Story 163(Bully to friend)

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"Hiyoko why are you so mean to the little bugs?" teddy asked as hiyoko was jerkingly holding a scared crab over her gaping mouth. *NOM* she proceeded to put the poor crab in her mouth and swallowed it. the bulge crawled down her throat and she let out a mean burp. "AHHhhh, well because I get to stomp out a worthless life" hiyoko said with an evil smirk as the crab began losing its armored shell. "Thats not nice...Its not ok to do this to poor critters" teddy said as hiyoko's eyes went mean and her face had a shadow. "Do i look like i care about those small things??? I don't see them as signifigant" the short meanie said to poor teddy who covered his ears in slight nervousness. "W-wait Im sorry hiyoko, you can crush the bu-" he was about to say but the shorter girl leaped up and swallowed his head and shoulders. she was mad at him so she forced his shoulders and chest down her throat forcefully while pinning him down. *GULP!* she took an angry swallow and reached his stomach while his head entered her own to see the digested remains of many small critters including several birds and mice. "HIYOKO STOP!" he cried but all that came out where desperate sputters and gasps. "MMPH He's so persistent!" hiyoko thought as she wrapped her lips around his ass and began shoving it down her throat.

*GULP...SLURP.....* she knelt down pushing his knees down her throat which slowly began reverting to its normal self. "GRRR STOP kicking!" she mumbled as his feet kicked in her mouth. she angrily swallowed and pushed the wiggling toes down her throat into her hate filled stomach. "UUURPPPP!-Thats what you get for telling me what not to do!" she said not knowing the real danger of his situation. "HIYOKO IM SO SORRY! LET ME OUT! Oh god its hot!" he complained and kicked her walls but it was difficult since she was pressing her tummy into the sand. "No! Don't tell me what to do!" she said angrily but then her angry expression disappeared after she began hearing a bone crack.

"T-teddy, what? was that a?" she began to realize what she really was doing. "Teddy wait im sorry don't go!" hiyoko began to panick as she heard his coughs turn into bloody coughs. "H-hiyoko...p-please n-never bully a-again..." teddy said as his body began falling apart while she began crying. "NO! TEDDY! Why was i such a...such a monster!" she cried as she buried her face in her hands and her tummy began to retract. "Im so sorry mr crabs..." hiyoko said realizing what she did all the time was brutal murdering. however slowly her stomach began to grow again making her confused. "Huh? what the?" she was confused as she poked at the now big belly between her legs. "TEDDY! Is that you?" she cried as she began gripping her stomach feeling a head and legs. it seemed he had fallen asleep during regeneration. "Oh god get him out!" hiyoko said before she vomited up the sleeping boy. "Oh god im sorry! i really am" hiyoko said as she dragged the boy to the water and began washing him off. she spent the rest of the day nearly strangle hugging poor teddy.

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