Seventy seven

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We've been in London for two days and I'm already in love. The sights, the sounds, even the air is different. I know this is hands down an experience I'll always be glad for. Even if I was over the top nervous before.

Watching Hero and his friends this afternoon was so fun and light hearted. I could tell it was exactly what he needed. And it was nice to see him in his element, away from the confines of our apartment, doing what he loves to do.

When we returned back to the manor, it was empty. Hero had mentioned that his mom had meetings all day, one of which was at a new hotel she's in charge of decorating. I will say, work ethic doesn't seem like a quality that's taken lightly in this family. Everyone going and going all the time.

"I'm going to shower really quick," Hero says as we reach the last stair up to our room. I don't miss the wince he tries to hold back as he climbs higher and higher. Even though he's built like a god, he mentioned he was a little out of shape when we got back in the car earlier.

Once in the room, Hero goes strait for the attached bathroom. I hear the water turn on instantly once he steps inside. I, myself, kick my sneakers off and drape my jacket over the chair in the corner of the room and throw myself onto the bed, arms spread out, my hair fanned around me, and let out a sigh of pure relaxation.

I haven't spoken to anyone back in New York except to text Myra when he landed that I had been whisked away on a spur of the moment trip. Her response of course was wanting to know every little detail and swooned over the fact that Hero had planned and carried out all of this. Stating that it was in fact 'the gift of the century' since we'd left on Valentine's Day.

Tonight, we would go out with all of his friends and apparently some of them had girlfriends which I was secretly excited about. Everyone I had met so far was so nice is was ridiculous, so I had a feeling me and the girls would get along well. Hero had basically promised as much.

Since I hadn't had the opportunity to pack my own bag before our trip, I had no idea if I even had anything club worthy to wear. With that thought, I climbed down from the bed and made my way over to the duffel bag that housed all of my things placed neatly in the corner.

Bringing it over to the bed, I set it down and unzipped it, pulling out articles of clothing, most of which still with the tags on them. Hero had basically spoiled me with a new wardrobe in addition to the already-surprise of coming here. His idea of what he thought I'd like far exceeded any expectations.

Towards the middle of the pile, I pulled out what almost looked like lingerie. A small satin-esque mini dress in emerald green. The fabric like silk in my fingers. I held up the dress in front of me by the straps, in awe of how beautiful it was. The tag hanging on the side showing that it was from a boutique in America, but no price to be found.

Careful not to wrinkle the dress, I laid it beside my bag onto the bed, running a hand down the front of it once more to appreciate the feel. This was what I would wear tonight, it was perfect for going out and like it or not, would make one hell of an impression.

I hadn't even noticed the water turn off in the other room. Startled, I felt Hero's presence behind me and felt his warm breath on the back of my neck, smelling his clean and fresh scent from his shower seconds ago.

"You like that one?" His voice was soft. Making a chill run up my spine.

"Yeah," I nodded, gasping a little when his hand ran along the side of my waist and settled on my hip. His semi-hard erection hitting my back as he took a step closer, crowding me in nothing but a towel around his waist.

"I've never seen you in this color before, but something tells me I'll be dying to take it off you later tonight."

His words and the way they're delivered has my stomach clenching with undying need. I've had enough of this man to last me a lifetime, even just in the last 48 hours, but I can't help the way my entire being needs him when he's near. Not only that, but ever since I saw him after he played soccer this afternoon, the heat at my very core has been lit, just begging to be stoked.

"You didn't have to buy me all of this," I say in a quiet voice as I turn around so I can face him. Having to dip my head back to take him all in.

Now face to face, Hero's other hand grips the other side of my waist. My eyes at the same height as his bare chest. "You're right, I didn't have to," he says in a low voice. His tongue poking out to run over his bottom lip as his eyes stay glued to mine. "But I wanted to. And so help me, I'd spend every last penny I ever see on you because of it."

I've never had someone go out of their way to spoil me the way he does. At first, I was a little hesitant to accept such nice things. But as time has gone on, and I realize there's no stopping him, I see that it's his way of taking care of me. His love language in a way. That the act of giving for him is almost more fun than I have receiving at this point.

"Thank you," I say as I lean forward and gently kiss between his peck muscles. Pulling back to see the adoration in his eyes.

"Why don't you go get ready and we go out to dinner before meeting up with everyone?"

"Okay," I smile up at him and begin stepping away. Brushing past the hardness of his body to begin leaving the room. Feeling like a kid on Christmas, I make my way towards the en suite, excited for what tonight may bring.

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