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What the hell just happened?

One minute I'm in bed with the most attractive girl I've ever seen, and the next, she's flying out the door, accusing me of cheating on someone back home.

I can't possibly be dreaming, because the slight pounding in my head is an indicator that I'm very much awake. God damn alcohol getting its revenge.

And what's this about Emma? She misses me? How the bloody hell would Josephine know that?

Reluctantly, I make my way to my phone on the tv stand and begin to scroll through the stream of texts that await me from both last night and this morning. All from Emma. The sheer thought of how this looks In Josephine's eyes is enough to make me clench my teeth. I break up with the girl a week ago, haven't talked to her since, and now she decides she misses me? What about when she was being railed by my friend? She didn't seem to miss me then.

As much as I want to take all this frustration out on Emma and give her a piece of my mind, I decide she's not worth even replying to. She fucked me over good, that one, and I won't be responding any time soon. Instead, I'm desperate to go into damage control mode and hopefully catch Josephine before she leaves the hotel.

I don't even bother throwing on shoes, and only toss on a plain white shirt that's hanging haphazardly from my travel bag. I do however remember to grab my room key and proceed on flying out the door. She only left a minute ago. Chances of her waiting in the lobby for a cab or something might be high.

I can't help but feel jittery as I wait for the elevator to stop on my floor. I guess waking up to hurricane Josephine will do that to a guy.

Jesus, I can't believe this. Last night was.. fucking incredible and now here we are. I can't remember a time since college that I went that many rounds in one night. It was like I couldn't get enough of her. And like she couldn't get enough of me.

I'm relieved when I see that the elevator's empty and quickly press the button for the main floor. The descend is taking longer than I'd like it to, but eventually, I reach my destination. I couldn't give a damn about how I look right now. My hair is a mess from her fingers running through it all night and I'm barefoot in public. As I scan the lobby, I get more than enough odd looks but I'm desperate to see her here.

I'm met with men and women waltzing through the fancy space, pulling suitcases behind them and dressed to the nines. I see a group of teenagers all huddled together on one of the small couches, laughing at something they're watching on a phone. But I don't see her.

"Excuse me," I say as I approach the check in desk. The man behind it looks to be about thirty-five and is dressed head to toe in a navy blue suit.

"How can I help you?" Despite his faint smile, I can't help but notice him give me the once-over as well.

"Did you happen to see a small, petite blonde in a red dress walk by here a minute ago?" I'm fully aware that I sound like a stalker. I can't find it in me to care.

"I've seen lots of people here this morning, Sir. Is she a guest of the hotels?" He asks as he begins typing on his computer.

A guest? No. Just the girl who rocked my entire world in less than 48 hours of meeting her. The girl who I fucked for hours last night, I'd be surprised if you didn't hear us from down here.

"No," I shake my head, a sudden wave of defeat coming over me. "Thanks."

I run my hand through my hair as I trudge back towards the elevator to head up to my room. The tile floor cold beneath my feet. Chances are she's probably hopped in the first cab she saw and is nearly home by now. Away from her disgusted idea of me.

In the midst of discovering every inch of her body, both inside and out last night, it never dawned on me to ask for her number. Not only that; I don't even fucking know her last name. I didn't expect her to high tail it out of the room in two seconds flat. If anything, I wanted.. or rather hoped.. that the events of last night would continue on through this morning.

Perfect. Just perfect.

All I need is a chance to explain the situation. That, and at least maybe kiss her goodbye. The reality of leaving New York and traveling home in a few short hours on this note is making my stomach turn and I hate the thought of her being so upset.

I told her I wasn't that type of guy. The type to cheat on a girlfriend back home. She looked at me like I was incapable of telling the truth, thanks to the text messages she saw. I could get ahold of Dan and beg him for her information, but he's on the way to Mexico right now with the woman of his dreams. I doubt he'd even answer to be honest.

What a fucking mess.

This is why I don't do one night stands. Because contrary to popular belief; feelings do get involved. I'm feeling like I'd sell my soul just to see her again, meanwhile she's probably feeling like I'm the scum of the earth. Like the distance between New York and London isn't far enough away.

Like it or not, Josephine will get the explanation she deserves. I just have to wait a week while Dan is off having his fun.

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