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I haven't always hated love. In fact, I used to be its number one fan. Going on dates, sending flirty texts all day just to hold yourself over until you're finally in their arms again. It can be magical. And the next thing you know, you're twenty-three, living by yourself in a one bedroom apartment and eating mint-chocolate ice cream out of the tub while watching re-runs of Law and Order. Love and I used to be tight, but now? She can fuck off for all I care.

I wouldn't call myself a cynic. I'm happy..ish. I mean, I've got a great job, a nice place to live, a car that runs without any issues at the moment. What else could a girl need? I've spent the last six months proving to myself that I don't need a man. I don't need all the extra baggage and the distraction. And most of all? I don't need him.

I'd rather not mention the piece of garbage's name, but for the sake of the story, I'll open up that door one last time. Marvin O'Reilly. Where do I begin? First, I'll tell you that when I fell, I fell hard. Like.. face first off the world's tallest diving board hard. Only to land in Antarctic waters.

Marvin and I met in college. I was just entering the nursing program at NYU and he was in his last year of his residency. He was graduating to be a brain surgeon but I think his degree should have been in lying and screwing anything with two legs.

Okay.. I'm getting ahead of myself. I know what you're probably thinking.. I loved him at one time, right? And the answer's yes. Marvin treated me well. He made me feel special.. at first. We were together for three years and I honestly pictured myself marrying him. But then, he just had to go and fuck it all up.

Six months ago, he met someone else. A peer if you will. I tend to refer to her as a home wrecker, but whatever. We were living together in his fancy Manhattan high rise that had enough square footage to house a small army. We had a dog, named Chester. And when I found the texts from 'Amelia'.. well let's just say things didn't go well.

So now, here I am with my third glass of wine in hand at eight pm on a Thursday. Ive got the weekend off because my best work friend is getting married in two days and I'm lucky enough to be included in the festivities. Hooray.

Just as I'm about to shove another spoonful of half melted ice cream in my face, my phone starts to ring on the couch next to me.

"Hello?" I answer with my mouth half full of mint chip while I put it on speaker phone.

"I need your help! Which color screams rehearsal dinner to you? Red or white?!" My friend Myra speaks into the phone.

"For..what exactly?"

"For my dress! I'm meeting half of Daniel's family tomorrow night for the first time and I'm freaking out here, Jo!"

"Isn't the bride supposed to wear white? Like for everything?" I ask unenthusiastically as my eyes never leave the tv screen ahead. I've seen this episode over a dozen times. But something about Olivia Benson drop kicking a guy in the nuts to bring him down really does it for me.

"But that's just it! Our wedding colors are red and gold. So I'm kind of leaning towards the red one.." she speaks frantically in the phone.

"Okay? So wear the red one?"

"But like you said, I'm the bride and I should probably wear white! Oh my god, Jo." She groans.

"Flip a coin," I say nonchalantly as I dig in for another spoon full.

"Flip a coin?! This is going to be like.. the second most important day of my life Josephine. I'm not flipping a coin like I'm trying to decide between burgers or hot dogs," she says more annoyed now which only makes me smile.

"Okay, fine. Wear the white one. Keep the tradition going. You know you'll probably have an excuse to wear the other one at some point."

"Fine," she huffs. "And I'm fully counting on you being on time tomorrow night. Reservation's for 7:30. Sharp."

"I'm always on time," I smirk, only to rile her up more.

"Ha! You were over twenty minutes late to my bridal shower, Jo. Seven thirty. I mean it."

"Okay, okay. I will see you then," I sigh as I take the last drink of my wine.

"See you then!"

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