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Jax's POV

Time has been flying by.

School was getting easier since we were winding down. We were all spending time outside again. A month had already passed but it felt like Town Day was just a few days ago.

"Does anyone have anything they want to say," Andrew asked at our second group session. Liam was playing with his hands like he was nervous about something.

"Carter did really good at Town Day," Ryder said with a smile. "Patrick only had to tell him to calm down once." Andrew smiled brightly at that before looking over to everyone else.

"Ryder didn't freak out after 'it' happened," Callum praised as he kissed Ryder's forehead. "Not even a nightmare."

"We talked about that," Andrew said with another smile. "You're all getting a lot better."

"I need to tell Jax something," Liam said before I had the chance to think of something. I raised an eyebrow at him as I waited for him to continue. Andrew let a sad expression fall on his face, almost like he knew what Liam was about to say.

"Why do I feel like I'm not going to like where this is going," I asked, making Liam look up at me.

"Right before we started dating," he started, "after you told me about your problems, I blew up at Andrew and I told him on accident."

All eyes were on me as I processed what he had said.

I wasn't mad that he told Andrew; at least I'm not mad now. I'm sure I would have been pissed if he told me when it happened. It's probably a good thing he waited but there was still a problem.

"So when I asked all of you who told him, and all of you said you knew nothing about it, you all lied to me," I asked, trying to keep myself from exploding.

"Hold on a second," Callum said quickly as he took my hand. I kind of wanted to shove him away but I force myself to take a breath and hear him out first. "Ryder and I didn't know anything but tell me honestly you wouldn't have gone off at him if he had told you that night."

"That's not the point," I say as I force myself to stay calm. "He could see that I was pissed and he still lied."

"He lied because you were upset," Andrew said gently, almost like he was trying to stay neutral. "We all know you don't tend to think rationally when you get mad." He had a point but I was still mad.

"Are you mad now," Liam asked hesitantly when I go quiet.

"I'm not exactly thrilled," I say a bit too harshly. "But with the benefit of hindsight I can say that it's probably a good thing that you told Andrew. It's not like I would have told him and Carter wasn't around so he wasn't going to help." Liam let out a small breath that he had been holding.

"I don't love that you lied either," Callum admitted. "I know why you did and it's probably a good thing that you did but since when do we lie to each other? If you had told him Ryder and I would have helped both of you get through it."

"I was afraid you would both take sides. I knew you would take his and Ryder would take mine and we would be divided. We had just started dating Jax at that point; I didn't want anyone to feel like we made a mistake dating him. I know I don't have an excuse for telling Andrew or for lying about it but I do need you to know I feel terrible about it." I only hummed.

He does sound pretty sorry. And you have to admit that he has a point about all of it.

'So if you were in my place you wouldn't be mad at all,' I asked sarcastically.

No, I'd be just as mad as you but let's be honest, you still like him and you aren't going to break up with him, so that only leaves you with one option. Forgive him and let this be a learning moment.

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