|116| What Am I to You?

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For the first time in a while, Nathalie began to stir and she felt refreshed from the uninterrupted sleep that she had made. She felt the tip of her nose brushing gently on the smooth fabric of Levi’s white sweatshirt. Warm arms were around her, pressing her close to him. His cheek was pressing down on her temple and their blankets were thrown across their bodies. It felt so nice being curled up like this. Levi’s biological clock could tell they had slept in and that everybody was probably worried and searching for them, but he didn’t care.

He couldn’t care the least, this was the first night his Nathalie had slept peacefully. The first night she hadn’t snapped out of her sleep with tears and cries and shaky hands. And he slept with her, holding her tight exactly as she wanted him to. Her fingers weren’t as tight as they always had been around his shirt and he could tell she wasn’t as scared as she had been the past days.

His Nathalie was getting better. She was recovering and he was so happy about that. Levi leaned in and pressed a kiss on her temple, then her forehead, her cheek, her nose. She giggled. It made his heart flutter. How precious this moment was. Holding her was something he’d never grow tired of. She lifted her head off his chest and bright blue eyes were finally revealed from beneath her thick eyelashes. She was absolutely breathtaking even in the mess of her sleep. Her dishevelled brown hair did nothing but make her even more perfect than she already was.

Her hand found his face. Soft fingers brushed across his cheek. “Good morning, my love,” She said sweetly and he sighed in utter contentment.

“Good morning, Nat,” Levi pressed another kiss on her forehead and she buried her face in his neck. Her arms slipped around his waist tightly and pressed him against her.

“I slept so well,” She pressed a kiss in his neck and she shut her eyes and she sighed. “I slept so well right here… in your arms… thank you,”

“Oi, what the fuck are you even thanking me about?” He asked and she giggled again. Levi buried his face in her hair once more and he too closed his eyes. “My precious baby,” He mumbled. His arms tightened around her and she sighed.

“My precious husband,” She mumbled in return as she pulled back, to cup his face and look at him, and she caught his lips in her own.

She kissed him soft and slow and his lips responded immediately. His hand let go of her waist and found her hair. Fingers buried into the messy pale brown locks and she sighed in their tender sweet kiss. He brought her just a little closer. His tongue, gentle and warm, brushed against her own and she hummed. And when he pulled away from the kiss and found her chin, her neck, she threw her head back allowing him more space. His kisses were gentle, and warm, and wet and sloppy. Her arms found his hair pressing him closer to her.

Levi couldn’t help it. He trapped a tender spot of her neck between his lips and let down a gentle suckle that knocked a moan out of her. It had been so long since the last time he’d heard those wonderful sounds coming from his Nathalie. It had been so long since the last time he’d felt her body tremble and shake beneath him. He wanted to bite down his marks in her neck. He wanted to dig his fingers in her skin and he wanted to listen to those sounds. Those whimpers, those winces, those mewls, those pleas.

But no. Not yet he reminded himself. There was no way he could have her this way. Not yet. She needed time. She needed him to be gentle and kind, and loving to her. She needed him to be there to hold her and bring her back to reality whenever she’d drift off. That’s all that he could do for now. He couldn’t bring her beneath him and take her because she had been through so much, and to do something to her that she didn’t want to, was the last thing that he wanted to happen.

Broken Hearts, Severed Limbs (Levi x OC x Erwin)Where stories live. Discover now