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Jax's POV

When I got back to the cabin everyone was awake and getting dressed. Ryder smiled at me as he walked to the bathroom, while Callum and Liam were already dressed. Callum was on his own bed while Liam was still chilling on mine.

"It's a good thing you got back when you did," Liam said. "We were about to head down to breakfast without you."

"We'll if it were up to me I wouldn't have gone at all."

Callum wasn't really paying attention but Liam seemed to understand that something wasn't right, but thankfully didn't ask about it.

"Well soon enough you'll be able to drown your troubles in syrup and chocolate milk," Callum said, finally snapping back into reality.

"You make it sound like we are about to get flat out drunk or something," Ryder said as he walked out of the bathroom.

"Is that still an option?"

"If it were possible to climb over the fence without getting caught, where do you think I would be right now?" Liam said with a small chuckle to his voice.

I don't really know what was happening right now but these didn't seem like the same people I've been living with for the past week. Maybe it was because it was too early in the morning to put on the perfect, non-criminal act or it was something else but I liked it.

The lunchroom was a lot louder than normal when we walked in but seemed the quiet down when people realized who walked in. The loud conversations turned into whispered gossip. People's eyes followed me everywhere I went and at this point I didn't even want breakfast, all I wanted to was to head back to the cabin and hide out there all weekend while this thing blew over.

"Don't worry about them," I hear Callum whisper in my ear. "They're just jealous that they weren't the ones who got to kick her ass." I nod but internally wince. I know he was trying to make me feel better but it wasn't working.

Boyd and the others were already sitting down at our normal table when we got there. Boyd looked beyond exhausted while Kyle and Kellan looked to be at each other's throats until Kyle's eyes found me.

"Fine, we'll ask Jax," he said as he directed his attention to me.

"Whatever you are going to say, don't," I said as I set my trey down and began pushing food around to make it look like I was eating. "I am not about to start marriage counseling you two."

"I told you he wouldn't get involved," Boyd mumbled under his breath.

Kyle all but growled as he slammed his fork down. "I just want to know if I over reacted."

"I don't even know what it's about but if you were involved then yes, you over reacted," I said quickly, hoping to end the conversation.

"What did you do?" Ryder asked in a small voice, partially hiding behind Callum.

"I was about to get in the shower and I forgot to lock the bathroom door, one of the other guys walked in so told him to get out but he wouldn't so I punched him. That's not over reacting."

"You still had your clothes on," Kellan said with a slight groan.

"No, my shirt was off. You're my boyfriend, you're supposed to be pissed that he even got the chance to see my perfect abs."

"You use to fight shirtless all the time and got mad when I glared at people who stared too long!"

"Because that was a show! This is real and different because that guy was actual my age."

"Oh so you only want me to glare at guys you can take, not old perves who are twice your size."

"Okay that's enough of this," I butt in. "You can work this out later, I really don't feel like hearing about your relationship problems."

"Then what should we talk about? Maybe the fact that you attacked someone for no reason?" Kyle said with a hard glare. His glare had always been rather impressive but he had never seen my worst one until now and I think it surprised him a bit.

"You really think I would beat someone up for no reason?" I asked, my voice as cold as I could possibly make it."

"Well had it been for a reason it would have been a lot worse I would have thought," he said his voice softer than it was before and his glare was mostly gone.

"It would have been if someone didn't pull me off of them. Don't believe everything you hear around here." I say as I stood up, leaving my trey, and walking back to the cabin without another word.

Liam's POV

"How are things going with Jax?" Andrew asked. Our session only started a few minutes ago but he seemed eager to get into the more important things today.

"We don't want to trade him if that's what you're asking," I say to which Andrew only gives me a knowing smile.

"You know that's not what I mean."

I'll be the first to admit I didn't take well to these sessions when I first got here either but after I realized faking these things was what was going to get me out of this camp faster I played along the best I could. Then things happened, Ryder and Callum were both hitting on me, I needed actual good advice so I stopped playing and decided it was worth being real with him once if it would actually help and it did. He ended up helping me with the boy trouble and after that I didn't go back to playing and took these sessions more seriously.

Now he knows me almost as well as my boyfriends do meaning he knows all about our three-way relationship and how we would like to make it into a four-way with Jax.

At this point in our session journey we just talk about random things so I just fill him in on the daily drama and he sometimes puts in his two cents.

"We're going to try and help him by keeping people from touching hum because I think that's the main aggressor for him but I don't know what to do other than that. Just try to keep him out of trouble."

"That's still not what I'm talking about," his smile grew into a small smirk.

"I slept in his bed last night, we kind of watched a movie but not really. Well, the three of us watched a movie Jax ignored it. And after a lot of movies Jax passed out and I just didn't feel like leaving when I got ready to sleep."

"How did he react when he realized you slept with you?"

"I don't think he's let it cross his mind."

"Do you think he's even into guys?" He asked with a sincere voice.

"I don't really know. I think he could be but he doesn't want to admit it to himself."

"Internalized homophobia?" He asked, with a bit of surprise slipping into his voice.

"I think so. He has gay friends other than the three of us and he doesn't seem to mind them."

He stopped for a moment to think.

"I'll pay more attention to that in my next session with him. It would end up being helpful for him anyway."

"I don't know what else to do at this point," I say honestly. "We all knew it would be hard when we talked about it but I had hoped that we would be closer than this already. We can barely have a conversation without getting glared at."

"You know things are different for him. Just be patient and try to be calm around him. He'll get use to it. From what I can tell so far he has a bit of social anxiety and trust issues. I think one by one spend time with him so he isn't overwhelmed."

"I don't know if he would like us dragging him around at random times," I point out.

"Then be smart about it, you're supposed to be the clever one," he said with a slight smirk. "Figure it out."

I want you guys to let me know in the comments, but would you be intrested in having some chapters be in Callum and Ryder's POV or would you prefer to have them all stay in either Liam or Jax's? If you have a thought make sure you tell me, I want to know about them, they will determine how the rest of the story goes. 

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