Fifty six

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"Babe! Have you seen my wallet lying around?!" Hero shouts from the kitchen as I finish curling my hair. We're meeting Dan and Myra for dinner tonight. Their idea. I think I know why.

"I think you left it on the bedside table!" I yell out through the cloud of hairspray. Coughing as it enters my lungs.

Yesterday was the most perfect day off. Unexpected, but much needed. Thanks to my always doting boyfriend. And my best friend who I'll be indebted to for covering my ass on such short notice.

Today was Friday and I was back at work. Today was the day that Marvin was apparently starting at the hospital and I never saw him. Thank Jesus for small miracles. Myra and I caught up on the gossip of course during our lunch break and somehow devised a plan to have a double date tonight. I still haven't confirmed if she's pregnant or not since her little slip up on the phone back in Florida. She's never mentioned it again. But I have a feeling that tonight will be the unveiling.

It's just after seven when we make it to the restaurant. A popular upscale place on the west side of the city. The air is crisp tonight and the stars are out lighting up the sky. It's actually enjoyable as we walk down the street from where our driver dropped us off.

"Have you ever been here?" Hero asks as he holds onto my hand tightly as we bob and weave through the masses who are out on the town as well.

"God no," I shake my head. "One meal takes an entire paycheck. I've only ever heard about it," I laugh as he holds the door open for me and I step inside.

Sweet Jesus, this place is nice.

"Hello. Welcome to the Blackstone. Can I get your reservation name?" The tall, slender hostess greets us. Her eyes widen as Hero steps inside behind me before a giddy smile appears on her face. It takes everything in me to not roll my eyes and play the part of the jealous girlfriend. Something I've never really felt before. But with Hero, all bets are off.

"Hi," I give her a fake smile that I hope says otherwise. "Table under Matthews."

"Alright. Right this way!" We follow her as she leads us through the restaurant, into a dimly lit back corner round table with Dan and Myra already there. I can't help but smile as Hero helps me out of my pea coat and drapes it over the back of my chair before pulling it out and waiting for me to sit down. Swoon.

"You made it!" Myra squeals and Dan shakes Hero's hand from across the table. Slapping him on the shoulder before they both sit down as well. I scan the table quickly and take note that they already have drinks. Well.. Dan's seemed to have ordered a glass of whisky that is partially drank and in front of Myra sits a flute of what looks like sparkling water. Oh yeah.. my best friend is most definitely pregnant.

"My man! So good to see you again!" Dan says joyously as we leans back in his chair. "How's work going?"

"It's good," Hero bobs his head and begins to study the drink menu with a smile. Looking handsome as ever in his suit jacket and slacks. His hair slicked back from his forehead and his jawline protruding in the dim light surrounding us. He's mouth watering handsome. I take a moment to just watch him as he speaks. "I can't believe I found a job so fast but honestly, I can't say I hate working from home. It's awesome." He grins and our eyes meet before he winks at me and my cheeks blush on short notice.

I love that him and Dan were friends before him and I ever met. Makes me feel a little less guilty about him deciding to move here. Makes me feel like us four hanging out doesn't have to be forced.

"You're damn good at what you do, man. Damn good. Too bad you're not a doctor. I could have hooked you up easy," Dan says and they both laugh. Meanwhile Myra and I begin our own side conversation.

This place is packed. I mean, wall to freaking wall. The food coming out around us has my mouth watering just looking at it. It takes me forever to decide what exactly to order.

Conversation flows easily between the four of us. I haven't laughed this hard in forever with anyone except Hero during an outing like this. Him and Dan could tell drunken stories about one another back in their college days I swear for three weeks straight. Before we know it, we've been here for almost two hours. The boys have drank more whisky than probably intended and me with my red wine. Every time our waiter comes to top us off, I sneak a glance at Myra who acts like she doesn't hear them. Only making my suspicion run higher and chuckle under my breath.

"Oh, God. HT, do you remember on your nineteenth birthday when we went to that strip club. Shit, what was it called?" Dan snaps his fingers as he tries to think of the name and Myra and I share a smile and pretend to act appalled.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Hero shrugs like he's innocent, which only drives Dan on more.

"Yes you fucking do. Ah.. oh! That place that was like underneath that club. We bought you that dance.."

"Doesn't ring a bell," Hero grins over his glass as I punch him in the arm playfully. His smirk definitely gives him away.

"I'm beginning to think you were the one who was a bad influence on Hero, babe. Not the other way around," Myra jokes and causes the table to laugh.

"Me?!" Dan cries. Throwing his hands up.

"Yes! You. You take a poor, naive nineteen year old to an underground strip club and toss him to the wolves?!" Myra dramatically says and the guys start howling with laughter.

"Myra. That's exactly what happened. I begged them not to go. They practically forced me," Hero feigns like he's shocked, stroking the back of my neck with his fingertips and I revel in his touch. Loving that we came out tonight and it's going so well. Just loving him in general.

"Oh for fucks sake," Dan groans and leans back in his chair and drains the rest of his drink. Pointing his finger at Hero as they continue to laugh.

"I think that's enough of that," Myra pats his arm, motioning to his empty glass and I fight to hold my tongue.

"One more whisky, babe. We haven't seen each other in forever," Dan pleads like a child and Hero and I share a laugh.

"One more," Myra calls out and rolls her eyes but I see the smile in them. She really doesn't care if they stay or go.

"My," I draw the attention of the table. "I can't help but notice you aren't drinking. Are you driving us all home?" I give her a smirk and she shoots me a look that says "I wanna kill you but I love you too much". Just like that, the table quiets down.

"Baby.. I told you we should have ordered you a glass of wine and I would have just drank it. She's onto us. Shit, they both are," Dan drawls as he watches Hero and I share a grin. I freaking knew it.

"On to what?" Hero asks casually. Helping us stay innocent.

A few glances pass between the married couple before us and with the nod of her head, Myra gives the 'ok'.

"I guess there's really no other way to say this, but the real reason we asked you guys out tonight was because we have some news," Dan says and I sit up a little higher in my chair. Giving them my full attention. "We're pregnant."

A squeal I didn't even know I was holding in breaks free and I find myself reaching across the table to take Myra's hand into my own. Her eyes glistening with what looks to be like tears as she beams at me.

"Congratulations!" Hero says with a smile and clinks his glass with Dan. Happiness evident in the air. My best friend is going to have a baby. I'm going to in a round a bout way be an aunt. I'm seriously so excited for them.

Just as fast as our excitement ignites, I feel the hair on the back of my neck rise when I sense someone's behind me. Everyone's eyes travel to whomever that might be as I watch.

"Hey, guys!" A man's voice travels down to the four of us. I see Hero's face harden with it as well. "Didn't expect to see you here."


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