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I'm not sure why I was surprised by the fact it took only approximately sixty seconds for me to be woken up thanks to smelling salts. After all, I passed out in the one place anyone wants to be in the case of an emergency; a hospital. However, when my eyes flutter open and I feel life return to my extremities, I am once again reminded that I hadn't been having a nightmare while sleeping which included being in the same proximity with my ex boyfriend turned new coworker. It was definitely real life.

"There she is," I hear someone coo from beside my head. Cool fingers placed on my cheek as I struggle to regain my sense of being once again.

One thing I will say, I work with an exceptional group of people. No matter what, I'd be in good hands.

In slow motion, I wait for my eyes to focus. The lights hanging overhead blinding as I finally regain my vision. The first thing I notice is that Im no longer lying on cold tile. Instead, something much more comfortable which I eventually realize is the small couch we have in our break room here in the hospital. Meant for taking a load off to get off your feet even if just for a minute or two.

"Josephine? Honey? You with us?" The same female voice asks from above me. Which I realize belongs to the woman who is still cupping my cheek.

"What—?" I begin to sit up, my head zinging with discomfort the more I move around. It feels like a ton of bricks. I had more than likely toppled like one.

"You fainted, sweetheart. Do you know where you are?"

"Work.." I say quietly, embarrassment creeping into me the longer this plays out. Even though I am most likely not the first person to ever faint while at work, it doesn't make it any less humiliating. Especially when I'm counted on to be the caregiver. Not the other way around.

"I need to check her for a concussion. She hit the ground pretty hard," a male voice cuts the awkward silence, making my eyes shift to the silhouette of a man striding towards me from the opposite side of the room. I know that voice. It belongs to the person I personally hold responsible for this whole cluster fuck of events.

"Hey," Marvin beams as he crouches down in front of me. Running a hand down my shoulder, almost causing me to jolt back in disbelief. He hasn't touched me in so long, the very action feels foreign. He must see the clear distain in my face, because he quickly removes his hand and clears his throat.

"Have you had anything to eat today?" He casually asks as he peers around my face. His blue eyes mapping its entirety which makes me want to cover it with my hands but I refrain.

"Yes." I reply. Unsure of how to handle the situation at hand. I had eaten breakfast, only a bagel and a couple of apple slices while trying to get out the door this morning, but that was seven a.m. and it is now after one.

"And would you say you've been drinking enough water?" Marvin continues, all while clicking on a small shining light and shining it in one eye and then the other after the same nurse, Jasmine I think was her name, handed it to him from her pocket.

"I guess.." I can't bring myself to look him in the eye as he runs his tests. His face is so close and I can smell his cologne. One that he's used for probably the last decade. Tried and true.

"Do you know what day it is?" He asks, clicking the light off and remaining crouching. No longer touching me. Thank god.

"Monday." I at least know that. I had spent all weekend out of town, away from work and anything resembling normalcy with Hero and now wished more than anything I could turn back time right about now. For more reasons than one.

"Good news is, I don't think you're at risk for a concussion. Bad news is, you've got a welt that'll more than likely turn into a pretty gnarly bruise on your temple. But things could have been a lot worse." At that moment, I want to give Doctor O'Reilly a matching goose egg and something a hell of a lot worse. It has been so long since I'd witnessed him in a professional setting. Mostly, when we went out to fancy dinners after he graduated med school and him and his peers threw around medical jargon like it was equal to the weather. I don't want him doting on me. Doctor or not. And most of all, I don't need it.

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