Ninety Three

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I don't even have to open my eyes to notice the resounding thump, thump, thumping coming from behind my eyes. My body feels like it's made of lead. My mouth is cotton. I let a groan slip out as I turn from where I'm lying and immediately hit the floor. Fuck.

As I'm trying to will the pain from my ass that hit the floor from my fall off the couch to disappear, the thumping comes back louder. Only this time, on the door.

Pulling myself up from my knees, I hobble over to the front door of my apartment. Pushing my mess of a hair-do out of my eyes. I have no clue what time it is. Or what day it is if I'm being honest. And I sure as hell don't know who's on the other side of that door.

I feel like I barely unlock the door before I'm being bum rushed by a blur of dark hair and hot pink. It takes me a second to realize my walking nightmare is that of Myra beelining it into my space.

"Morning sunshine!" She sings as she makes her way to the kitchen, leaving me to close the door behind her. The sunlight streaming through my apartment is enough to almost make me want to die. What in the hell is she even doing here?

"Hi," I grumble and shuffle my way to her. Noticing how she's bundled up like she just walked here in the cold. Unlikely. But her neon puffer jacket, black leggings and matching fuzzy ear muffs make her look nice and warm.

"I'd say I'm jealous of your ability to drink alcohol, because.." she motions towards her stomach, the slightest baby bump protruding to remind everyone she is in fact pregnant. "But I sure as hell don't envy how you must be feeling today."

She's not wrong. I feel like shit. Worse than shit. Like something you'd find stuck to a tire that just went driving through said shit. Even the aroma of her coffee she's got in hand is making me nauseous. I don't envy it either.

"Why are you here?" I groan as I open a cabinet. Taking out a glass and filling it with water from the sink.

"I figured your desperate need for me to come over last night also extended to this morning. I got here as soon as I could."


A smirk forms on her lips and she takes a long drink before answering me. "You called me at 2:49 this morning. Begging me to come over. I could barely make out what you were even saying.. but I got the gist. So what's up?"

"Oh, God," I groan and cover my face. Embarrassment in full swing "I'm so sorry."

"Don't be. Dan and I got a laugh out of it when we woke up this morning." She says with a laugh and I finally look her in the eye.

We stand there opposite of each other. Her looking like she's about to go to some yoga class meant for hot moms on the upper east side. Me.. well, I look and feel like a dumpster. Not at all put together at the moment. In more ways than one.

"Fine," she sighs as she sets her coffee and down and pulls the bar stool away from the island. Sitting down and crossing her arms. "Let's start with this; how was the London trip. I've been dying to know."

Right. London. Where I was less than 48 hours ago. When life wasn't complete shit and I had a grip on myself.

"It was good.."

Myra raises a brow my way and I roll my eyes as I lean against the counter. "It was amazing, okay?" I huff and lower my eyes to my bare feet which I just now notice are freezing on the bare floor.

"Did he take you around the city? Show you everything?"

I smile as I think back to our time there. How in love with London I was once I stepped off the plane. Like the air was lighter there and I didn't have to think about timelines or responsibility. Just went with the flow and loved watching Hero in his element.

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