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As Myra and I make our way back through the party, I'm silently praying that she won't slip up and mention anything about Hero and I. It's bad enough I had to tell my best friend about our awkward history and then answer most of her questions I knew I couldn't avoid, and the last thing I want is for my one night stand with London's finest to be public knowledge tonight with everyone else.

It's 11:40 at the moment, and the party is in full swing. Loud, upbeat music fills the air and conversation is flowing in every square inch of the place. With my hand in hers, Myra leads us back to where we left the rest of the group and it's easy to spot Hero as he nearly towers over everyone around him. Dan and him look to be in deep conversation but both of them turn to look our way as we break through the crowd.

"There you are," Dan smiles as he pulls Myra by the waist closer to him before he gives her a peck on the cheek.

"Miss me?" She asks, which in turn earns her a kiss on the lips that screams 'get a room' to anyone nearby. Glad to know the honeymoon phase hasn't worn off; who knows if it ever will.

As hard as I try, I can't keep myself from glancing in Hero's direction, only to find him looking at me. He's watching me and I can't for the life of me even begin to figure out what's going through his mind. In an attempt to give myself some breathing room, I decide to grab a drink before midnight strikes.

"I'm going to grab a drink!" I yell over the loudness. "Be right back."

"I'll come with you," Hero speaks up as he takes a step towards me, which earns me a smirk from Myra out of the corner of my eye. If looks could talk, she'd be yelling at the top of her lungs how good of an idea it is.

So much for a breather. Hero's directly behind me, nearly on my heels and he even puts his hand on the small of my back as we push our way through the crowd. As much as I tried to forget the night between us, it's apparent that my body has not. Even the slightest touch of his hand is sending a chill up my spine and I'm thankful it's dark enough in here that he can't see me blush.

"You really didn't have to come with me," I say as I turn my head back to him as we approach the bar.

"Maybe I was thirsty," he chirps as he leans against the bar to my left. "So what'll it be? Red wine?" He smirks down at me and I roll my eyes.

I've been drinking red wine all night. It's my go-to most of the time and all I drank the night Hero and I hooked up. Deciding not to be predictable, I find it within myself to change it up.

"Nope," I say casually. "I'm thinking rum and coke," I say as I try to hide a smile. If I'm being honest, I can't remember the last time I drank rum, but Hero doesn't need to know that. Instead, I give my order to the bartender who looks like she's being pulled in twelve different directions all the while taking the time to give Hero the once over. As soon as he starts speaking to her, her eyes widen and she looks to be hooked on every word. It's as if she's suddenly not in a rush and has all the time in the world to stand there and watch him speak.

As soon as she's turned her back to start making our drinks, I can't stop myself from saying something. "Looks like you've got a fan," I say with a smirk.

"What do you mean?"

"The bartender," I motion to her. "You seem to have caught her eye."

"Oh yeah?" He asks with a raised eyebrow. "You mean she doesn't look at all her customers that way?" I can't help but notice the playful tone in which he speaks. He knows she was checking him out; he just doesn't seem to care.

"As a woman, I'm telling you she doesn't look at all her customers that way," I say as I lean against the bar.

Within a minute, our drinks arrive and Hero insists on paying. Even though having free drinks was part of the deal I made with Myra in order to come here tonight, there's no way I'm letting Hero do so. For one; I can pay for my own drinks thank you very much. And two; I'm still shell shocked that he's even here in the first place.

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