Forty four

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Hero's looking at me like I'm a slice of dessert. And I love it.

After my mini freak out in the bathroom earlier and the words of wisdom.. if you dare you call them that.. from my near and dear friend back home, I decided to just go for it. And let me tell you; playing hard to get is sort of fun.

Okay. So I may have played up the whole 'can you help me rub my sunscreen in? My back is oh so hard to reach' bit. Complete with an eyelash bat and all. But that shit worked. Phase one: complete.

I do admit. I love this bathing suit and feel like a goddess in the white material. It's doing wonders for my assets. Hero's got good taste.

But as much as I want him to scoop me up, throw me into bed and lock the doors and windows for the next 48 hours, I can't help myself from wanting to make the most of this trip. After all, if all I wanted to do was spend my weekend off rolling around in the sheets with him, we could have found a hell of a lot cheaper way to do so. Like not leaving the city at all.

However, the water's calling, the sun like a warm kiss on my not so tan skin. And I'm welcoming it with open arms.

"You coming?" I yell over my shoulder, glancing back at where I left Hero behind. The sand is like velvet under my feet, not too hot, and almost perfect. I turn to face him again, still walking backwards towards the shore, and watch as he stands from the chair, rearranging himself far more noticeable than need be, and takes long strides to keep up.

I may sound like a broken record, but seriously, how did I score a man this fine? It's been only a few months since we made this thing between us official but I feel like nearly no time has passed at all. If you would have told me that I would find the man who sweeps me off my feet every time he even looks my way, all while I was burying my face in a bucket of Ben and Jerry's and shedding tears over that piece of shit Marvin way back when, I would have completely brushed you off. But here we are, here he is. Here.. with me.

"You're sure taking your sweet time," I call out, admiring the way his abs ripple with every long step he takes. He's gaining on me now and I'm trying my best to navigate backwards towards the waves coming in. "You aren't scared of a little water, are you?"

I can make out a dimple on his face at the way that I tease him. "Not a chance," he yells and his voice carries through the air.

"I think you're scared of the water!" I laugh, stepping back once more and feeling the water beneath my feet. "My big, strong man doesn't like the ocean. I can see it in your eyes."

Suddenly, Hero starts running towards me, causing me to squeal and lose my footing, almost falling as I try to turn around. Before I can, he's picking me up in his arms, his hands gripping my ass, my natural instinct for my legs to wrap around his waist. His pace never slows as he barrels into the water, splashing both of us with each step he takes.

As if on cue, a wave crashes against my back, drenching me and causing me to scream, the coldness of it in contrast to the warm ness of my skin making me gasp for breath.

"You shouldn't have said that," Hero growls playfully as he submerges both of us into the water, I still sling to his neck as we go under completely.

After a second, we both come up for air, blowing out water through parted lips, the saltiness of it like a shock to the system.

"Did you just tackle me?!" I gasp in mock accusation. Swiping water from my eyes before I open them.

We both laugh, Hero taking further steps to lead us from shore. All the while, still clinging to one another. Before I know it, the water is nearly at our chests, still cold but our bodies warm pressed against each other's.

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