tips and poked her belly with them as i could see her stomach pushing inward due to it. "Hm, i can even feel your frame in there, that's unexpected" she said as soon she took her mind off of me and she lifted her leg and crossed it with the other as her stomach let more acids out furious it was unable to digest its meal. I eventually got into a comfortable position which i was able to cross my legs and lay back on my palms against the bottom and back of her stomach, my butt was at the entrance of her intestines but i was too big to fit in there as i had to wait a long time. *gggrrrr* her stomach groaned which deafened me slightly as i heard her groan slightly. "How can i be hungry when i already ate something? Oh well, adam watch out down there im gonna get something to eat" she said as she uncrossed her legs and stood up which caused her stomach to bounce and i tumbled from my position to sprawled on the floor which she didnt notice and began walking towards the kitchen, every step she took caused me to be pushed up and then back towards the bottom of her stomach which actually wasn't too bad as i heard her shoes tap against the tile floor. "Look out below adam" she said as she suddenly began swallowing, milk tea and biscuit chunks began entering her stomach like spilling chocolate milk onto a table. "Ack!" I wasn't prepared for this and got sloshed back and forth by the constant swallowing of milk tea and biscuits. After a while she finally stopped and burped which caused the milk tea to ripple as i sat half way beneath it crossing my arms and my face puffed angrily. Eventually 24 hours passed and she coughed me up, i wiped myself off and she began getting information on how to retransform me.

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