Thirty four

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Myra and I worked the day shift together today, giving us this evening to indulge in a little girl time. Dan is away at a conference in Boston and Hero is still in London until tomorrow night. Giving Myra, Isla and I the chance to get together. It's been way too long.

I take a cab from my apartment down to one of our favorite hang outs. A little dive bar by the name of the Neon Clover. It's not much, but we found this place back in college and they have live music and cheap drinks. Plus, it's not as packed as some of the newer places in the area.

It's around eight when I finally step inside. The sound of the set playing heard outside on the street as the bouncer checks I.Ds. The glow of neon lights around the bar gives light to patrons sipping their drinks and bobbing their heads to the acoustic duo on the small stage in the corner of the bar. I spot a small round table against one of the walls and snag it before it's gone. Peeling my navy blue jacket from my body and draping it over the back.

I check my phone for the first time since I left home and see a Snapchat from Hero. Because of the time difference, it's almost midnight there. The picture shows what I've come to know as his bedroom in the apartment he's shared with two other guys, clothes strung from one end of the room to the other and a large suitcase open on the bed. "I really hate packing" is the caption and I smile to myself and flip my phone around to snap a selfie to send back.

The thing I love about this place is there's absolutely no dress code. I don't think I've ever seen anyone in a suit or business attire before. The crowd is usually younger people in casual dress. After being on my feet all day at work, I'm glad Myra suggested we come here and just relax.

I've opted for skinny jeans, black booties with the smallest heel I could find in my closet and an off the shoulder chunky sweater because it's so cold out. My hair is down and pinned to one side, leaving one of my shoulders bare, and I position the camera on my phone to my desired angle and snap a quick pic to send off to Hero as my response.

No sooner do I hit 'send', I feel Myra place her hand on my shoulder and give it a squeeze.

"Hi!!" She says over the music playing. Her long brown hair draped over her shoulders, a huge smile plastered on her face. "Traffic was a disaster. I hope you haven't been here too long."

"Just got here," I say just as the waitress comes to take our drink order.

"I will have a margarita. On the rocks. No salt please."

"Make that two," I say loud enough so she can hear me.

"Did I mention I absolutely hate winter time?" Myra pouts as she removes her own jacket and sits down next to me. Her eyes darting around the bar as people laugh and talk around us.

Just as I'm about to respond, I see my phone light up on the table with a text from Hero. Butterflies invading my stomach at the sight of his name.

Taking my attention away from Myra talking next to me, I open the text and blush at what he's sent.

Hero: you look good enough to eat 😍

I bite my lip and make quick work of my thumbs over the keyboard, typing out a response.

Me: at least I look better than I feel then 😂 having drinks with the girls even though I would much rather be cuddled up in bed

I send it off and turn to face Myra just as the waitress sets our drinks down in front of us. The taste of lime and tequila burns slightly as I take my first drink, but I welcome it and soon receive another text.

Hero: when I get back tomorrow, don't plan on leaving said bed for a solid 24 hours. In fact, just request the next week off so I can make up for lost time

I giggle to myself quietly and watch as the bubbles appear before I get another message.

Hero: for real though.. I fucking miss you baby. And I can't wait to see you tomorrow

Me: I miss you too

"What's got you all giggly?" Myra nudges my shoulder as the crowd begins to clap and whistle for the song that just finished. The air buzzing with what's to come next.

"Nothing," I say nonchalantly and sip again from my drink.

Moments pass as I look around the bar.. at anywhere other than my best friend but I can feel her eyes on the side of my face.

"You're such a bad liar.." she smirks and turns her attention away for the time being.

"So when does Dan get back?" I ask, attempting to divert the subject away from myself. She has a way of never letting anything go.

"Tomorrow afternoon. He wanted to skip out early but he needs the credits for some reason at the hospital. He acts like sitting through another lecture will kill him or something," she laughs and we exchange smiles.

The band starts another song, this one upbeat and light and the effects of my drink have started to set in.

"I'm gonna run to the restroom. Watch my drink!" I yell into her ear and make my way to where the bathrooms are located. I have to push my way through the crowd, seeing as how I'm much shorter than your average person, and eventually find what I'm looking for.

Once finished, I do the same thing to head back to the table. Dodging random onlookers as I try to stay as inconspicuous as possible.

Myra has already finished her drink and I see the waitress leaving our table to get another round. It's only when I sit down that I notice her side eying me and trying not to smile.

"What?!" I say over the music drowning the air around us. Settling into my seat once again.

She doesn't respond. Instead, I see that my phone is in a different spot than where I left it. Closer to where Myra is at.

With furrowed brows, I drag it towards me and light up the screen. A text from Hero is front and center even though it's still locked.

Hero: I can't wait to try out our new toy tomorrow. I'm hard just thinking about it

My face instantly heats. My palms sweaty and my stomach feels like it's dropped to the floor. I clear my throat and tuck my phone back into my coat pocket before grabbing ahold of my straw and taking a much needed swig.

I continue to bob my head to the music, trying to avoid Myra's eyes from beside me. I knew I should have taken my phone with me to the restroom. One sip of alcohol and I'm careless I suppose.

"Don't look at me like that," I say, still avoiding eye contact.

"Like what?" She leans in and sways to the music herself. Both of us loosening up as the minutes pass.

I level her with a glare but can't help myself from smiling. She does the same.

"You two seem to be getting along rather well.." she giggles and I run my hands down my face. It's suddenly hot in here and my skin is hot.

"More than well," I cock my head and situate my shirt. "He's moving here."

"What?!" Myra squeals and throws her arms around me. Her hair nearly making its way into my mouth as she presses me close.

"When?! How?!"

"He had to go back to London to get some things in order. He's coming back tomorrow."

Myra squeals again and rubs her hand up and down along my arm. Her eyes softening and making me nervous all the same. It's her job to support me. We've been best friends for years. I just hope she really thinks this is a good idea.

"I'm so happy for you," she leans in close and I smile before pulling away. She takes my hand and we sway in our seats to the song that's close to ending.

Once they're finished, the duet on stage tells the crowd they are taking five and descend from the raised area to find something to drink. Myra and I continue to sip our own and glance around at the people surrounding us.

"I do have one question.." she throws her hair back over her shoulder, her lips turning up in a devilish grin. "And don't think you're getting out of explaining that text to me."

How did I know that was coming..?

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