Story 168 (Teddy's kaiju belly research)

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Teddy was sitting on the hand of his new kaiju friend Mothra. she was confused at his request and needed to make sure she heard him right. "So you want to go inside my stomach and study it? is that correct?" she asked as teddy nodded many times.

she cracked a grin and leaned down towards him. "ok then, here i come" she said opening her mouth in front of him so he could walk inside. he gently stepped across her tongue amazed at how squishy the tongue was as his feet pushed saliva out of it like a sponge. "Oh wow the tongue is very squishy and i can feel its warmth" he said as he knelt down before pushing on the roof of her mouth feeling the saliva against his hands. "I can feel you there teddy, how does it feel?" she asked as he gave a smile and replied "Like a warm cave" he said looking towards her uvula which hung at the back. he gently approached it and squished it between his hands. "Ooh careful teddy, i might gag" mothra said as he apologetically let go and chuckled before beginning to study her tongue. he poked her taste buds seeing how bumpy they were and he began hearing her giggle which bounced him slightly. "Are you ready to venture further into my body teddy?" she asked as the moth girl closed her mouth feeling teddy push on her insides. "Yes miss mothra, i wanna go further into my investigation" he said as he got down on his ass and palms and watched the room go dark as the tongue lifted up like a wave and he began to slide back. "Ok have a good study of my body teddy" she said as she then tilted her head back and let teddy get down her throat. it was very hot as he slid down like a grape. she smiled and felt his body pass between her neck and finger until eventually it disappeared into her chest. "Once you are in be careful not to get close to any food...or my stomach will think you are food too" she said as he soon was plopped onto his ass inside her very pink stomach. it gurgled all around him as the walls gently moved around him wrinkling into unnatural shapes. "Ok mothra, i'm in" he said as he took out a flashlight and a set of tools to begin to study her stomach. she sighed and licked her lips feeling the boy move around her stomach in order to study her. she felt the tummy weigh down from his tools he brought and he began to feel the walls. "ok its very hot and slimy, also very tight but so far its awesome" he said as he smeared his hand into the wall which squeezed out more slime. "Oh i can feel you moving, this is a nice feeling" she said as she rubbed her tummy while the boy began to relax since he finished studying. "You know this is very sweet" he said as he sat in a more dry spot of her stomach and laying his head against the morphing walls. "yeah, I wanna do this more often" she said giggling as the stomach swirled him around due to her laugh. "hey be careful" he said also giggling and laying down on the floor while the walls moved up and down around his body. teddy then felt the room begin to rock back and forth, mothra must have been moving as he was tossed up and down in her hot stomach. "well i'm going back to monster island, you keep steady" mothra said expanding her wings.

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