112 (Chris eats hiyoko)

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"CHRIS! GET ME OUT YOU PIG!" the bratty yellow girl screamed from his bulging cheeks which concealed the yellow haired girl who's ass was on his tongue and her head ducked down from the roof of his mouth pushing against her head. "Hiyoko you were being such a bully to poor tsumiki, i'm keeping you in my mouth so you can't bully her. If you keep complaining i'll swallow you!" he exclaimed as his cheeks were chipmunking and he could feel her body bulging against the sphere around his face. "I knew such a pig like you would do this! you'd better hope i don't make you choke" she said with a snarky tone so chris sighed and began to swallow. her ass slipped down his tongue into his throat which pushed her knees into her face and her hands grabbed at his tonsels in fright as a bulge was in chris's throat. "h-hey i was joking! QUIT!" she screamed as chris swallowed again and her knees and chest were pulled down painfully as she felt his muscles pushing hard against her back and thights. "WAIT PLE-*GULP*" before hiyoko could plead anymore his throat silenced her and pushed her head and feet down his esophagus into his stinging stomach. "UURP! that's what you get hiyoko, you're now becoming slurry" he said to his bulging struggling stomach as she began to scream.

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